Super Study God

Chapter 1146: Really destined!

"Wait, let's get up."

Su Hang's voice brought Yurong back to reality.

Su Hang has experienced too many such kneeling scenes. The kneeling of the Wanquezong people has not caused the slightest waves in his heart.

Everyone got up, and Jiuyang stepped forward to respectfully say, "Senior great grace, Wanquezong has five ins and outs, and he never forgets his teeth. Please ask the senior to move to the palace to narrate."

After talking, Jiuyang turned around and saw only a piece of ruin. During the battle, although Wanquezong was guarded by purple golden bells, it was still violently shaken and the building collapsed. There are very few buildings that can stand at the moment. Very few.

Some collapsed in half, some collapsed, and there were many corpses of disciples in the ruins. This time, Wanquezong was really suffering heavy losses. I am afraid that it will not be able to recover its vitality in hundreds of years.

Fortunately, several palaces were still standing upright, and Jiuyang led Su Hang respectfully, and those surviving disciples, under the arrangement of the elders, cleaned up the mess orderly.




Entering the hall, Su Hang just sat down, and the little monkey king, the ape king, followed him in and knelt in the hall again.

Su Hang naturally knew that he was so eager to ask something.

"Senior, you said Qixuan lied to me? Do you know who my parents are? Who are my parents?"

Sure enough, the series of questions of the monkey monkey big ape king was shot like a renju gun.

It can be seen that the little monkey is very anxious.

Su Hang listened, but didn't mean to be anxious. He just waved at the little monkey king, "You come here first, let me take a closer look."

Without saying anything, Xiaohouer quickly knelt over.

Su Hang stretched out a hand and put it on the head of the little monkey. He first looked closely at the appearance, and then closed his eyes, not knowing what to do with the plane.

Beside Jiuyang and the elders, they looked stunned. Seeing this posture, could this predecessor know the great ape king?

This great ape king has been an old demon who has lived for tens of thousands of years. This predecessor is more powerful than the great ape king. It should be a more distant existence, but I don't know if he is a human race?

Jiuyang only has a common path, which is considered a master, but he can’t see through Su Hang. Whether Su Hang is a human or a demon, he is not sure at all, but he thought that Su Hang had rescued Wanquezong before. It should not be a demon clan, and most of the strong demon clan are also disdain to change human appearance.

After all, at this time at the beginning of the Taikoo world, the demon lord's sky, the demon clan is still high, the human clan still survives in the slit, and there is no real strength to be side by side with the demon clan. In the eyes of the demon clan, the human clan is still a low life Even the practice has to rely on the soul that plunders the life of the demon race. It can be said that the human race is discriminated against in the eyes of most demon races.

They are like the human races of the later generations. They are tall, pretentious and noble, and think they are primates. The human races are only attached. The humans in their eyes are similar to those of pigs and dogs in the eyes of later generations. You have seen pigs and dogs practicing adult form. Have you ever seen anyone practise a pig or dog?

Therefore, many monsters are disdain to change the appearance of human beings, which is completely different from the monsters of the later generations who have tried to transform into humans.

So Jiuyang can almost conclude that this should be a master of human race.

Since it is a human race, it must be on the side of the human race. Therefore, it seems that Su Hang seems to know the great ape king, and he has no unnecessary worries.

"Sure enough, really."

For a long time, Su Hang opened his eyes and didn't know what kind of expression on his face. "You monkey really has a relationship with me."


The little monkey opened his doubtful eyes and looked straight at Su Hang, "Senior, who are my parents?"

Su Hang shook his head and smiled, "You were born naturally, what parents do you come from?"

This sentence, but the big ape king directly forced, "Senior, you blame me? You just said clearly, you know my origin."

Su Hang heard the words and couldn't laugh or cry, "If I said, you popped out of the rock, can you believe it?"

"Stone crack?"

Big Ape King listened, and was even more ignorant. After a while, he seemed to be thinking about something. Then, the expression on his face looked a little ugly. "How could this be, Senior, you..."

Su Hang waved his hand to stop his words, "I would never spoof you. You are a monster born in the world. There was a stone left in the beginning of the world. After countless years, a monster was born in the stone. You are Since then."

Jiuyang and others looked at Su Hang in surprise and listened to Su Hang's story. They only knew that this great ape king had such a proven origin.

The Great Ape King froze for a moment, "How could it be? Qi Xuan said clearly..."

"Alas." At this time, Jiuyang sighed beside him, and quickly persuaded, "The Great Ape King, the juniors have just made it very clear. Master Qi Xuan is a real person, cultivating the evil spirit of the beast, although the skill is good. God, but there are many lies, in fact, he said that if he said something bad, his old man was a thorough liar. What he said was really unbelievable."

"But..." What else does Ape King want to say.

Jiuyang smiled bitterly, "Ape King forgive me, my juniors, fearing the ape king's divine power, have a bit of selfishness, and fearing to bring disaster to Wanquezong, they only concealed it again and again, but I didn't expect that lies are always lies, and the disaster remains the same. It can be avoided that in the face of Senior Su today, the juniors and others only dare to tell the truth."

The sincerity of Jiuyang's words made Big Ape King have to believe, but the expression on the face of this little monkey was really wonderful.

Jiuyang hurriedly said Today, we can’t blame the king of the ape, only the ancestor Qi Xuanzhen. . "

What kind of real man is Qixuan, and what kind of grandson is it?

At this moment, the little monkey, the Great Ape King, has been destroyed by the Three Views. It has been a thing that has been worshipped for thousands of years, and it suddenly collapsed. Now someone has told him that he has been fooled for thousands of years. This...

I thought the big ape king would be crazy again, but in fact, the little monkey's mind is no longer here, but thinking about what Suhang just said.

"I remember when I was very young, it was still a small ape of the ape clan. At that time, there were also old monkeys in the clan who said that I jumped out of the crack of the stone. At that time, I only thought they were laughing. Mother, am I really born of stone?"

After a while, the little monkey king Ape looked up at Su Hang and said to Su Hang.

Su Hang listened, stood up, and looked like a master, only to see him looking at the sky outside at a forty-five degree angle, as if he was brewing his feelings. It took a while before he spoke. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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