Super Study God

Chapter 1111: Mu clan exercises!

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Several monks of the Yu clan were first removed by Su Hang. He had already learned the skills of the Yu clan and he was also a master of the priests' magic skills. Then learning the Yu clan tactics, at most, was to improve his skills, not much for practice. Help! \\r

"Zerg, also remove it!"\\r

Then, the Zerg were also excluded. Like the Yu, he had practiced Zerg exercises. \\r

The rest, there are only three tribes, the naked tribe (wood tribe), the scale tribe (aquatic tribe), the Mao tribe (beast tribe), choose one of these three tribes. \\r

Su Hang hesitated a little, then removed the scales and orcs, and his eyes fell on the names of the wood clan. \\r

There were only a few people left, so there were fewer choices for Su Air. Su Air began to read the information of these people one by one. \\r

There were a total of four people. After the recapture of the Fifth Clan, Qilu, a Fifth Clan monk, soon prepared to enter the Wanquelin. The information was obtained at the Imperial Palace of the Taikoo City, and all of them had some status in the Wood Clan. \\r

The Mu tribe is actually a huge branch under the naked tribe. Over the years, the wooden tribe has overshadowed the sharp edges of other races, so the slowly naked tribe is called the wood tribe. \\r

Strictly speaking, all hairless, scaleless, featherless, and armor-free creatures should belong to the naked race. Even the human race was once classified as a naked race. Later, because humans dominated the universe, this was from the naked race. Separated separately and formed into a family to show the difference with the demon. \\r

There are no other special reasons why Su Hang chose the Mu clan at this time. There is only one reason. Compared with the three clan, the Mu clan is more mysterious. \\r

Su Hang is also more curious about the exercises of the Mu people. Zhixiu is a very different group of practitioners. \\r


Name: Jiang Daoli! \\r

Level: Level 9. \\r

Grade: 4th grade. \\r

Life Soul: The Earth Monster List is a cannibal, devours...……r

Ability to learn: Eight Araki Divine Secrets



Devour, this is great! \\r

After looking through it, the other three, an Ailanthus altissima, a Fire Dragon tree, and a sacred tree, are capable of all kinds of strange things. Only the ability of this ogre wood makes Su Hang fancy it. \\r

Needless to say, Ailanthus, the ability is scent, fire dragon wood, he is afraid of giving birth to a dragon fruit, the saint tree, he is even more afraid of bearing a bunch of saint fruit, so, this ogre tree! \\r

Jiang Daoli, good name, it's you! \\r

Su Hang did not hesitate, directly selected Jiang Daoli, and started to study with it. \\r



speechless. \\r

When Su Hang woke up from his cultivation state, he had no idea how many days had passed! \\r

Taking a deep breath and exhaling a sword, the body suddenly rose, and quickly converged, and the tumultuous clothes calmed down slowly. \\r

Opening his eyes, Su Hang extended his right hand, and his right arm quickly became trees. Five fingers turned into five tree vines, tangling toward the small kun who was entertaining himself outside the window. \\r

Xiao Kun is playing, there is no precaution at all, or maybe it doesn't feel any danger from Suhang at all, he never thought of avoiding it at all, thought Su Hang would play with it, and Su Hang was instantly The five tree vines made by fingers tied the five flowers and dragged them to the window. \\r

"Tweet, Tweet!" Xiao Kun yelled a few times, and looked at Suhang pitifully, as if Suhang was so uncomfortable with the tree and vines. \\r

Su Hang smiled, his thoughts moved, and Shuteng quickly put away, and soon took back Su Hang's hand, and changed into a finger again. \\r

"Tweet, Tweet!"\\r

Xiao Kun threw himself again, leaned on Su Hang's face, and kept on intimate, making Su Hang really speechless. If he knew it, he wouldn't provoke this little guy. It was a grin. \\r

After finally pushing the little guy away, Su Hang sensed his newly acquired ability and curled a smile at the corner of his mouth. \\r

This wood clan planting is really extraordinary. It can evolve such a powerful force using grass and trees. At that moment, if Xiao Kun did not resist, he could use the ability to directly **** the blood of Xiao Kun. \\r

The ability of this man-eating tree is to devour. His tree vines can grow countless horrible barbs. Once entangled, it is difficult to escape. He only needs one thought to kill the other’s flesh. , Skills forcefully sucked away, if you are lucky, you can even get a part of the memory of the other party. \\r

As long as the other party suffers, he can’t escape in time and can’t resist the suction force. In a moment and a half, there will only be a layer of skin sac wrapped around the bone. \\r

It can be said that this engulfing ability is not scary, but also evil, and it is nothing more than the ability to rob others. This thing is even looting of flesh and blood, which is outrageous. \\r

Su Hang also learned how horrible and evil this life soul is after learning. \\r

But I have learned all this, what can I do, let's talk about it, this ancient practice was born by the ancients. At that time, the demon lived in the sky, and the human existence was terrible. Exercises. \\r

Of course, this exercise is too **** and overbearing, and Su Hang believes that it still has restraint. \\r

"Shangxian, you woke up!"\\r

Haha was carrying a wooden basin with half a basin of hot water in it, and came in from the outside, apparently for the face wash brought by Su Hang. \\r

This little brother, quite right, Suhang is also welcome, took the basin and washed his face on the window sill! \\r

"Ha ha brother, are you used to here?" Su Hang asked while washing his face. \\r

Haha nodded, and nodded, the expression, that individual can see that the mouth is not right. \\r

"Blame me, you're in trouble!" Su Hang said apologetically to Haha. \\r

If it were not for yourself, where would haha ​​be caught? \\r

"Don't blame Shangxian!" Haha scratched her head. "If it wasn't for Shangxian, Xiao would also be taken here with everyone. And, these two days, Xiao also found his family here, otherwise, I'm afraid I want to live alone in that desert."\\r

"You really want to be open!" Su Hang smiled a He really appreciates the character of this guy. \\r

"You said, have you found your family?" Su Hang asked again. \\r

Haha nodded, "found, they are scattered in this space, the fairy fairy beast helped the young to search for a long time, and finally found it!"\\r

After hearing this, Su Hang felt more at ease. It seemed that although the red cloud was rough, it didn't hurt his life. \\r

This red cloud is really strange enough, because I feel that as long as there are many people, the big tree will wake up and catch people everywhere. This thing is really stupid. \\r

"Is your grandpa still alive?" Su Hang asked. \\r

"It's okay. Although Grandpa took a fright, but because he took the immortality medicine, his body became much tougher!" Haha said. \\r

Su Hang heard this, and wanted to laugh a little. Does a box of golden voice really infuse the old man? (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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