Super Study God

Chapter 1259: The door now!

After several punches in a row, Hongyun finally gave up and retreated with disappointment. That Shimen didn't know what material it was made of. She almost exhausted all her strength, and she didn't even leave any marks.

Instead, it hurt her hand, not because she didn’t want to continue to smash it. The key was that it hurt her hand.

Su Hang didn't laugh at her. She took out the sky axe and chopped the stone gate several times. The stone gate seemed to grow on it. There was no way to open it at all.

"So hard to do?"

I didn’t see anything above that could be put into the groove of Panhuang Yuxi. Su Hang couldn’t get the stone door anymore. He couldn’t cut the sky axe. The power of the Red Cloud Heaven Daojing remained immobile. Su Hang It's only blindfolded.

At this time, Liu Ruxu seemed to have looked at the door to the future next to her and walked slowly to the stone gate. She was different from Hongyun. What haunted Hongyun was the unknown past, but what haunted her was the future.

She doesn't dare to be interested in the past, but only cares about the future. Will the future self be free? Can it dominate the world?

Until now, he was enslaved by Su Hang, and Liu Ruxu still had the dream of dominating the world.


It was also a punch, hitting the door of the future, the stone door also trembles slightly, and the lines did not move!

Khan, another door that doesn't work!

Liu Ruxu unwillingly smashed it twice and then retreated, "Master, this door does not work!"

Su Hang’s gaze circulated on the door of the future. In the past, he was not attractive to himself. In the future, he was even less attractive to himself. Only now is it true.

Grasp the present moment, and don’t forget the purpose of coming in because you are here to find Ao Xue. What are the past and the future?

Su Hang suddenly realized that he came to the current door and looked up. Somewhat anxiously, he pushed his hand towards the stone door.


A scene of miracle happened, Su Hang's hand was placed on the stone gate, and there was not much effort, then the stone gate actually thundered.

As if something had been triggered, the stone door opened inwards, revealing a long, long channel!

In front, the faint white light flickered, at the end of the Yongdao, as if there was something extraordinary.

"how did you do that?"

Hongyun was quite surprised to see that Suhang opened the stone gate so easily.

Su Hang listened and smiled bitterly, "I just touched him lightly, and he just opened it!"

Speaking of it, Su Hang is also quite surprised. The two doors next to it can't be opened by life or death, but this door is opened as soon as it is done. How can it feel like a routine?

"I know!" At this time, Hongyun suddenly thought of something, "It must be this Pangu great **** who is fooled. Whatever the past and the future, it is just a decoration, it simply does not exist, but this door can enter now, let's enter It’s now, and I just think he’s unpredictable!"

Su Hang heard, a black line flashed on his forehead, but think about it, Hong Yun may be right, maybe Pangu God really played this routine.

But, after those two stone gates, is there really nothing?

At this time, Su Hang could not care about the others, no matter whether there was any danger in the stone gate, he lifted the axe and walked in.

The second daughter quickly followed.


When all three walked into the stone gate, the stone gate suddenly closed with a loud bang, and suddenly the current door on the wall suddenly disappeared, leaving only two other stone doors and a stone wall in the middle.



The stone gate behind him suddenly disappeared, and all three of Su Hang suddenly realized that when they looked back, it was too late. There was no stone gate in the place where they had just come in. The only thing left was a long line with no end on both sides. Yong Dao.

Liu Ruxu rushed over to look at it, and frowned, "Master, we are afraid that we have entered the enchantment space!"

Su Hang shook his head, "Don't worry about the enchantment space first, as long as you are in Panwangzuo, let's go, let's go ahead and see!"

For safety, Su Hang is not very worried. On the one hand, he has Panhuang Yuxi in his body, and he has his own blessing. On the other hand, Ao Xue guards the tomb in Panwangzuo. If he knows that he is here, he should soon Come and see yourself!

The only thing is that he is only worried about whether Ao Xue will have any accidents. After all, 100,000 years, 100,000 years, is enough for an ordinary person to reincarnate for thousands of years, and many things, who can tell!

Then, the three of them tentatively explored the depths of Yongdao, and started the tomb exploration of Panwangzuo!



At the same time, in the Panwangzuo Hall.

"Xue Qi, won't we really be waiting here?" At first, it was okay, but after a while, Wang Fang was a bit idle.

Xue Qi turned to look at him, knowing what he was thinking, "Brother Hang said, not allowed to run around, of course, if you are not afraid of death, if you think about turning around, I will not stop you!"

As for what Su Hang said, Xue Qi was still very concerned about it. The last time he ran around, he almost lost his life, and also made Su Hang unhappy. This time, he must definitely carry out Su Hang's commands firmly to the end!

Su Hang only confessed that he was optimistic about the little toad, but he didn’t let him watch Wang fried, which was really annoying, and Xue Qi was also annoying him, wishing he could leave, it’s best to meet some monster, and hang on this plate. Mound.

Wang Fang was held back and let him go around all by himself. He really didn't have the guts to do it. After all, he was still somewhat self-aware of his skill.

Immediately, Wang exploded, "Isn't you, what Suhang said is what, you and the fart, do you want to be so obedient?"

Xue Qi glanced up at him, "Your set is useless to me, you have to talk nonsense, be careful I flatten you!"

Wang Zui shuddered a Xue Qi's realm is higher than him, and his strength is stronger than him. It's really annoying. He can't do Xue Qi.

However, will the character of Wang Biao simply give up? Immediately got together next to Xue Qi, ready to be empathetic and reasonable, "Brother, where is this place?"

"Where? Pan Wangzuo." Xue Qi glanced at Wang.

Wang fried a thigh, "Yeah, but here is Panwangzuo, there must be a lot of babies, the treasure left by Pangu Great God, if you think about it, if we just go out like this, let others know that we ran around Wangpanzuo. Circle, I didn’t get any benefits. Isn’t that weakening our brother’s reputation?"

"Get out of here." Xue Qi gave him a sip and didn't want to listen to his nonsense.

Wang Zui shook his face, "Let's go, Su Hang said casually, we will follow carefully, it will be fine."

After that, I looked at the little toad, "You said yes, little toad?"

Little Toad thought about it for a while, "It seems a little reasonable, Qige, or let's go check it out."

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