Super Study God

Chapter 1128: The weakest soul!

But in terms of the Xueshen system to measure, Yaodan Realm is only a fifth-level monk. Where can you go beyond a sixth-level monster baby realm monster?

Faced with such a grotesque harassment and threats, human beings have no way at all, and all they can do is compromise, and this compromise is beautified into sacrifice and confession by human beings.

This **** snake, like a pig, captives more than a dozen tribes nearby, following the path of sustainable development very seriously. At this time of year, every tribe nearby will give it a tribute.

Of course, the so-called tribute is very primitive and rude. In addition to prey and property, the black snake demon also requires each tribe to give it to children, boys and girls.

Humans hunt monsters and monsters, and monsters also like to hunt humans, because the beginning of humans was to add a kind of food to the monsters, but I didn’t expect that humans who have always only played the role of food will suddenly rise and want to do it. protagonist.

However, in this era, there are still very few strong men rising up. Humans really want to be the protagonist, and there is still a long way to go. After all, the avenue is a demon, and the director is toward the demon clan. It is already very good.

And the demon forces are mostly scattered and fighting incessantly, so they have contributed to the weak race of humans, from passers-by to passers-by, climbing to the supporting role.

But the supporting role is always the supporting role. When faced with the powerful demon clan, the human race still chooses to compromise to save their lives. Anyway, the racial reproduction continues, that is the most important.

However, what is compromised is often only worth the effort. The tribute was already two days ago, but the black snake demon was not greedy enough, and it turned around and let more than a dozen tribes nearby confess to one person each.

This evildoer's mouth is quite picky. The old fat ones don't eat, as long as the boys and girls.

In this regard, Su Hang knows a few reasons. At the beginning of the birth of everything, there will be a trace of innate yin and yang power to retain the body. With the quack landing, the innate evolution of the innate will soon be consumed.

There is only demon qi between heaven and earth, and human beings cannot cultivate, but therefore, this trace of innate qi will be held in the body and cannot be leaked, until there is a matter of men and women, it can be neutralized.

This point is completely different from that of the world that is full of heaven and earth.

The reason why the Snake Demon wanted to make virgins and virgins available to nearby tribes is for the innate yin and yang qi. For this low-level monster, this thing is very useful for their practice.

And that monster snake has reached the peak of the monster baby realm, and can immediately enter the realm of returning to the void. I want to come over these last few days to be a critical juncture, so I want to let the nearby tribes give up.

If these tribes refuse to make confessions, they will probably go down the mountain and wreak havoc.

This time the confession, the clan chose Yurong. If it wasn't for Su Hang to pass by, this little guy had already become a victim of the clan in exchange for peace. It should have been swallowed by the snake demon last night.

It can be said that this snake demon, who calls himself a mountain god, is a great scourge, a super scourge, in this neighborhood.

"Every year the confession is presided over by the patriarch. All the boys and girls in the family decide the candidates. This time, I couldn’t get my turn. It was the guy Yuxian who won the sacrifice offering..." Here, Yu Rong seemed very angry, almost could not talk about it.

Su Hang looked at him, "So why did they let you come?"

Among these twists and turns, depending on Yurong's complexion, Su Hang could already guess a seven or eight points.

Yurong gritted his teeth, "Just because he is the grandson of the patriarch, he said that his talents are rare, and his future achievements will be extraordinary. Those in the clan will also coax and finally push me out, which is really hateful."

Su Hang listened and shook his head, sighing that bureaucracy killed people. It seems that no matter in what era, this kind of thing will happen. Powerful people will always want to have some privileges.

Like this phenomenon, in this era, it should be very common, the strong survive, natural selection, in this period, it should be the most fruitful and bloodiest.

"Why do I come to be cheap? I've been bullied by everyone since I was young? I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out, this time, it's hard to hopefully become stronger this time, no longer being bullied, I can't think of..." said Here, Yu Rong is so choked that it is already difficult to continue, "If it weren't fortunate to meet you, Brother Su Hang, I'm afraid I already..."

Su Hang waved his hands and sympathized with this young man, who was only 14 years old. At the age of 14, he was still in junior high school in his own age, and he was still only a child. He should enjoy the care of his parents, but here, but...

Therefore, civilized society is still good.

"I see that you have created the life soul, but it seems that this life soul is not the egg of the pterosaur king you obtained." Su Hang opened the subject and talked about the life soul on Yurong.

He was surprised last night, but Yu Rong fell asleep, he failed to ask an answer.

When asked about this question, Yu Rong seemed even more angry, a pair of fists clenched tightly, as if he had a great hatred.

"Stolen by them, Yuxian's bastard, with his grandfather as the patriarch, took away my hard-earned fetal eggs. At the clan meeting, with the help of his paternal grandfather, he refined the fetal eggs, Forged the soul of life." Yurong gritted his teeth, "Even To humiliate me, cast a life of **** for me..."

Yurong was so angry that his hands seemed to be holding water.

Qiaoer, that is, the little sparrow, Su Hang knew that this kind of life soul is in the feather race, which is the lowest and most useless.

"This group of people really don't make any sense of this." Su Hang listened, filled with righteous indignation. No wonder Yu Yurong refused to take him back that day. His status in the clan was low. Hearing his experience in the past few days, it can be seen. Too.

Speaking of the sore spot, Yurong couldn't help crying again. In his cry, he was confused with his future and despaired.

In order to become stronger, he risked his life and entered the pterosaur king's lair to steal eggs, and his goal was achieved. He only waited for a life soul to achieve his talents. Sooner or later, there will be a sky soaring. And that person made him the weakest life soul, which is a shame and shame. This has not been played yet, and was finally sent to the mountain as a sacrifice to the mountain god.

Although the luck survived, but the future has been slim, even the weakest and worst people in the family will not choose Qiaoer as the soul of life. That is the recognized weakest soul of life. Without one of them, how is it possible in the future Any achievements?

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