Super Study God

Chapter 1190: Shorai!

However, the power of the gang wind was not covered. There was a crack in the gluttonous red stripe. Although it was not a serious injury, it was full of blood, which was really terrifying.

Even those demon kings running across, seeing such gluttonous food, feel the whole body crisp!


The gluttonous roar, no longer passive defense, and chose to take the initiative to attack, stomped on the ground with his right foot, shot like a cannonball towards Su Hang, opened his mouth in the air, was actually trying to kill Su Hang Swallow it!

How could Su Hang get him close, and now pinched a finger!

"Water comes!"

With his right hand, a huge wave of water flashed out of thin air, turned into a column of water, and rushed toward the gluttonous.

The gluttony was caught off guard and was rushed into the front. The huge water pressure rushed the gluttonous out of the air. The endless water sword was separated from the water column and interspersed with the tendency of the ten thousand sword to return to the clan. The gluttonous exposed the roar and used it He swallowed his talent and opened his mouth to suck.

Not surprisingly, the water that Su Hang's supernatural powers swallowed was also cleaned by him!

"Ha ha ha ha, is it hard to do?" The gluttonous maniacally laughed and stared at Su Hang with eager eyes.

"It's just the beginning, what's the hurry?" Su Hang's mouth twitched and smiled lightly.

"Lei Lai!"

Another trick, the thundercloud rolled over his head again, as if there were thousands of powerful beasts roaring in it, with boundless power, and the thunder fell like a bamboo, following the traction of Suhang, and fell towards the gluttonous. go with!


Everyone was dumbfounded, and what surprised them was not the gluttonous demon Venerable, but the terrible Suhang!

What are these means? Wind, fire, thunder and lightning are coming, waving away, talent? How can a person have so many really powerful talents at the same time.

There are also endless, unpredictable, amazing and magnificent moves, so what is it? Is this so-called magical power?

Almost everyone on the scene froze, including Hong Jun, who was also far away, staring blankly at Su Hang, the proud and standing figure.

Supernatural? It really is powerful!

Hong Jun's eyes became fierce. Although it seemed that there was no victory or defeat in this battle, in Hong Jun's heart, he was judged.

After such a long fight, the gluttons did not get close to the Su Hang, but instead they had been bruised and bruised. If there was no way to turn over, there would be no need to fight again.

However, at the moment, Hong Jun hoped that the gluttonous demon lord could hold on for a few more rounds, so that he could take a look at how much means he had just recognized.



"Master, is he here?"

There is a high cliff deep in the dense forest of the back mountain of Zhonghuang Mountain, and there is another sky in the cliff wall. In the secret cave, a young female voice sounds.

The voice was somewhat expectant, somewhat excited, and somewhat sad.

In the secret cave, the space is vast, and there is a huge stone carving in the middle. It is a woman and a woman with a snake head. If there is no accident, it should be the ancestor of the Nuwa clan!

Nuwa's family has been an absolute strong since the last century. It has experienced annihilation without decay. It has survived until today. It can be said that the heritage is still quite profound!

Opposite the statue, there is a high platform with two futons on it. On the main seat is an old woman with gray hair, but the woman speaking is a woman beside the old woman.

This woman wins Xue Xue in white, and her temperament is dusty. Although the light gauze partly covers her face, she still cannot cover her beauty!

At this moment, the woman looked at the front with a pair of beautiful eyes, and she didn't know what she was looking at. She really wanted to get up and go away.

"It's him, Master, I can feel that it's him, really he!"

The woman's voice became more and more excited.


Beside, the old woman sighed softly, "For so many years, you have always missed it, is he? Sure enough, he has some skills!"

"Master..." The woman stopped talking!

The old woman said, "When you visited the Nuwa family, the ancestors left something to say, and you agreed to it. You and I have to be careful. Today is not when you meet, girl, avoid it!"

The old woman seemed to know the woman's thoughts and blocked her words back in one sip. The woman paused, her eyes very complicated.

Hesitating, struggling, and finally, leaving only two lines of tears!

For a moment, the woman got up and left and retreated into a stone room at the rear, leaving the old woman's sigh alone.



"Fire is coming!"

"The rain is coming!"



In front of the Wa Palace, the battle continued. The storm, thunder and lightning, the five elements magic power, and Su Hang's one after another made it all over. However, this gluttonous demon lord's swallowing talent was so strong that he was no matter how delicate the Su Hang's moves were. One mouth swallowed everything.

This appetite is too good!

"Hahaha, is your skill poor? See what means do you have!" Gourmet saw Su Hang stop, can't help but laugh, it is called a rampant laugh!

"Hum, come!"

Su Hang looked cold, spit out a few words, and gently stroked his right hand again!

Wow la la, a large piece of yellow orange, do not know anything, just like a mountain, flashed out of thin air, pressed towards the gluttonous past.

The gluttonous demon venom has formed a conditioned reflex. When he lost something at Su Hang, he habitually opened his mouth to swallow it. Without looking at it, he swallowed that mountain into his mouth!

At the end, he chewed twice proudly, and a yellow-orange liquid burst out of the corner of his mouth.

In a flash, the pride on the face of the gluttonous demon zen froze, a mouth full of smell!

"My God, what is this?"

"Oh my god, it stinks!"


Everyone around, when they smelled it, they couldn't help covering their noses.

"Fuck, what did you eat for me?" The gluttonous demon consciousness realized what he was looking up at Su Hang. The eyes seemed to eat people!

Su Hang shrugged, "Since you like to eat so much, I will help the Wa Palace clean the toilet!"


As soon as this word came out everyone around was stunned for half a second, and then, nausea, vomiting, and a big vomit.

Just now, Su Hang used magical powers to carry the inventory in the many latrines of the Wa Palace. I didn’t expect this appetite to be so good, and I swallowed it without looking at it!

That is sour, it must be delicious!

"Oh, he eats food!"

Hongjun shouted in his throat, detonating the audience again!

"Oh, so disgusting!"


There were disgusting vomits all around. The woman in the Wa Palace who stood above, at the moment listening to Su Hang, couldn't help but blush. How could this person be so bad?

Everyone else felt sick. As the party's gluttonous demon lord, the heart must have collapsed. The strong stench drilled from the mouth straight into the nose and eyes! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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