Super Study God

Chapter 1149: Sparrows also have ambitions!

That's right, what qualifications and what kind of face do you worship under Jiuyang Zhenren's door?

Yurong couldn't help laughing.

Su Hang frowned lightly, wondering what Jiuyang Zhenren intended.

At this time, the real person of Jiuyang smiled, "If the little brother worships under my door, it is really a little bit humiliated. I see that this little brother is also destined to my Wanquezong. If you don't mind, wait a few days. To take back the scattered doormen, I will preside over the Zongmen Conference and accept the disciples on behalf of the teachers. After that, the younger brothers will be like me, and worship under the door of the eight real men of the first teacher, as the disciples of the nine generations of Wanque Zong."


When Yu Rong heard it, his eyes were glared, and he couldn’t believe his ears at all. Jiuyang actually had to accept his disciples and let him worship under the door of the late Bamen Reality. To become a brother of Jiuyang?

I thought I could worship under the Jiuyang Gate and become the tenth generation of disciples. It was already a blessing to the heavens. I never thought that Jiuyang was going to come here.

In this way, his status in Ziyang Mountain will be a big day away. You know, now in Ziyang Mountain, there are 12 or 3 generations of disciples. If he becomes a 9th generation disciple, he will directly become an ancestor. Too.

"Why? Little brother is not satisfied?"

Seeing Yu Rong's dumbfounded look, Jiuyang asked.

Yurong recovered, and quickly shook his head, "Dare you dare."

Jiuyang laughed, "That's it. So, the younger brother and Senior Su will stay for a while in Ziyang Mountain. After a few days, everything will be settled. I will discuss with the elders and take the gift of apprenticeship."

Looking at the posture of Jiuyang, it seemed that Yurong would repent.

"It's all based on real people." Yu Rong quickly thanked.

He is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart. Naturally, he understands that the reason why Jiuyang did this is to look at Su Hang's face, completely to show good luck to Su Hang. His existence is not important, even if it is today. The pig is placed in front of Jiuyang. I am afraid that Jiuyang will accept the apprentice without hesitation. What kind of apprentice is not important. What is important is that the apprentice can be considered a super strong.

This is power.

At this moment, Yurong is full of unprecedented visions of power, and it is impossible to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If he can have a certain position in Wanquezong, and he is backed by a sect like Wanquezong, even if he has It’s just the life of the weak sparrow, and it’s also possible to get ahead of the day. It doesn’t need to go far, it just wants to go long.

From the beginning to the end, Su Hang was watching beside him. He didn't talk too much. He knew what Jiuyang was doing, but he didn't care. Yurong could visit under the door of Wanquezong and forget him A worry.


I have to admire the speed of these monks’ movements. In a few days, the Wanquezong station, which was originally ruined like ruins, was cleaned up and new buildings rose up, like last year. The turf that was harvested came back to life as soon as spring arrived.

The originally scattered doormen were summoned by the Zongmen and quickly gathered back. In this disaster, the Wanquezong suffered heavy losses, but the Dzongmen was still the Dzongmen, and the foundation was injured, but the foundation was not broken!

"How is it? Are you very happy?" In a courtyard, Su Hang sat at the door with no masterly style, watching the disciples' gates busy, with the seeds in his mouth, and casually facing Yurong Road behind him.

"It's not relying on Brother Yu's Yu Yin. Without Brother Su, Yurong would have died long ago!" Yurong listened and couldn't help but accuse him, "Brother Su, tomorrow is the Zongmen Assembly. By then, so many people, I……"

"Why? Frightened?" Su Hang looked back and looked at him funny, but you dare to steal eggs in the dinosaur nest!

"I, how can I be afraid!" Yu Rong listened, straightening his chest quickly, but listening to that tone, his heart must be very empty.

"Jiuyang just asked you, why did you go?" Su Hang asked casually.

Yurong hurriedly said, "Discuss tomorrow's apprenticeship ceremony with your brothers and sisters. Brother Jiuyang gave me a track number called Jiurong. What do you think Brother Su?"

"All right, brother and sister are called!" Su Hang laughed.

Yu Rong listened, and felt blushed, "Brother Su, please don't make fun of me. I don't know what to do now. I have a few pounds. I know it myself. I originally wanted to be low-key. Yes, but they don’t want Brother Jiuyang to say that they have to hold a special event and invite some fellows to observe the ceremony. When the time comes to let them see my talent, I am afraid they will be laughed at!”

This baby, self-esteem is a bit heavy, which seems not to be a good thing. Su Hang listened and said, "What other people think is so important to you?"

Yu Rong froze for a moment, and quickly shook his head, "I was a humble person, used to being ridiculed and mocked, but my personal honor and humiliation is small, if I lose the reputation of Wanquezong, then I..."

Su Hang patted him on the shoulder, "What other people's eyes are, others laugh at you today, and tomorrow you should use your strength to hit his face!"

"Well?" Yu Rong listened, a few flashes of light flashed in his eyes, but soon dimmed again, "But, my life is destined to do nothing in my life!"

Su Hang paused for a while, "You are the first person I met in this world, I appreciate your courage, so I only help you again and again, and you look at you now because of the life and soul , Is it so bad?"

"Brother Su?" After hearing Su Hang's sharp words, Yurong froze for a moment.

Su Hangteng stood up at you have a strong heart, what if your life soul is just a sparrow? The finches also have ambitions, Jiuxiao shakes the thunder and thunder! As long as you are willing to work hard, there will always be a day when you will stand out, and you will never forget your original intention! "

With that, Su Hang looked back at Yu Rong, "Every life and soul will shake your heart. Even a small setback can't stand it. What can you talk about becoming a strong man? If you perish, you will have ants in the mud What is the difference? Such a person is not worthy of meeting me with Su Hang!"

In a word, it was really deaf, and Yu Rong had heard these high-level principles, and immediately froze!

Don't forget the original intention, just have to always!

Yurong's eyes became more and more determined, and after a while, he stood up after a while, "Brother Su's initiation, I understand."

"Understood? Understood?" Su Hang looked back and looked at Yurong.

Yu Rong's face was firm, "Brother Su gave me such a great opportunity, I naturally want to seize it well, even if my life is weak, Brother Su said well, the finches also have great ambitions, Jiu Xiao shakes the thunder and thunder !I decided..."Search this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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