Super Study God

Chapter 1165: Woe off the stone!

"I am this trick, is it fun?" Regardless of the chaos in the tavern, Lin Xuan was smiling with a smile on his face, as if he was a boring person, but instead he talked to Su Hang and laughed.

Yuan Xiaotian’s three demon, looking at Lin Xuan’s eyes at the moment, it was completely different, and even Niu Chongtian couldn’t help but swallow a saliva. The strange ability displayed by this man really shocked them, they didn’t even know Lin Xuan How it was shot, this means that if Lin Xuan applied the means just now to them, they would not be able to resist at all. As for what will end, the consequences are unknown.

No wonder Senior Su will stop us and prevent us from conflicting with this person!

The three demon's thoughts are like this, which can make senior Su afraid, this person must be very strong.

At this time, Su Hang spoke, with a three-point displeasure in his voice. "He is just an ordinary person. Even if he has the crime of gaining words, he will be punished with a little punishment. Why kill him?"

Su Hang, benevolent, this is a **** emperor, deserving fraternity, all beings are my people, there are some minor mistakes, should not provoke to kill.

Lin Xuan heard it, but he smiled, "Your words are wrong, wrong. In this cruel world, weak, weak, this is a kind of sin, sin is very evil, in your opinion, he is just a little wrong But, have you ever thought about what would happen if I were also a weak person today?"

Su Hang frowned lightly. Although he knew that his reason was biased, he suddenly couldn't find a reason to refute him.

"It's just a dead ant, why don't you care." Lin Xuan's mouth curved a little arc. "In this world, which strong man's hand has not been contaminated with blood?"

Yes, which strong man has never been bloodied?

This sentence makes it impossible for Soviet Airways to refute. The strong are all slain from the weak group. The only difference is how much is killed.

Next to it, Yuan Xiaotian and several of them obviously agreed with Lin Xuan's point of view. They are demon, and the environment they lived in since childhood, let them understand the truth of weak meat and strong food.

Su Hang shook his head and sighed, Lin Xuan's words were correct, but he shielded the most important point by being general, weak, does not mean that he should be damn.

In this cruel world, perhaps weakness is really a sin, but sin will not die.

This is like humans and demon clan. At the beginning, in front of the powerful demon clan, human beings were very weak. If Lin Xuan's point of view, human beings had original sins, should they be born to die?

He looked at this issue from the perspective of the strong, and never thought of it from the perspective of the weak. If human beings feel weak and guilty because of their own weakness, then there will be this year, as well as the demon clan. The situation?

Therefore, in the view of Su Hang, Lin Xuan was wrong and ridiculously wrong. He just said that if he is a weak man, today he is afraid that he will be sacked by the old man, but he never thought about it. If he was Will the weak still provoke the Shaoyun son? Without provocation, there would be no such thing.

"Young Master Shaoyun, so excited about the teachers, I don't know why?"

Just as Su Hang was about to refute Lin Xuan's views, Lin Xuan turned his face and looked at the young man Shaoyun.

Being looked at by Lin Xuan, the pupil of Shaoyun's pupil shrank, and he almost didn't back away, but soon, the face of Shaoyun's son returned to normal.

He arched his hand far away from Lin Xuan, "Your Excellency is really a good method, and Shaoyun admires it."

This sentence, although the tone is still spoken above, but in fact, has been shown to Lin Xuan.

This young man, Shaoyun, was also a man of great imagination. For him, the death of the old man was insignificant at all, only a stray dog ​​died.

It is really a pity to offend a strong man because of a running dog, but if you can make a strong man, then...

Lin Xuan's mouth curled up with a slight arc, and inadvertently glanced at Su Hang, as if telling Su Hang that there was no benevolence and no fart. Only the strong can gain respect.

"I don't know what you are, how do you call it?" Young Master Shaoyun asked.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me something!" This Lin Xuan didn't give Shaoyun Gongzi any face.

Young Master Shaoyun listened, and his face flashed a little unpleasantly. However, because he was afraid of Lin Xuan's ability and did not dare to rashly, he only pretended to be a corporal Lixian.

"There are three big stones at the entrance of the tavern, and they are all present now. Just now I encountered the flying stones in the deep palace. I don't know which expert did it?" The young man Shaoyun looked around and asked everyone.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xuan, seeing the black lines on the foreheads of Su Hang, almost wanted to make a loud voice, "Are you talking about the broken stones outside? If I remember correctly, it should be this A few masters do it!"

The intention is obvious, aren't you kind? Don’t you want to pretend to be Lingyi? Now trouble come to your door to see if your so-called benevolence can be useful.

Unprepared betrayed, Yuan Xiaotian a few of them, really want to beat this meal.

"Well?" Young Master Shaoyun listened, and looked at Suhang, a few of them.

"We threw it, where are you going to be?" Yuan Xiaotian was very proud, how could a little humanoid leader put it in his big demon king's eyes.

"Yeah, we threw it. What do you want? Fight? Grandpa accompanies." Niu Chongtian is even more busy, the two goods are together, it is completely the same as the two rogue rogues.

The spirit of the second demon, holding the young man Yun Yun's breath stagnated, the son of the young Yu family, the UU reading how respectable status, was actually scared by two savages who did not know where to run.

"Ha ha."

At this time, Lin Xuan smiled, "I'm afraid the two of you don't know how much they have caused?"


Everyone looked at Lin Xuan and did not know what tricks this person wanted to play.

Lin Xuan glanced at Master Shaoyun and said with a smile, "Just now, two flying stones fell into the Forbidden City. The son Shaoyu and the son Shaofeng were beaten alive. This Shaoyun son was afraid to come. Take someone?"

Just now, in the Forbidden Palace, a great performance martial arts competition is being held. Just like the later No. 1 champion, the Shaoyu patriarch must select some young masters from the noble children to judge the high and low. , Granting supreme glory.

Such a competition is held every five years. It can be said that it is a major event for the Shaoyu tribe. Almost all young noble children will participate. This is an elite competition among the elites. It can be called in this prosperous world. Really stand out. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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