Super Study God

Chapter 1175: I'm just being polite!

Oh my god! Hearing Yuan Xiaotian's words, Hu Meiniang had the urge to die, and I really didn't know how to explain it to him.

Next to the Su Hang, he also shook his head, "Don't make a conclusion prematurely in all things, look at it and say it!"

Hu Mei Niang nodded, and temporarily pressed the doubt in her heart. After all, it was only doubt. In case the guess was wrong, it provoked the master here, but it was not good.

"Neglected, neglected, the forgiveness of forgiveness, the forgiveness of forgiveness!"

At this moment, a hearty voice rang from the door, and in the next second, a man in red clothes, looking like a man in his thirties, came in.

A man with a burly figure, sword eyebrows and staring eyes, a mustache, and a very good taste, walking on the road, with a smile on his face, looks quite chic.

Su Hang took a look, and the expression on his face was so stiff. He looked back at Hu Meiniang, and both of them made a mutual understanding.

Su Hang got up and bowed her hands!

"Guests don't have to be polite!" Yun Cang waved his hand and sat down straight, "I heard that the guests are going to Zhonghuang Mountain?"

"Are you asking? How many times did you ask? Do you have to ask again if you change people in a while?" Yuan Xiaotian complained uncomfortably.


Yun Cangzi was a little embarrassed when he heard the words. Yuan Xiaotian said too much, not to mention, this time, Su Hang didn't seem to want to stop him!

"Yes, we are going to Zhonghuangshan!" Su Hang smiled indifferently. Now he doesn't care what Zhonghuangshan is not in Huangshan. "What's the matter with you? Your brother Yunya?"

Yun Cang heard the words and froze for a moment, then smiled, "Second Brother He is a little urgent. If the guests want to see me, I will call him!"

"There is no one to call the huge Ziyun Palace?" Su Hang asked.

Yun Canggan laughed, "Master Zun, his old man likes to be clean. It's enough for us to give Master Zun's call. Then need other people?"

This is quite reasonable, but Su Hang does not intend to let it go. It just says, "Since this is true, I don't care about it. I still have something to ask. Who do you want me to ask for this? "

With that said, Su Hang turned to Yuan Xiaotian, "Xiaotian, please go and see, Yunqing, Yunya and Yunyan, please come here!"


Upon hearing Su Hang's words, Yun Cang opened his mouth as if he had something to say.

"Yun Cang Daoyou, is it inconvenient?" Su Hang asked.

Yun Canggan laughed, "No inconvenience, but Sister Yun Yan and Brother Yun Qing should prepare meals in the dining room. Brother Yun Ya is not on the mountain this time..."

"Aren't you still on the mountain?" Su Hang was a little bit happy when he heard this!

Yun Cang calmly said, "Just left, Master let me wait for the hospitality before leaving. Brother Yunya went to the mountains to hunt beasts. I must come back later."

"Don't your younger brothers and sisters just say, are your masters retreating and practicing, how can you say that your master will order before you leave?" Next, Hu Mei Niang inserted a sentence.

At this moment, the atmosphere became stiff!

"Wow, I really understand this time!" Yuan Xiaotian suddenly stood on the table, and seemed quite angry.

Su Hang and others all looked at Yuan Xiaotian, and was a little touched, thinking that you only realized it later?

"Your master clearly knew that Senior Su was coming, but he deliberately hid, but you clearly knew that your master had left, but still lied to us that he was in retreat, so fool me to wait..."

Yuan Xiaotian said extremely indignantly. However, before the words were finished, one hand covered his face, and a force drove him away.

Suddenly, I woke up and saw that the slap was originally caused by Su Hang, and now Yuan Xiaotian was even more embarrassed. What did he do well, did he say something wrong?

It's light to hit you! Su Hang has a feeling of vicissitudes and powerlessness. This guy is too aggressive.

I thought he really understood it, but I didn't expect to say these words and understand a hammer!

Too lazy to care for him, Su Hang turned to look at Yun Cang, waiting for Yun Cang to give an explanation.

Yun Cang also calmed down and explained, "Three days ago, Master Zun was invited by the Patriarch of Nuwa to go to Zhonghuangshan to discuss the law. Master Zun feared that some of the younger brothers and sisters would be out of discipline like the caged birds, so they only told After I was alone, the younger brothers and sisters thought that the master was closed in the mountains, and then they would be more disciplined. Before leaving, the master told me to wait and receive the guests!"

This explanation is really reasonable!

"In this case, Xiao Tian, ​​you go to Yunyan and Yunqing, two Daoists, come here!" Su Hangdao.

Yuan Xiaotian stood up. On this day, it was really a bit busy and inexplicable!

"This is not necessary, they are busy working in the house, guests, if you have anything, ask me!" Yun Cang said.

Su Hang waved his hand, "It's okay, you don't have to eat anymore. I let them come. Let's talk together for a while. I'll leave as soon as I can!"

"What? The guests are leaving now?" Yun Cang froze for a moment.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "I'm waiting for this trip to go to Zhonghuang Mountain, so I won't delay here!"

"But I have a place where I can't entertain well? If I let the Master know that the guests will leave as soon as they come, then I'm going to suffer!" Yun Cang said.

Listening to Yun Cang's words, although sincere, but listening to Su Hang's ears, he still could feel how happy he was.

Su Hang said nothing, "What do you think of Yuncang Daoyou?"

Yun Cang froze for a moment, and said immediately, "Guests come from Master has commanded him, naturally he stays for two more days, so that I can wait for the landlord to do my best, and I’m not afraid of being weak when I say it. My majesty of Chaos Mountain!"

Ha ha!

Su Hang shook his head somewhat helplessly, "I didn't expect Yun Cang Daoyou to be so kind, then since that's the case, let's harass here for some time, just because I admire the Master Chaoyun Ziyun. Just wait for the teacher to come back, and see you before you leave!"


When Yun Cang heard this, the expression on his face froze immediately. On that face, it was clearly written. I was just being polite with you. How can you be serious?

"Uh, that..." Yun Cang looked a little embarrassed and quickly said, "The teacher is discussing the law in Zhonghuangshan, and I don't know when to come back. Xu is on the 3rd and 5th, and Xu is on the 30th or 50th year. If the guests want to see My Master, it is better to go directly to Zhonghuang Mountain."

"It's okay, we won't go to Zhonghuang Mountain for the time being. The landscape of Chaos Mountain is also good. It doesn't matter if we stay here for three or five years. Since you are so enthusiastic, let's wait until the teacher comes back to meet you. After all, how do we Can you be punished in front of your respected teacher?" Su Hangdao. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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