Super Study God

Chapter 1223: Sister-in-law has a monster!

Fortunately, Su Xi is also a monk approaching Jindan Realm. This emergency ability is still available. Although he was surprised, he didn't panic. A beautiful turn in the air, he wanted to land on the ground beautifully.



As soon as he turned around, Su Xi felt as if her body was imprisoned by something. She didn't listen to the call at all. Before she responded, she had sturdyly fell on a small snow pile beside the yard.

A fart, terrible pain!

"Brother, I hate to die!" Su Xi rubbed her **** and shouted. At the moment when she just landed, she saw a figure appearing faintly, and only swept it with Yu Guang, she knew that it must be her dear. brother!

Needless to say, it must be the good brother who has tricked himself, otherwise how could he fall with his own skills?

"Little girl, what are you playing with? Why are you so careless?"

A familiar voice came, Su Xi looked up, Su Hang was smiling at herself.

"You also said, hate death!" Su Xi yelled, completely a child who was bullied, wronged, and twisted with his brother!

Su Hang laughed, and stepped up to support her, "Your brother came back to such a big thing, did not say to greet me, still playing here!"

"So many people are around you, where can I get in!"

Su Xi pouted, a younger sister's unhappy expression, "I'm so hurt, I told Mom to go later, just say you bully me!"

Su Hang smiled and rubbed Su Xi's head indulgently, "I heard that someone brought a child to the villa a few days ago?"

Su Xi listened and turned his head back, "Children? Do you say him?"

Su Hang looked in the direction of Su Xi's fingers. A child at the age of five or six was standing under the old Huaishu tree. His expression was dumb, as if he had been hit by a swing accident just now!


Seeing this child, Su Hang froze for a moment. This child seems to be a bit familiar?

"Which child is this?" Su Hang asked familiarly because he hadn't returned for a long time, and he thought he was a relative's child.

Su Xi heard it, but smiled while covering her face, "Brother, you really can't forget it. You don't even know him, Xiaoxuan, come here!"

With that said, Su Xi beckoned to the stunned child under the tree!

The child recovered, and hurried over, looking at Su Hang's expression, looking a little excited.

"Brother Su!"

The child looked up at Su Hang and yelled at Su Hang.

Well? Su Hang seemed a bit stunned!

"You really forgot? Lingyun Giant Buddha Temple, with the old lady named Song Qiao, Xiaoxuan, Lin Xiaoxuan!"

I don't know if Su Hang really forgot or fake it, Su Xi was busy reminding me!

"Xiao Xuan?"

Su Hang suddenly reacted and looked at Lin Xiaoxuan in front of him a little unexpectedly.

It’s no wonder that Su Hang didn’t recognize it for a while, he and this kid hadn’t seen it a few times, and it was a long time ago, the kid was a day, and the clothes style also changed, he recognized it there, but just thought Familiar with.

What's more, the Su Hang wandering the universe, seeing all kinds of people seeing things, has gone more. A child on the earth who has only a few sides, can let him remember that it is already very good.

At this time, Su Xi reminded that the child's appearance slowly coincided with the child in his memory.

"Brother Su!" As before, Lin Xiaoxuan was a bit introverted and shy.

Su Hang was quite unexpected at the moment, but I didn't expect to see this kid here at this moment.

"Xiaoxuan, why are you here?" Su Hang squatted down, pulled Lin Xiaoxuan and asked suspiciously.

Lin Xiaoxuan buried his head and fiddled with his fingers, and his eyes were a little wet.

Su Hang could feel his tiny body trembling slightly, as if remembering something horrified.

"Oh, don't ask him anymore. He is already pitiful enough. Sister Luo brought him here!" Su Xi was overflowing with love and quickly interrupted Su Hang's question.

Was this child brought by Liu Rusu? She ran to the earth and brought the child from Yuzhou to Suxi. What the hell?

Su Hang wondered, this thing was stolen, but it wasn't Su Xi who didn't ask and didn't ask. Su Hang patted Lin Xiaoxuan's shoulder, "Don't be afraid, tell Brother Su, what happened?"

"Oh!" Su Hang's words just fell, Lin Xiaoxuan buried in Su Hang's arms and cried.

"Woo, woo, monster, Brother Su, a monster sister-in-law gave birth to a monster, died, everyone died, woo woo..."

Lin Xiaoxuan cried and said to Su Hang incoherently. The voice was really sad.

Su Hang patted Lin Xiaoxuan's back and finally waited for him to take a breath. From his sporadic words, Su Hang felt some bad things in advance.

"Look at you, so don't ask, and make him cry again!" Su Xi said to Su Hang, and stepped forward to comfort Lin Xiaoxuan who was out of control.

"Don't interrupt me!"

Su Hang interrupted Su Xi very seriously, and waited for Lin Xiaoxuan's emotions to stabilize before he asked the situation again.

For a long time, Su Hang finally understood the course of things from Lin Xiaoxuan's mouth.

At this time, Su Hang's face was unprecedentedly dignified. "So, all the people in Fangdu are dead? Only you alone?"

Lin Xiaoxuan nodded again and again with tears on his face, "They are all gone, they were eaten by the monster born from the sister-in-law, the two sisters saved me!"

The two sisters he said should be Liu Ruxu and Hongyun. At the beginning, Su Hang was still worried that Liu Ruxu had harmed the city of Fengdu, and now he was relieved at this point.

But was only a little loose at this point, and new questions raised his heart again.

酆都, all destroyed?

All of them are in China, and even on the earth, they are definitely a big force, and they will be completely wiped out. Moreover, listening to Lin Xiaoxuan's words, it was just a newborn baby, which is really incredible.

Moreover, this matter also alarmed Liu Ruxu and their two masters of Heavenly Dao Realm, which is even more difficult to understand!

Su Hang guessed that Liu Ruxu ran here with his back and Hongyun, could it be because of the baby?

Standing up, Su Hang frowned, feeling that this should not be so simple.


At this time, Su Xi also felt that Su Hang was dignified. He walked to Su Hang and whispered, "Xiao Xuan's sister-in-law is Tan Lili. Wouldn't it be your girlfriend in high school, Lili?"

Su Xi asked carefully, it really felt a little strange! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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