Super Study God

Chapter 1353: Snow valley among mountains!

"This is not to embarrass the Mu clan. I don't have to be so afraid, I don't mean to embarrass you!"

Su Hang said indifferently, this group of people is really a dish, so that he is not interested at all, and then, he came to the Mu clan today, and indeed did not come to kill the Quartet.

Everyone was collapsed, and many of them just got up and collapsed on the ground. The experience just now was like hell.

"Muqi, the chieftain of the Mu minority, where is it now?" Su Hang was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, and made it clear.

As the saying goes, I can’t cry without seeing the coffin. Now that I’ve seen the coffin, I’m finally honest. Mu Huai hurriedly said, “When I go back to my predecessors, the son of Mu Qi and the young lady Mu Hua follow the patriarch to ##山 to participate in the fifth. The Clan Association has gone, just left yesterday!"

Su Hang listened and couldn't help but take a breath. It was really a coincidence. It was so staggered about the front and rear feet.

"##Mountain is there, do you know?" Su Hang asked to Jumang instead.

Ju Mang nodded, "In the Kun nationality area, bordering the territory of the Hou Tu clan, I am afraid that there are thousands of miles away!"

Thousands of miles away, it sounds really far and far, but for these high-level practitioners, this distance is nothing!

It seems that I have to go to ##山走一处 to confirm whether Muqi is Xue Qi. In addition, if I can bring the kid back to future generations, it should be the best.

Suddenly stunned, Su Hang looked at Muhuai and others, "Do you know what the five tribes are doing for this time?"

Pangu's civil war was endless, and the Swire five groups suddenly met at this juncture. Suhang would never believe that nothing had happened.

Mu Huai and others shook their heads again and again, "I don't know if I go back to my predecessors. This time the meeting will come suddenly. However, according to the past practice, it should be the younger generation's descendants who compete against each other to show their strength. After all, the patriarch took Muqi son and Miss Muhua!"

In saying this, Mu Huai seems to be a little unbelieving.

Su Hang listened, and he didn't even believe it, but he could see that there was only so much that Mu Huai knew.

You can't ask anything like this, it's better to go and see.

The Five Clan Alliance, by the way, ask about Kunwu Mountain. If Kunwu Mountain really exists, among the five clan, should I know.

At the moment, Su Hang made a decision, without saying a word, with a sentence of Mang and Hongyun, did not even say hello, and left Cangwu City directly.


Before the main hall, Mu Huai and others saw Su Hang and the three people leave, and they haven't recovered for a long time.

"Is this, are you gone?" After a while, Muliu said.

The voice was low, and his face was palpitated, as if fearing that Su Hang would appear again.

A few people did not answer, and had been waiting for a long time, finally determined that the three Su Hang had left.

"Does it make sense!"

Mu Huai suddenly snorted and clenched his fists heavily, his face full of anger, "My Mu clan has been a clan for hundreds of thousands of years, how could I have harvested this kind of groan!"

The people next to me are sweating on the forehead. My God, what kind of fools are you? When you were here just now, you were the most fool?

Now when people leave, they are tough!

Mu Liu and others buried their heads, and the silence was silent!

Mu Huai gritted his teeth, "No, it's imperative to have this grievance. Elders, follow me to Cangwu Abyss!"

Several people were surprised, and Mu Liudao said, "Elder Huai, shouldn't you want to go to Wulaolin to find the ancestor?"

"The ancestors have been closed for many years. Let's disturb them like this, I'm afraid..." Mu Song said.

Mu Huai glanced at it with a fierce glance, "We are all stepped on our heads. This tone can be tolerated. If the ancestors can still stand, our Mu tribe's foundation of hundreds of thousands of years, I'm afraid really Fall into Jumang's hands!"

Mu Liudao, "But, haven't you heard of it just now, that man could be on par with Taihuangshan's existence. Just now his skills, we have all learned, and even if we find our ancestors, I am afraid..."

"I'm afraid what? Grow others' ambition and extinguish your own prestige!" Mu Huai snorted coldly, and his heart was very angry, but Mu Liu's words really made him very afraid, "No matter what, this matter must be let The ancestors knew that let the ancestors decide..."

The five of them summed it up, and they all felt very reasonable, and they hurriedly left Cangwu City.



Besides, the three Su Hang, after leaving, went directly to Hou Tu, because ##山is at the border of Hou Tu, so Su Hang originally planned to rush to Hou Tu before sunset.

However, as a result, Su Hang seemed to have miscalculated the distance, thinking that the distance of 10,000 miles from Jumang was really only 10,000 miles, so I did not rush to the road, so that it was almost dark before I found out that Hou Tu Shi's still a bit out of reach.

Traveling in the air, the white piece below was a snowy area, and even half of the figure could not be seen. Su Hang glanced at Mangman with some helplessness. There was no place to rest in this place.

Ju Mang is also a little embarrassed, but it seems that he can’t blame himself. The tens of thousands of miles he said is just an imaginary number. Who can believe that his master will really believe it.

"Wow, what a beautiful snow!"

Instead, Hongyun liked the snow scene below, holding her hands and looking like a little girl, pointing to a snow valley below, "Who is that, Master, it's getting dark, let's go there!"

"What do you call me?" Su Hang looked back and looked at Hongyun unexpectedly.

Hong Yun froze for a moment, and then straightened, "What is it, aren't you my brother's elder brother, I should call you uncle, too!"

Su Hang listened to for three seconds, and wanted to refute, but I don't know how to refute. Immediately, he shook his head with a wry smile, "Forget it, just be happy, what do you want to call it!"

Hongyun smiled, and it seemed that the relationship with Su Hang was a little closer, and immediately wrapped around Su Hang and went to the snow valley below.


"Huh? There are still people here?"

After entering the snow valley, Su Hang and others were quite surprised. When they first flew in the air, they couldn't see a figure for a long time.

The white snow was like ripped cotton batting, flying all over the sky. When you looked around, you couldn't see any noise at all. The ground was like a thick quilt on the ground, caught in the wind. Snow, the temperature dropped to minus zero, only one word, cold.

In the snow valley, the space is very vast, a small snow and ice courtyard, standing on the opposite bank of the stream deep in the snow valley.

In the creek, there was gurgling water. In such a cold weather, there was no icing, which was really surprising. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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