Super Study God

Chapter 1339: Avenue? Lin Xuan?

No one expected that the two would suddenly be in trouble. You know, those who can stand in this camp now, but they are all masters of the Venerable Realm. These two people dare to burst in front of so many people. , One can imagine how rampant.

At this time, it was too late to try to stop, and the two had already deceived Suhang.

"Oh, I thought it was so great, but that's it!"

"Wait for me to punch you down, and don't smash your head!"

Lin Feng and Lin Lei, at the moment, watched that their fists were almost touching Su Hang's head, but Su Hang had not yet reacted, and the contempt in his heart was even worse.

"Well? Why, how can't move?"

However, when the two thought that they would immediately hit the lives of the people in front of them, they suddenly found that their bodies were as if they were sealed and could not move at all!

Fist stayed in front of Su Hang and could no longer get in.

Almost between the electric flint, I saw Su Hang take out something.

A long-necked bottle, the cap opened automatically, the two pupils shrank, and they felt extremely dangerous. They were trying their best to get rid of the shackles. There was a great suction from the mouth of the bottle, which made them unable to resist!


As for the people in the account, at the moment, each one was ignorant. What they saw was just an instant, and the two people disappeared, leaving no trace, and there was only one more bottle at the hand of Su Hang.

Among all the people, only Di Jiang saw some clues. You must know that Di Jiang's talent is space, and just now he could only vaguely feel how the Su Hang shot. The two received it.

The air was silent for a few seconds, the needle fell audible, and everyone watched dumbfounded. Apart from a few still looking for Lin Fenglei, more people set their eyes on the bottle of Suhang's heart. Have already vaguely guessed the whereabouts of the two brothers.

Su Hang's face was indifferent, and he didn't even move his **** from beginning to end.


After the reaction, Hongyun was exclaimed and quickly shouted at Su Hang, "You, please let my brother out!"

"Into my bottle, I want to come out, wait for them to turn into pus before talking!" Su Hang said indifferently.

After all, they are brothers and sisters from small to large, and these two have taken care of themselves, as if they are the two brothers and sisters, how can they see them suffering, Hongyun is anxious, "You will let them go, otherwise, wait for my master to come It will definitely break you up!"

The voice suddenly increased by a few decibels, and she could see that she had a lot of trust in her master, including trust in strength.

The only heaven and earth between heaven and earth, even Zhonghuangshan is far away, not to mention the Pangu family that relies on Zhonghuangshan, who can be afraid of heaven and earth?

Relying on the prestige of the Shimen, Hongyun will be treated as a guest of honor no matter what kind of people he is in, enjoying noble treatment. No one dares to provoke Taihuang Mountain, let alone deal with them.

Hongyun believes that although it seems to be a little capable, this person must be stupid. He still doesn't know how much trouble he has caused. Even the people of Taihuangshan dare to challenge.

Su Hang looked up at Hongyun, "You master, even if he doesn't come to me, I will go to him!"

"Huh, the wind is not afraid to flash your tongue!" Hongyun is already ecstatic, "If my master really came, I don't know if you dare to say such a thing..."

"The younger generation is late, don't understand the etiquette, why do you care about them?"

Just then, a quiet voice came in from the outside.

Everyone was shocked, for some reason, only to feel that all their hairs were standing up, and they all looked out of the tent, as if there was a quaint beast outside the tent.

Even Su Hang fluttered at the moment.

Soon, the tent was lifted and appeared in front of everyone, a young man who looked only in his twenties.

When Su Hang's eyes fell on this person's face, Su Hang instantly fixed, a little unbelievable.


Seeing this man, Hongyun was inexplicably surprised and immediately screamed in surprise and ran towards the man.

No one walked into the tent beside the man. Every step seemed to be on the heart of everyone.

Master? Hongyun called this master? Is this the one from Taihuangshan?

At this moment, everyone was shocked. The man in Taihuang Mountain, who had only been in legend for tens of thousands of years, never really appeared in this world. Will it appear here today?

The man ignored the surprise and awe of everyone's eyes, let alone the red clouds, but directly put his eyes on Suhang.

"Master, this is the one who insulted me Taihuang Mountain, and also received the two brothers Lin Feng and Lin Lei in the broken bottle, threatening to turn the two brothers into pus, you will soon teach him!" Hongyun pointed. Su Hang shouted.

There is a backer, which is even different. It was enough to be proud just now that the person was absent. Now that her master has appeared, she thinks that the master who has cattle breaks back is enough to run wild.

Hongyun really wanted to see that his master could teach this man a good lesson, so that he could know that Taihuangshan was not something he could afford.

At this time, Hongyun was already looking forward to Su Hang's miserable look of kneeling and begging for mercy.

The earth is big and the master is the biggest. She grows up so big, but she hasn’t seen anyone who can’t bow her head in front of the master.

Dijiang and others are all upset, but this is the existence of the legendary heavenly realm. After dumping them for thousands of miles, there is no doubt at all. He only needs one finger to crush a large group of people here. Scum!

This master of my own can be such an existing opponent?

"Tu'er, Hugh's nonsense!" However, at this time, next to him, Master Hongyun sneered at her indifferently.

Hongyun froze for a moment, and didn't react too much.

I saw that the young man looked at Su Hang and said, "They are all juniors, don't understand the etiquette, don't care!"

The red clouds are ignorant, what is the situation? This is my Master, the super existence of Heavenly Dao Realm, needs such an attitude to this person?

Not to mention Hongyun, the heart of Dijiang and others is still hanging high.

Su Hang looked up at the person who hadn't spoken for a long time. After a long breath, he took a deep breath and said, "What should I call you? Avenue? Lin Xuan? Xiao Xuan?"

This person, not someone else, is exactly what Lin Xuan and Su Hang remembered. It can be said that nothing has changed. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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