Super Study God

Chapter 1194: Pangu was born!


Su Hang went to the stage and sat down on a futon in front of the old woman. "What have you heard and what did you know?"

The old woman smiled indifferently, "From the mouth of a senior, I have heard of some of your past, and from the mouth of a younger, I have learned some of your future."

Those eyes seemed to see Su Hang through. Su Hang heard this and couldn't help but giggled.

Past, future?

Does she really know her origins? This Nuwa family is really mysterious.

"Who are the predecessors? Who are the juniors?" Su Hang asked.

The old woman shook her head. "I can't answer this question for you. You will know it in the future."

Su Hang's brows were so bad that the old woman was going around and she was almost halo.

"Forget it." Su Hang waved his hand, not asking this inexplicable question.

After a pause, Su Hang pulled back to the topic, "Where is this world?"

"Heaven and Earth return to the Yuan, Yu Nei clarified that up to now, there are 1.2 million spring and autumn." The old woman directly answered the question of Su Hang without hesitation.

Unai clarified that it is only 1.2 million years ago?

Su Hang was shocked by this question. The avenue is extinct, and the world is back to the original. The so-called clarification in the universe is the beginning of the New Era. Is it only 1.2 million years now?

1.2 million years, it seems like a long period of time, but for the long history of the development of the universe and the long new era, it is simply too short.

From the beginning of the new era to the next era of annihilation, Pangu led the gods against the Dao. It can be said that there are hundreds of millions of years. Now, this new era has only begun for 1.2 million years.

Too early, Su Hang knew he had crossed his head, but he never thought that he had crossed his head so far.

This is like a person who can live a hundred years old, just turned one year old, the new era is just beginning.

No wonder, Yuan Xiaotian is still so weak, no wonder, even Hong Jun is still so young, even more surprising, he has been in this world for so long, and no decent master has encountered a few.

I really don’t know what the **** is going on in this system of learning the gods. I actually sent myself so far away. This will have to wait until the battle against the Dao, and witness the battle with my own eyes. When should I wait?

It took a while for Su Hang to clear his mood and look back at the old woman, "Are you sure, 1.2 million years?"

The old woman nodded slightly, "The Nuwa family has passed on to the 32nd century."

"Then..." Su Hang hesitated and turned around, pointing to the statue in the middle. "This may be offensive, but I still have to ask the last question, is this lady Nuwa still alive?"

As soon as these words came out, the old woman paused, sighed, and shook her head.

"Aren't you there?" Su Hang asked.

At this time, Su Hang felt that he really asked enough bastards. This is like asking if the parents are still alive, and they poke through to the end to show that they are exposing others' scars.

The old woman smiled, "Of course, the ancestor is still there. The Zhongshan Mountain at your feet is the incarnation of the ancestor."


Su Hang stayed, and Zhonghuangshan was the incarnation of Nuwa?

Isn't it funny?

The old woman smiled bitterly, "Is there anything else to ask?"


Su Hang was somewhat sullen, "Unexpectedly, Nvwa and Niang could not escape..."

What can you escape? Of course it's the clutch of the avenue. Su Hang couldn't help but wonder, is the mysterious so-called avenue really so strong?

Nüwa can’t escape, and the future of Pangu can’t escape. On that day, the scenes depicted on the murals left by the Taigu Mu Clan, Pangu’s, Hongjun..., gathered all the strong men of this era , Even defeated in the hands of Dadao, Dadao Realm, really so strong?

"As long as the Nuwa family is still there, the ancestors will be immortal." At this time, it seemed to know what Su Hang was thinking, the old woman said.

Su Hang couldn't help but smile bitterly. For him, such words are completely self-consolation.

In the faint sense of Soviet Airways, one day sooner or later, I will face the high avenue, but I don't know what it will be like at that time.

Take a deep breath, "Return to the truth! The Nuwa's heritage, from the last century to the present, can be regarded as a long time, and the parties in this world should know the best. I don't know if I have heard of Pangu ?"

The old lady listened and paused for a moment, then looked at Su Hang like this, "You said, Pangu?"

Su Hang nodded slightly and said, "Yes, Pangu's, could it be that you haven't heard of it!"

The old woman shook her head gently, "This plate of Gu's is very important to you? Although I haven't heard of it, the ancestors must be clear. Let me ask the ancestors!"

After talking, the old woman closed her eyes.

Su Hang was a little stunned. What's so special about being like a goddess? Also ask the ancestors? Is she talking about the granddaughter Wa?

Nu Wa turned into Zhongshan Mountain, is it true that as she said, the spirit is immortal?

Su Hang could only wait patiently. After a while, the old woman opened her eyes, and she couldn't tell what kind of expression she had in her eyes.

"What did Nuwa Niangniang say?" Su Hang asked immediately!

The old lady listened, looked at Su Hang, and said, "The old ancestor said, Pangu has been born!"

"Well?" Su Hang listened and seemed a little excited. He came here for the purpose of asking Pangu's news?

"Then, where is Pangu now?" Su Hang asked.

Pangu, passed down to the eighteenth generation of Pangu, that is the future leader of the The backbone of the war against the Tao, now born, Suhang naturally wants to understand.

If Su Hang can find the best of Pangu, with his understanding of future generations, if Pangu has not grown up, he can also guide and help his growth, which may be helpful for the future war against the road.

It can be said that Su Hang is a bit impatient now, and there are still a few days left. Within these few days, when finding Pangu, Su Hang feels that it is still very likely that he can try to change history.

Let Pangu know the ending first. If Su Hang can help him get a good start and spend hundreds of millions of years to develop, the ending is really hard to say.

Moreover, he has now found Hong Jun, Yuan Xiaotian and others. These are potential stocks. They only need to plant seeds and give them the most fertile land. One day they will become a towering tree.

Isn't the avenue strong? One Pangu can't figure you out, I cultivated ten hundred, can you still be so arrogant?

It can be said that the Soviet Union's abacus is very loud, but will the reality be different? Is it really that simple to find Pangu? To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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