Super Study God

Chapter 1181: Come to Japan!

"You don't know the outside, don't you mean you know where Zhonghuangshan is?" At this time, Hu Mei Niang asked beside him.

"Brother, I really know where Zhonghuang Mountain is, this one will never be fooled!" At this time, Hong Jun said very seriously.

"You haven't left Chaos Mountain. How do you know where is Zhonghuang Mountain?" Yuan Xiaotian demolished the stage next to it.

Hong Jun said quickly, "I mean I rarely leave Chaos Mountain, not that I never left!"

Yuan Xiaotian opened his mouth, "Well, you always have reason!"

Hong Jun turned to Su Hangdao, "Big Brother Mingjian, the younger brother not only knew where Zhonghuang Mountain was, but also visited, and even saw the Nuwa contemporary Nuwa."


Hong Jun said this, and Su Hang did not believe it again. In Yuan Xiaotian’s words, this guy’s body should not be a powerful and mysterious time and space dragonfly, but it should be a series of lies, only knowing the misleading beast Correct.

Hong Jun saw distrust in Su Hang’s eyes and said, “Big Brother, you don’t know, the Nuwa family is the ancestor of the human race, the deity of the demon race. Three hundred years ago, the Nuwa family’s contemporary Nuwa succeeded him, younger brother. I was fortunate to be invited to witness Zhonghuang Mountain, naturally I have been to Zhonghuang Mountain!"

"Joke!" Yuan Xiaotian was upset next to him. "Why did Nu Wa invite you and others? Even you can be invited, why didn't you invite me? Didn't invite Senior Su?"

Hong Jun shook his face, "This is a bad word. The people who can be selected by the Nuwa are all well-done seniors. I saw only a few of them on the same day. The reason why you are not invited is probably Your luck is not deep, or your strength is not enough, or maybe you are not a demon in these hundreds of millions of mountains!"

Yuan Xiaotian opened his mouth again, special code, I really feel speechless, this guy's mouth is really too good to say, in general, there is always a reason.

"Nonsense Hugh, you still have something to delay, if not, take us to Zhonghuang Mountain!" Su Hang said directly.

He has been staying in this ancient world for a long time, and there is only a few days left in the one-month period. He is planning to find Nuwa in these few days and ask some things, if possible, It's best to meet Pangu again.



Hong Jun did not know whether he was willing, but there was no way for Su Hang to have a fist bigger than him, and he would not be able to follow him.

The group did not stay too much in Chaos Mountain. Hong Jun entertained the demons with tears and delicious food. Only a group of big demons and small demons left Chaos Mountain and continued to advance towards the depths of the mountain.


On the top of the Chaos Mountain, before Ziyun Temple, a figure appeared out of thin air, looking far away at the vast crowd of Wuhe people, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"I told you that there are some things that you shouldn't touch. You have to touch them. What should you do?"

"Pangu's? Well, come to Japan, hehe..."


The figure soon disappeared out of thin air again, and the wind in the mountains continued to blow coldly, with only the sound of birds around, as if the figure had never appeared.



"Senior, that man named Lin Xuan, is really alarmist. We have come along along the way and haven't encountered any danger. What other life worries are so ridiculous!"

Bored idle, somehow, Yuan Xiaotian mentioned it.

Su Hang listened and shook his head. He didn't want to mention that person again. Although the contact time was not long, he always felt that Lin Xuan was not right.

"How far is Zhonghuang Mountain?" Su Hang sat on the back of the mentally retarded chicken and turned to look at Hongjun who was leading the way ahead.

Hong Jun listened and walked over quickly. "Brother, there are three **** mountains among the hundreds of millions of mountains. They are Taihuang Mountain, Zhonghuang Mountain and Shaohuang Mountain. It is said that these three **** mountains are inhabited by senior people, but now The only thing that has ever lived in this world is Zhonghuang Mountain. The three **** mountains are guarded by enchantment and cannot be hidden. The entrance of Zhonghuang Mountain is in a small valley 300 miles away. If the elder brother is in a hurry, stay with the younger brother. With a magical power, we can pass in an instant!"

Magic word, the word can come out of Hong Jun's mouth, it is enough to prove his extraordinary, like Yuan Xiaotian and a few of them, before knowing Su Hang, he did not know what kind of thing magic power is.

"Waste so much, hurry up, don't waste time!"

Su Hang returned to Hong Jun directly. If he didn't ask him, would he still have to take a big group of himself in this forest?

Hongjun smiled and nodded quickly. He immediately used a magical power to compress the space limit within a hundred miles. The monster king followed behind him and stepped out a few steps, then appeared a hundred miles away.

Although all the powerful demon kings are present, this speed is still much faster than their flying speed.

A few magical powers came down, almost a few breathing times, and a group of people had already appeared in a small valley.

Compared with other places, there are no special places in the valley where the birds are fragrant and the vegetation is prosperous.

"Where is the entrance?" As soon as he entered the valley, Yuan Xiaotian asked Hong Jun in a poor tone.

After listening to this, Hong Jun turned his head to Yuan Xiaotian, and said, "I am not your prisoner. I will call you Senior Brother Su. You have to call me Senior, and trouble you to talk to Senior. Pay attention to your tone!"


As soon as Yuan Xiaotian heard it, his eyes immediately glared What's so special about it? Is there any other way?

Sure enough, this guy swelled so easily!

At this time, Niu Chongtian walked to Su Hang's side, "Senior, this insect demon slippery head, you can't believe it, maybe you have some bad water in your stomach, maybe you want to bring us into some terrible place, so that we can wipe us all... …"

Niu Chongtian was a little persecuted, and regarded Hong Jun as Wang Erxiao who led the enemy into the encirclement. However, Hong Jun was not as decent as Wang Erxiao, and Su Hang was not a devil.

Originally, Niu Chongtian should read Yuan Xiaotian's joke, but in the attitude towards Hong Jun, they were on the same front, not only Niu Chongtian, but also other demon kings, because there is no other person, and they blame it. Too much competing, so that they seem to have no status in front of the Soviet Airways.

"What are you talking about, bull? How could I hurt my elder brother, his elder brother is so wise, he won't be fooled by you!" Hong Jun was very angry and yelled at Niu Chongtian, "You guys Guy, it’s clearly jealous..."

"I am jealous of you?" Niu Chongtian listened, his nose spitting out fire. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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