Super Study God

Chapter 1188: I want him to die!

Obviously, gluttonous has made a killing opportunity.

"Nanshan Yaozun, and live!" At this time, a cold voice came from the side.

But it was a woman who had just arrived with gluttonous men. This woman looked more than 30 years old, mature and beautiful, floating in front of the palace gate of Wa Wa Palace, with a streamer flying on her body, a snake tail swimming in the void in the lower body, one The majestic breath bloomed, so that the demons felt a sense of being unable to lift their heads.

"My mother doesn't persuade me, this servant is also rude, and it hurts me, I don't want to ravage him. Other people still think I'm incompetent!" The gluttonous head didn't return.

"This is the place of my Nuwa family. The two of you have any personal grievances. Even if you want to fight, you should not fight here, disturbing my people's purity!" At that time, the woman said again.

"Can't take care of that much, since it is the Nuwa's place, then borrow it!" The gluttonous language is overbearing, and I am determined to fight here with the Soviet airlines.

At this time, the fire next to him started again, "This guy brought so many demon kings up the mountain, it must have been a conspiracy. The mother would catch them sooner, and torture them!"

The woman frowned gently!

"Boy, talking indiscriminately will pay a price. Do you think that you, the uncle of Rauch, can protect you? It's naive!" Su Hangdao!

Su Hang does not want to cause trouble, but he is not afraid of it. The magnificent emperor, the lord of all living beings, has his supreme majesty. It's usually a joke, but the majesty of the emperor is not a violation of any cat or dog!

"Huh, it's you? What can you do except the dark arrows hurt people?" Li Huo yelled, Su Hang was right, he was relying on his uncle, what's wrong? You have the ability to find such a strong uncle!


Su Hang snorted coldly, and this time, he didn't even move.

Aruba's Fury!

This is a set of skills, a variant of puppetry, but after some refining by the Soviet airlines, the fury of Aruba has become a powerful rule.

No matter what it is used for, as long as it is a rule, it is absolutely powerful, because people who do not understand the rule cannot resist it!

The rules are up!

Immediately, a scene of surprise happened. On the sidelines, Lihuo was being held by two maids because the severe pain had made him unable to stand up. He was preparing to take a breath to cheer on his uncle, suddenly, The two women holding him suddenly grabbed his arm from left to right.

At the same time, two other Nuwa women rushed to the side of the court, one left and one right, grabbing the two feet away from the fire, and the four immediately lifted him up.

"What are you doing?" Li Huo's face was threatened, thinking that the four women were going to carry him away.


The four women were unheard of, two raised their hands and two raised their feet, rushing towards a pillar in front of the Wa Palace at a normal speed.

"Ah, no!"



With a scream resounding through the clouds, everyone could not help but twitch and tremble, as if hearing the sound of cracking eggs, one by one felt cold in the crotch!


The gluttons were forced, and I never thought that my nephew would be injured by these maidservants of the Wa Palace. When I got back to God, Aruba, who had been hit hard by the fire, was angry now. Shouted.

The four maids, who were only awake at this time, didn't seem to know what they had done. When they saw Lihuo screaming, they realized what they were, exclaimed, and quickly thrown away from the fire and fled one by one. It also seemed to avoid.

Holding the pillar away from the fire, it slowly slid to the ground, covering his crotch with both hands, and fell to the ground at once, like a look of unreasonable expression.

"Niangniang..." Gluttony pressed on the fire and looked at the tall woman, as if to ask what she meant, why did the people of the Wa Palace suddenly start with their nephew.

The woman drifted down, landed on the field, and looked at Suhang, "Your Excellency is really good, the power of the rules, invisible, even if it is used on me, I am afraid that I will be difficult to parry, but, This trick is too outside..."

Too much, too indecent? Su Hang smiled indifferently, these moves, he will not easily use, these two moves that can be rewarded by Su Hang, must be those who are of low moral character!

Looking at this woman, Su Hang felt that this look seemed a bit familiar to me!

"Uncle, I want him to die!" At this time, beside the fire came a cry of exhaustion from the fire!

"court death!"

The gluttonous man knew from the woman's words that Su Hang was fooling, immediately angered, shot at Su Hangdian suddenly, and punched Su Hang with a punch.

Although I don’t know how powerful he used to be, the strongest at the top of Venerable Realm, even if he punches at will, is probably only stronger than weak when compared to a nuclear bomb explosion!

The powerhouse at the pinnacle of Venerable Realm can be regarded as a strong enemy for the current Su Hang. Su Hang does not dare to neglect and immediately uses the space power to stretch the distance between the two.

The gluttony is also a gluttony, a famous beast of the demon list. This punch directly presses the space created by Su Hang, like a thousand-layer cake, layer by layer, and the space swells. Ripple, even the harsh sound of space burst!

The powerful spatial ability actually slowed the gluttonous punch for less than a second. One can imagine how powerful this punch is.

However, for such a short period of time, for Su Hang, it is already very abundant!

Su Hang moved lightly, avoiding the gluttonous punch. The gluttonous missed a blow, and it seems to have been The backhand was again shot towards Su Hang.

Su Hang was about to flash again, but he saw the gluttonous palm suddenly split a slit, like a scary monster with a big mouth open.

The huge suction came from the crack, just like opening a black hole in time and space. Su Hang suddenly felt a huge force and wanted to pull himself in.

Everything around was like the dust under the powerful vacuum cleaner. It was sucked up by the black hole and flew into a tornado, falling into the gluttonous palm.

The wind was convoluted, and the momentum was terrifying, as if to **** the entire Wa Palace.

This is really like a human vacuum cleaner, and it's still a super-powerful one.

Su Hang took root on the ground, and thousands of trees and vines were born under his feet, straight into the soil, which was able to resist the huge and abnormal suction.

Is this the talent of gluttony? Su Hang is now in the center of the suction vortex, looking up at the gluttonous, it is worthy of being a famous creature in the demon list. If there is no wrong guess, this talent should be devoured, devoured everything! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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