Super Study God

Chapter 1318: I know who he is!

Su Hang nodded slightly, and now, it is basically already affirmed that this avenue deity is really deep enough, actually lurking to his side, but he is still at a loss!

The woman said by the mother, the aunt Lin Xiaoxuan, should not be unexpected, it should be Yin Yuer.

Everything was clear. Yin Yu'er found him in Suxi. In anxiety, he may have already planned to escape using the space-time array method that Yin Yuer said.

"Master, Hongyun and I went to the place where he happened, and there is indeed a breath of space-time formation in that place!" Liu Rusu said.

Su Hang took a deep breath and said for a long time, "Okay, I know it all. Now, people have escaped and it is too late to say anything!"

At this moment, Su Hang recalled that he remembered his last trip to Fengdu and encountered Dadao Doppelganger. If the mysterious man appeared suddenly, he was afraid that he had already planted it. At that time, he felt that Dadao Doppelganger seemed to know that he was going to Dudu ,Where are you waiting for yourself to catch the net.

That day I knew that I was going to Fengdu. There were only two people in the whole villa, one was my sister Su Xi, and the other was his Lin Xiaoxuan.

Now thinking about it, Su Hang really feels numb and shuddering.

"I really deserve to be the creator of God, but this calculation has concealed everyone. If the woman intervened, who would have thought of this?" Hong Yun also sighed beside him, "Su Hang, to be honest, you I really appreciate the others..."

Su Hang didn't answer, but Hongyun was right. If it weren't for Yin Yu'er's reminder, I'm afraid he would be killed in the end, and he wouldn't think of Dao Benzun actually hiding and hiding beside him.

"Master, how is it good now? Daozu probably thought he was the right one." At this time, Liu Ruxu said.

Su Hang smiled and shook his head bitterly. "What else, everyone has already run, do I still chase Swire to catch people? Let's take a step by step, as for Hongjun, let him play for himself."

Now that the situation is getting more and more serious, Su Hang is overwhelmed by himself. There is still time to scoff Hongjun. Besides, Hongjun is not an ordinary person. He should be aware of such a big thing.

"What's so good about Taikoo? He can't get out. Why don't he run back to Taikoo?"

Su Hang shook his head, the man thought deeply about the city, Su Hang did not think he would hide back to Taiko for no reason, he must have a plan.

Su Jindao said, "Aunt Yu said that he has just rebuilt the avenue now. His flesh and blood are still weak. After his identity is revealed, this world is already insecure for him and can threaten his existence. So, for him, It is safest to hide back from Taikoo."

Hongyun and Liu Ruxu didn't speak. Most of them had never been to Taikoo, and they didn't know what Taikoo looked like. Therefore, since Yin Yu'er said this, it would probably be right.

For this point, Su Hang believes that he can probably guess at what time Lin Xiaoxuan will go to Taikoo, it must be the beginning of Taikoo.

The last era of the last century has just passed, and Yu Nei has not yet clarified that all creatures are still in the early stage of gestation. Except for some surviving creatures of the last century, there are simply no strong creatures, even Su Hang can do it. Wei Zuofu can be said to be much safer than it is now.

This person is really too smart, so smart that Suhang has to admire it.

If he planned it a long time ago, Su Hang felt that he was afraid to re-evaluate his opponent.

"Xiao Xuan! Will it really be you?"

Su Hang looked up and looked at the distant sky, showing in his mind that small, immature body, and that little face full of innocence and sympathy.

Up to this moment, Su Hang was still not very willing to believe. After all, Su Hang thought of him as a younger brother, and his parents and family also poured too much affection on him.

"Lin Xiaoxuan!"

Su Hang seemed to think of something suddenly, the expression on his face suddenly changed, and the pupil in his eyes shrank, full of surprise.

"Father, what's wrong?" Su Jin asked quickly.

The surprise on Su Hang's face slowly recovered his composure. After a while, he said, "I think, I know who he is."

"What?" Several people looked suspiciously at Suhang.

At this time, the younger sister Su Xi came over and threw herself directly into Suhang's arms, crying in grievances.

Su Hang was helpless. Lin Xiaoxuan's affairs made her very sad. After all, the best thing she played with Lin Xiaoxuan was her.

He reached out and patted Su Xi's shoulder, "Cry, cry, cry aloud."

Although Su Hang knew the truth, he did not want to say that at this moment, when he looked at his sad family members, Su Hang felt that something was touched in his heart.

Although life and death are different, everyone’s natural feelings are almost experienced by everyone, but a Lin Xiaoxuan makes the family so sad, if one day a certain family member, or himself, dies, then stay in What is the mood of people in this world?

This is man, this is affection, that ruthless avenue, if you see this scene now, don't know what kind of feelings will be in your heart?


Su Xi raised her head and looked at Su Hang with tears in her eyes. Her brother called Su Hang's heart softened.

Su Hangqiang smiled, "Don't cry, if Xiaoxuan is spirited, he certainly won't want to see you sad for him."

Su Xi said, "Brother, I know you have supernatural powers, can you save Xiaoxuan?"

"Me? Save him?" Su Hang froze for a moment.

Su Xi's face full of't you have friendship with Rulai Buddha? You tell him to let the Buddha manifest his spirit and save Xiaoxuan. "

Su Hang listened, crying and laughing a bit. This girl, afraid of watching too many TV series, really thought that the gods and buddhas were omnipotent. If the Buddha came, he could not control this matter.

Just about to talk, my mother seemed to hear it, as if she had grasped something. She was overjoyed and immediately walked over. "Yeah, Xiaohang, beg the Buddha to show mercy, give a notice to Lord Yan and let Xiaoxuan come back."

You must know that this son of your own family knows the Buddha who came like this. Not long ago, the sacred things of the Buddha are still very popular. They are all personally experienced. How can they forget this matter?

On TV, Buddha is omnipotent. It is not easy to save individuals.

Su Hang turned to look at Su Jin and they all felt very helpless.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Hang suddenly smiled, "Yeah, I almost forgot this, Mom, don't cry first, I will go to Buddha in a moment, let him show mercy, save Xiaoxuan "" To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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