Super Study God

Chapter 1070: Space-time barrier!

In this chaotic mountain, there is the old monster of the Venerable Realm? Su Hang pondered for a while. There is very little of this level along the way. Except for Yuan Xiaotian and the three of them, there is almost no. Can one be encountered in this mountain?

"Oh, I'm going to find the way to see if he really has that ability!"

Su Hang hadn't spoken yet, and Yuan Xiaotian couldn't help himself. He hadn't touched his hands for a long time. His palm was itching. Since he said that there are masters, let's fight!

The goods were bellicose, and Ladu couldn't hold it back. I saw Yuan Xiaotian flying up, raised a stick, and flew straight to the chaotic mountain. The fastest update

"Huh? What is he doing?"

Yuan Xiaotian flew to the chaotic mountain almost instantly, but, soon, his behavior was puzzling.

I saw Yuan Xiaotian flying around in front of the mountain, back and forth, and I didn't know what I was doing, as if I couldn't find a place to start.

Everyone's face was a little bit coerced. Looking at it from afar, Yuan Xiaotian was like a silly headless fly.

"Xiaotian, come back!"

Niu Chongtian was about to go to see it, but was stopped by Su Hang, and then Su Hang shouted into the distance.

The voice was rolling and spread out. Yuan Xiaotian, who was wandering in front of the mountain, seemed to hear Su Hang's shouting, looked back, and then turned around and flew back.

"I said Brother Yuan, you are flying around there, what the **** are you doing?" As soon as Yuan Xiaotian landed, Niu Xiaotian couldn't help but wonder.

"Flying around?" Yuan Xiaotian froze for a moment. "What flew around, I haven't flew to the place yet!"

"What? Are you kidding you!" Niu Chongtian obviously didn't believe it. "It's just this distance. You haven't arrived after flying for so long. Who are you? Are you afraid?"

Niu Chongtian looked at Yuan Xiaotian with questioning expression.

Where did Yuan Xiaotian endure such a look, he immediately glared at Niu Chongtian, "If you don't believe it, try it yourself!"

Niu Chongtian's eyes also glared, "Try it, who can I be afraid of?"

After talking, Niu Chongtian turned around and took off. This cattle's temper was unstoppable.

Under the eyes of all the people, Niu Chongtian reached the mountain, and just like Yuan Xiaotian just now, wandering there non-stop, as if he was enchanted.

After a while, there was no need for Su Hang to call, Niu Chongtian came back by himself.

Yuan Xiaotian looked at him with disdain, "What's the matter? But went up the mountain?"

Niu Chongtian accosted him, but he wasn’t so embarrassed to answer Yuan Xiaotian’s words, only to Su Sudao. same."

"This mountain is really weird!" Next to it, Yuan Xiaotian didn't make fun of Niu Chongtian, and he was deeply puzzled.

"I'll check it out!" At this time, Hu Mei Niang was a little unbelieving and wanted to see the situation.

Su Hang reached out and stopped him.

"There is nothing beautiful, just a space-time barrier!" Su Hang looked at the distant mountains and said such a sentence.

"Space-time barrier? What is it?" All the monsters were confused, and hooled over a large circle, wanting to listen to Su Hang's lecture.

In particular, Yuan Xiaotian’s three monsters are even more interested in knowledge and staring at Su Hang as if they were to swallow Su Hang.

Su Hangdao, "Space-time barrier is just a barrier formed by the power of space-time!"

"What is the power of time and space?" Yuan Xiaotian asked. These strange terms from later generations always make them feel fresh.

"The so-called power of time and space..." Su Hang opened his mouth and did not know how to explain to them, but in the face of those hopeful eyes, he was not good at saying anything, thinking about it, facing Yuan Xiao Heaven said, "I used to trap you in Ziyang Mountain, can you still remember?"


Yuan Xiaotian watched Su Hang dig out a hand, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "That is the power of time and space?"

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Yes, the power of time and space is the collective name of the power of time and space. These are the two most mysterious and powerful forces between heaven and earth. I created a small space in my hand and trapped you in it. , No matter how strong you are, unless you are strong enough to break the law, otherwise you can come out!"

As he said, Su Hang looked at the Chaos Mountain in the distance, "This mountain is surrounded by the power of space and time. Let’s look at it here. This mountain is close to our eyes, but in fact, it is just this distance, in the hands of space and time, But it can be close to the horizon, the space is infinitely stretched, and you can fly for a lifetime, you can’t fly anywhere!"

"It's so amazing!"

The demon are stunned. If they didn't listen to Su Hang's story, where would they know this?

"Then why can I escape safely while waiting deep into the formation?" Niu Chongtian asked.

Su Hang shook his head, "Perhaps the people who have laid out this group haven't reached home yet, or maybe he is not malicious to you!"

"Senior, so to speak, you can also use the power of time and space. Compared with the old monster in this mountain, I don't know who is stronger?" Next, a demon king leaned out and asked curiously.

"What kind of **** is, of course, seniors!"

As soon as the demon king's words were spoken, he was refuted and abused by the demon. The demon king also realized that he had asked the wrong words and quickly closed his mouth!

Su Hang was speechless for a while, but he still had this crowd of people touting his touted skills. He didn't know how Haotian would feel if he were here!

"It's hard to tell, hard to tell!"

However, Su Hang shook his head. If he was able to protect such a big mountain with the power of space, he could easily do it, but he could only determine the strength of the people behind him based on this.

It is even more rare to use the power of space in this way. It is also a little bit of the power of time. You must know that the power of time is more mysterious than the power of space. It is not surprising to control space. Control time. The real skill!

Su Hang was even more curious about the so-called old monster in this mountain.

" we get around, or..." Hu Mei Niang asked next to her.

There is no doubt that there is a strong presence in the mountains. If you bypass it, it should be the most sensible choice. As they come along the way, the team is getting bigger and bigger, and it is already enough to swagger!

"Bypass? What a joke?" Upon hearing this, Yuan Xiaotian was unhappy first, "Today I must open this mountain!"

"Yes, Senior is so powerful, there must be a way to break through this time and space barrier, right Senior?" Niu Chongtian quickly put a high hat on Su Hang.

"Predecessors are mighty!"

"Predecessors are mighty!"


The demon shouted in unison, and the scene was like the appearance of the starry old fairy in the eight dragons.

Su Hang ignored them, took a step forward, stretched out a hand, and swept the air. (To be continued...) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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