Super Study God

Chapter 1108: God tree blossoms, goodbye is expected!

Su Hang shook his head and smiled bitterly, "It wakes you up, I just want you to help it stop the couple from taking away its things, but you have done nothing, I'm afraid you are angry!" "

This is so special, there are rare things every year, and this year I have met so many.

Hongyun didn't speak.

"However, I am curious, what did the couple take away?" Su Hang asked.

Hongyun said, "Maybe it is the lifeblood of the big tree, but it is too late to say anything now."

Su Hang looked around in the house and asked intentionally or unintentionally, "What are you doing with so many people? What about those who are caught by you?"

This is what Su Hang wanted to know. The woman had caught so many people and didn't know what it was for. She hurriedly asked her, in case of any taboo, if the woman suddenly turned her face, it would not be easy to clean up.

Therefore, Su Hang seemed unintentional, but when he asked this, he felt a little uneasy.

Red clouds floated to the window, as if looking out of the window, "Don't you think this world is too quiet?"

"What?" Su Hang froze for a moment, and asked something weird, "Can't you be lonely, so you want to add some popularity here?"

Special code, what is the reason? Su Hang felt speechless in an instant. You have to spend so much time catching people everywhere, and there are so many people just to catch it, just to add popularity here?

Hongyun didn't admit it or deny it. After being silent for a while, he turned around, "This is the first, and the second, I want to wake up the tree more!"

"Wake up the big tree?" Su Hang frowned lightly. Do you want to wake up the big tree, and want the big tree to solve your confusion? What does it have to do with catching so many people?

Hongyun seemed to know Su Hang's doubts and said, "There is a voice in Ming Ming telling me that as long as there are more people here, the big tree will wake up."


Su Hang stagnate, thoughts flashed in his mind, went to the window and looked down, his heart was sure!

"Do you know anything?" Hongyun asked, obviously looking at Su Hang's look.

Su Hang shook his head, "Listening to what you said, I think, I know what tree this is!"

"Hmm?" Red cloud floated in front of Su Hang, waiting for Su Hang to follow.

Although she stayed with this tree for a long time, she never knew what tree it was because she had no memory in her mind.

"Heavenly God Tree, Faith!" Su Hang slowly spit out a few words.

"Faith?" Hongyun's voice was puzzled.


Su Hang was very certain that when he saw the true appearance of this tree outside, he had doubts in his mind. This tree is a bit like Tianwang Ginkgo in appearance, but it is different, it is more than Tianwang Ginkgo. Larger and more ancient.

Therefore, Su Hang had doubts at that time, and now she heard Hongyun say that she had taken so many people in order to wake up the big tree, and as long as there were more people, the big tree would wake up. What logic is this?

With this logic, what Su Hang can think of is that there is only faith in the **** tree. When more people rise up, there is no less faith, and the **** tree of faith feeds on faith and can wake it up. I am afraid there is only faith.

In this way, the logic is clear. Hongyun catches people everywhere. Although it seems to have no purpose, in fact, the purpose is here, but she seems to have no memory of her own, and I don’t know.

"It seems that I really didn't find the wrong person. You are indeed extraordinary. Although I don't know what belief in the **** tree and what demon list, but you should be able to help me wake it up!" Hongyun's voice was a little excited.

Su Hang listened, but smiled bitterly, "I'm really sorry, I have no choice!"


This voice has increased by a few decibels, "I speak to you kindly, I just hope you can help me..."

"I'm helping you, but I really can't help it!" Su Hang was rather helpless. "What this tree needs is faith, and enough faith can infuse him."

"Then I will catch more people!" Hongyun jumped directly.

Su Hang's forehead sweated wildly, "Faith is not enough for many people, what is needed is faith, alas, how can I tell you?"

Su Hang didn't know what to say for a while, it was really a headache.

"In other words, is this room empty, is there no relics? Maybe, can there be anything to retrieve your past?" Su Hang quickly diverted the topic, don't this woman really run out and catch people everywhere, that's not great .

"There is a wooden sign on the head of the bed with words on it. I don't know who left it or whether it was left for me!" At this time, Hongyun said.


Su Hang paused and rolled over the head of the bed. Under the wooden pillow, there was a small wooden sign.

The wooden sign is square and rounded, with more rounded corners, more like a piece of accessory token hanging around the waist.

"What does this say?"

Su Hang picked up the wooden sign and looked at it. There were words on it. However, what embarrassed Su Hang was that she didn't know these words. It should be too ancient at first glance.

"God's tree blooms, goodbye for a while!" Hongyun said.

"God tree blossoms? Goodbye is expected?"

Su Hang chewed a bit, looked out of the window, and smiled, "The word here should be left by someone who is very important to you. When the **** tree blooms, you will meet!"

"You don't need to say this!" Hongyun fluttered, "I want to know, who is this person? When will the **** tree bloom?"

Su Hang thought for a while and said, "The **** tree he said should be this big tree. Although I don't know who this person is, but look outside, the **** tree is not blooming, so at least, you have to wait This person will not be me!"

When I said Su Hang's heart was a little comfortable, at least, the things he was most worried about did not happen.

This red cloud should not be the business debt he owed to Taikoo in the future. He was worried that there would be a second Ao Xue. Now he can rest assured.

If this woman is waiting for him, then, at this moment, the big tree outside should be blooming.

Hong Yun paused, "However, you always give me a sense of familiarity, we should have seen it!"

"Xu is an illusion, look at me, this year is only twenty-six or seven, how could I have seen you!" Su Hang said with a bitter smile.

Hongyun turned a circle, "There are countless strange things in the world. It is undesirable to judge the past and the future by the age alone."

"It's far away!" Su Hang waved his hands, and his eyes fell on the wooden sign again. The expression on his face slowly became a little puzzled, and it took a while to say, "Although I don't know these words, but, How do you feel this handwriting is familiar?"

"Do you know anyone who has left words?" Hongyun made a move to Suhang. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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