Super Study God

Chapter 1143: Cormorant!

"Forgive life, forgive seniors!"

I don't know how long after that, a voice came from Suhang's palm.

The golden light converged, and then the Yin-Yang figure slowly disappeared after a while.

A little monkey is lying in the palm of Suhang.

This great ape king was so hostile that he was so terrified that Suhang had to spend some time and effort to use the power of the avenue to make Taiji Yin and Yang grinding and forcibly grind away the anger of his body!

Losing his anger, the big ape king's eyes became clear, and his brain returned to clear, and returned to his true body, just a gray-haired little monkey!

At this moment, he finally realized the terrible situation of Su Hang and quickly asked for mercy.

"Is it acceptable now?" Suhang asked.

The little monkey is also clever. He kneels in a proper manner and kneels directly in the palm of Su Hang. "The predecessors mastered the skill, the younger ones took it, and they convinced by mouth!"

There was a smile on Su Hang's lips. "What you did today should have been a death sentence. Do you know why I kept your life?"

The little monkey looked up at Su Hang, his fearful eyes flashed a little, "I don't know!"

Su Hang shook his head and smiled deeply, but did not explain to him, but turned to the topic, "Why besiege Ziyang Mountain?"


The monkey looked up at Su Hang, then lowered his head again.

"Speak!" Su Hang queried, his voice was so severe that he couldn't escape.

Xiaohouer knelt in the hand of Su Hang, and bowed his head respectfully to Su Hang, "You have grievances."

Su Hang only looked at him and listened to his following.

The little monkey said, "The junior wants to find someone. This man is in the Ziyang Mountain. The old thieves of Wanquezong are not allowed, and they are still embarrassed. The junior is so angry that he calls friends and wants to serve him together. Laowo."

Su Hang listened and frowned lightly. This little monkey acted really extreme.

"This is the injustice you said?" Su Hang was a little displeased in his heart, because when he searched for people, he destroyed the door of humanity. How much hatred is this?

But at the same time, Su Hang also raised a bit of curiosity in his heart, "Who are you looking for? Why are they not allowed?"

The little monkey listened and looked up at Su Hangdao. "It's the junior's mother."


Su Hang heard this, and apparently had some surprises. He couldn't help turning his head to look at the people on Ziyang Mountain.

In front of the mountain gate, all these words fell in the ears of Jiuyang and others. Jiuyang listened, and his face collapsed.

"Senior, don't listen to this wicked nonsense." Jiuyang gritted his teeth, but he wanted Su Hang to judge whether it was right or wrong. Is it a human monk, and who else can do her mother?"

Listening to this tone, it was a bit screaming.

Su Hang listened and said, "Although this beast is a demon, but its wisdom is not low, it is impossible to come to recognize a mother for no reason!"

Although Jiuyang was right, Su Hang felt that there must be something inside.

Jiuyang smiled bitterly and quickly bowed to Su Hang, slowly giving Su Hangdao the whole story.

It turned out that this great ape king had been the king in this neighborhood for tens of thousands of years. When the seventh generation of Ziyang Mountain taught Qixuan Zhenren, the great ape king had already risen.

The Wanque Sect is a big clan of the Yu clan, and it will inevitably clash with the surrounding demon clan. The Great Ape King is one of them. At that time, Qixuan Zhenren had a battle with the Great Ape King Huai Shui.

At that time, the great ape king was only in the same realm, and he had a draw with Qixuan real people. The human race and the demon race should be opposed to each other, and they were enemies. However, this person and the ape, but they were in battle. A little friendship.

In this big ape king's heart, there has always been a doubt, that is his own life experience, he has never seen his parents since birth, so this is a problem that has always troubled him.

Everyone can have their own parents, and who will their parents be? The great ape king was born ignorant, and as his strength grew longer, this curiosity grew.

At that time, he asked Qixuan Zhenren on this question. At that time, Qixuan Zhenren had extraordinary wisdom and extraordinary ability. Perhaps he wanted to include this demon master, and told him how many years his mother would be, Reincarnated in Wanyangzong of Ziyang Mountain

At that time, the Great Ape King was really very simple, and he easily believed the words of Qi Xuan Zhenren, and it was for this reason that after the death of Qi Xuan Zhenren, he has been attentively helping for more than 10,000 years. Take care of Wanquezong.

If it were not because of his restraint, I am afraid that Wanquezong's inheritance is still unclear, and may have been drowned in the long river of history.

It can be said that the rise of Wanquezong can be said to have contributed greatly.

However, paper can't cover the fire after all. I am afraid that Qi Xuan Zhenren at that time would never have thought that the big ape king would be so persistent. Until today, he still believes in the words of Qi Xuan Zhenren.

Just recently, the time left by Qi Xuan Zhenren had arrived, and his mother should also be reincarnated in Ziyang Mountain. So, a few days ago, the Great Ape King found Ziyang Mountain.

However, where did Jiuyang and others find a mother for King Ape? To put it bluntly, it exploded the grumpy temper of the Big Ape King, thinking that Jiuyang and others deliberately held his mother's reincarnation and prevented them from seeing each other. This made him unable to be angry, and repeated threats were useless. Under the anger of the great ape king, he gathered a group of big demon and little demon, and this was the siege of Ziyang Mountain.

After Su Hang heard Jiuyang's remarks, he was speechless. What kind of thing is this?

"Is it true that Qixuan's words are true?" Su Hang asked Jiuyang.

Maybe Qi Xuanzhen was true, but Su Hang didn't have much hope, because he knew the origin of this little monkey.

After listening to Su Hang’s question, Jiuyang Zhenren smiled bitterly, “Senior, don’t hide it, Master Xuan Zhenren, the soul of cultivation is the Earth Demon Spirit Beast!”


Su Hang frowned, and there were no such beasts on the demon list.

Jiuyang Zidao said, "This beast is a beast of the Mao tribe. It has a delicate face. It is as good as the white tiger. It has a beautiful posture. It raises its hands and throws the spirits between the feet. Clan, this beast can talk and speak, but there are not many truths in the words, like to deceive people. This kind of aura full of good intentions, its meat is delicious, if people eat it, it is also a lie, not to mention that it is a life soul, its Talent is a lie!"

"What?" Su Hang listened, his face could not help shaking, this universal world, there is such a monster, such a talent?

Lies are also talents?

Jiuyang Zhenren went on to say, "In those days, the ancestor Qixuan Zhenren was killed because of the lies discovered by the superiors. As a result, he was killed." To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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