Super Study God

Chapter 1347: witch!

There is nothing wrong, as if I guessed the correct answer by myself.

Su Hang couldn't help laughing, and now it's playable, don't you cross your head again, and now Kunwu and Kunlun haven't come out yet?

"Have you never heard of it?" Su Hang looked at this group of disciples in surprise, but when he saw each one, his face was blank.

You know, these people in the Dijiang Gong Gong are the heads of the clan in the Pangu clan, and they are all over the eight frontiers, and there are places they don’t know.

Su Hang frowned, which was a bit troublesome. No one knew about Kunwu Mountain, and no one had even heard of it. This gave Su Hang a feeling of coming to the false ancient world.

Is it possible that Kunlun has not yet been born? Kunwu is not Kunwu yet?

Su Hang couldn't help but think, a flash of thought in his mind, now even Lin Xuan is still a heavenly realm, and Kunlun God Realm was created by Yin Yu'er's elder brother, Yin Yu'er's elder brother, is the strongman of Dadao Realm In this sector, Su Hang could not confirm.

If the Kunlun God Territory has not yet taken shape, then the so-called Kunwu Mountain is probably not called Kunwu Mountain now?

Really crossed his head? Su Hang felt a little nervous.

"Master, what are you looking for this Kunwu? What is it like to be a demon, who is the person, and the disciples will send someone to find it!" Dijiang quickly said.

The other disciples nodded again and again, looking at Su Hang urgently!

Suhang sweated a bit on the forehead and waved his hand. "You don't have to worry about it, is the sentence on your head?"

"Disciples are here!"

A Tsing Yi man immediately went out. This man, in his thirties, looks handsome, tall, and gives a feeling of vitality.

Carrying a wooden sword on his back, Tsing Yi fluttering and elegant.

This is the sentence.

Su Hang looked at him, "I heard that you are the son-in-law of the Mu patriarch? Yes, it looks good, and it's no wonder that he can be taken in by the Mu patriarch!"

Ju Mang listened, and it was really a little embarrassing, and everyone around him couldn't help but smile a little.

"Speaking of that, when the Mu clan recruited relatives, the younger brother Ju Mang, with his amazing talents, was caught by the Mu clan princess in one word, but many people were envious!" Di Jiang said with a smile, "The disciples are all now I still remember that in order to borrow the strength of the Mu clan and help Pangu rise, we had several brothers and sisters, Qiang Liang and Zhu Rong, all of them went, but the result was that Brother Zhu Mang was superior..."

As soon as the words came out, everyone laughed, but in this laughter, everyone couldn't help but think of that distant past.

At that time, for the rise of the Pangu clan, all the disciples worked together and kissed each other like brothers. Although these days are hard, there are blood and tears, but in retrospect, it is that kind of memory.

Su Hang also smiled, looked at Jumang, and appreciated a little bit more, "Then you should know something about the Mu clan?"

"Brother Jumang is very respected by the Mu clan elders now. It is very likely that he will take over as the next wooden clan elder. He said that knowing the wooden clan is really nothing more than a sentence of the mangju!" Shebi said beside him.

Ju Mang was somewhat embarrassed and quickly said, "Although the disciple is the son-in-law of the Mu clan, he is still a Pangu clan."

Su Hang nodded, "Don't be so nervous, you just have something to ask you, because you know the Mu tribe so well, have you ever heard of a person named Xue Qi?"

"Xue Qi?" Ju Mang listened, thought for a while, but shook his head. "This surname is rare, but the disciples are in the Mu clan, and have never heard of this surname!"


Su Hang froze for a moment. Didn't Wang Zha Na say that Xue Qi was in the Mu clan? Does that guy lie to himself again?

"I heard that the Mu clan has a young patriarch, isn't it called Xue Qi?"

Su Hang quickly asked.

Ju Mang shook his head, "If you return to Master, the Mu clan does have a young patriarch, but the clan surname is Mu, and the young patriarch's name is Mu Qi, not Xue Qi!"


Su Hang paused. Xue Qi, this stinky boy, shouldn't he change his last name?

It's not impossible, Su Hang pondered for a while. The younger clan Mu Qi in the mouth of the man might be Xue Qi. After all, there is a strange word. Perhaps Xue Qi didn't know why he entered the Mu clan, and then Changed all surnames!

Previously Wang Bian also said that Xue Qi was in the Mu clan. Under that situation, Wang Biao should not be able to tell lies, so I can't find Kunwu now. The Mu clan must definitely go as soon as possible.

Su Hang is already planned. Go to the Mu nationality first, then to Zhonghuang Mountain. By the way, you can also inquire about Kunwu Mountain.

There are still many things to do on his trip to the ancient times, and no one can waste one minute.

This time, there was an unexpected meeting with Dadao Zhenshen. Although there was no conflict, Su Hang could feel that Lin Xuan’s resentment against him was more than a star. Although he didn’t know why this happened, Su Hang There is reason to believe that there will be a battle between him and Lin Xuan in the future.



Mu tribe, Cangwu!

"Master, there is Cangwu Abyss in front of you. After this day, the Cangwu City of the Mu Clan is not far away!"

This time out, Su Hang took two people, one was Jumang and the other was Hongyun.

Hongyun was reluctant, but Jumang was full of enthusiasm, and it was a glorious thing to be able to follow his master. When I came out, I remembered the envious faces of the brothers and sisters, Jumang There are still some aftertastes.

This time, Su Hang’s intention to bring Jumang is very simple, because Jumang is the son-in-law of the Mu tribe, and following him can save a lot of trouble.

The five ancient Swire tribes have gradually taken shape. Although the rise of the Pangu clan, there is still a gap in front of these veteran tribes.

After all, includes five groups of five groups of monks. The five groups are very large, and now Pangu's is much more complicated.

Because of the influence of Su Hang, Pangu Cultivation is not only a simple life soul, but also combines a lot of Su Li's Yuanli cultivation methods passed down from later generations.

This leads to the Pangu's cultivation is a bit non-descript, like demon is not demon, like human is not human, in many places, has already given a new name to the Pangu race such as Dijiang!


A brand new race!

Today, it has spread across many areas of the original continent, and it has almost stood at the same height as the five ancient tribes. Although the civil war has been for many years, its power is still not to be underestimated.

Su Hang hangs in the air, looking at the one below, he can't see the side at a glance, let alone the deep deepest valley. Is this the real Cangwu Abyss?

In the deep valley, the clouds are rolling, and it is not much the same as the Cangwu Abyss he has seen in later generations. From the top, it looks like a huge crack cracked on the earth, boundless and endless. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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