Super Study God

Chapter 1359: Break the road in a dream!

"Master, what happened?" Lin Lei asked again carefully.

"It's none of your business!" Lin Xuan shook his head.

Feng Lei's face changed a bit, Lin Feng said, "Master, the disciple wants to go down the mountain, go to Pangu, and save the younger sister and the exploded brother!"

"Pray for Master to let the disciples go down the mountain!" Lin Lei also said.

The words were sincere and quite exciting. The humiliation suffered in Pangu a few days ago made them never forget and eager to find the place.

Lin Xuan turned around and looked at them. "Do you want the teacher to rescue you?"

The two heard the words, and their face changed, Lin Xuan said, "Master is capable of everything, Xiao Pan Gu's, but in the eyes of the Master, why not worry?"

Lin Xuan was silent and didn’t know what he was thinking. After a while, he said, "You two, if you want to save your sisters and sisters, please spend more time to practice. With your current skills, I went to Pangu, I'm afraid it's death!"

The two shook their skins a bit, and wanted to ask, why didn’t you do it yourself, Master, but they dared to ask, and they could only quickly knock on their heads, "Please ask Master to give the method!"

Lin Xuan pondered for a while, and said, "There is a secret technique for the teacher, which is powerful and unmatched. If the Er can wait to be cultivated, don’t say one Pangu, even ten Pangu, it’s not a matter of fact. , While gaining great power, you also need to abandon something..."

"Master, the disciples are willing, as long as they can save the younger sister and destroy Pangu, no matter what they give up, the disciples are willing to..."

"Pray for respect from the Master!"

Feng Lei and the two quickly prodded their heads, as long as they can obtain strong power, do they need to worry about other things? With power, there is nothing else.

Lin Xuan glanced at Feng Lei and the corners of his mouth bent a little arc. "Since that is the case, please wait back first, and come here to find a teacher after three days!"

"Yes, Master!"

The two were pleasantly surprised, quickly tapped their heads, and then got up and retreated.


After the two had left, only Lin Xuan was in front of the cottage. Lin Xuan looked up at the distant sea of ​​clouds. "Do you think you can avoid my dharma eyes? You can't be too underestimated of me. Since you are so hard, that's why, I I’ll add more to you!"

After he finished speaking, Lin Xuan reached for a finger forward, and a streamer shot out instantly, and did not enter the sea of ​​clouds.



Let's talk about Su Hang, the axe was split, and the momentum was determined. The regular chain that had been reduced to 35 meters in diameter was cut back by this axe for several meters and expanded to more than ten meters. The iron chain in front was broken and big. There is a tendency to break up.

Su Hang was very happy, it seems that this thing is not unbreakable.

"Panhuang Yuxi?" Recalling that power had just flowed in the body, Su Hang thought of Panhuang Yuxi, just that power, it was from Panhuang Yuxi.

At the critical moment, Panhuang Yuxi saved his life.

"Thank you, bad!"

Su Hang shouted, however, Bu Zhou did not respond.


Looking at the mouth that was split by myself, when Su Air thought that the crisis was about to go, suddenly, the broken chains of rules seemed to be injected with new power by something, and they instantly gathered and returned to their original state.

Jin Guang Da Sheng, just like being irritated, wrapped up towards Su Hang at a faster speed and more powerful momentum.

Su Hang's pupils shrank suddenly, unable to react at all, and he was **** by those regular chains.

All over and under, as if entangled in countless pythons, crushed, suffocated, pressure from all directions, almost collapsed Su Hang.

Panhuang Yuxi kept sending power to the Soviet Airways, however, this time, it seemed to be a shortfall, barely supporting!

Panhuang Yuxi, after all, is only an auxiliary magic weapon. How much power does Su Hang have to exert its power? It has just been able to burst out that power to save him. It is already an accident in an accident.

At this time, for some reason, the power of these ruled chains over him has increased several times, even if it is Panhuang Yuxi, I am afraid that it is also weak.

Sure enough, it's still too optimistic, but this is the evolution of the rules of the avenue, even if the peak of Tianzun Realm exists in the face of this situation, it will be a nine-death life!

Just accept your fate?

Just suffocating death here?

At this moment, Su Hang's heart lit up with endless anger, just want to roar to the sky.


At this extremely urgent juncture, Su Hang suddenly felt that in the Purple House Dantian, something seemed to break a stronger and more powerful force than just now, like the river of the embankment, which was instantly filled with his Hundreds of limbs.

With mania and endless power, Su Hang was stimulated by that power, and he just wanted to vent.



With a roar, the chain bound to Suhang, like a balloon, expanded and contracted, and finally finally seemed to be unable to withstand the huge expansion and tearing force, and blasted away.

As if to detonate thousands of nuclear bombs, those chains shattered inch by inch, forming a powerful shock wave and blasting in all directions.


The broken chain quickly condensed into one place, forming a huge chain dragon, the golden light of the whole body was scorching, roaring with infinite majesty, and the teeth of the open teeth flew towards the Su Hang, and it was about to tear the Su Hang into shatter.


Su Hang was bathed in blood, his eyes were crimson, and he roared loudly. He held the axe in his hands and slashed towards the golden dragon.




In the dim, there was a voice in the ear, a gleam of light appeared in the sky, and a line was slowly pulled away.

The call in his ear became louder and louder, Su Hang slowly opened his eyes, and it was Jumang and Hongyun that printed into his eyes.

Surrounded by a lush valley, the air is filled with a strong fragrance of flowers and plants, and there are crisp birdsongs in the ears.

When the mountain breeze blew, Su Hang felt goose I don't know when the clothes on his body were soaked with sweat?

"Where is this? Aren't we in the igloo? Hongjun?" Su Hang asked suspiciously in response to Ju Mang's worried look.

Ju Mang froze for a moment, but next to the red cloud smiled, "I think you are really sleepy, you see this sunny, do not know how warm it is?"

"Well?" Su Hang froze for a moment, feeling a short circuit in his head.

Ju Mang said, "Master has forgotten. He walked here yesterday. The master said that the sky will be late and will rest here temporarily, so he settles in here!"


When Su Hang heard the sentence, he seemed to have some impressions, "Shouldn't this be a snow valley, and Hongjun?"

Ju Mang shook his head again and again, and he didn't know what Su Hang was saying.

Red Cloud Road, "Here is the land of Middle-earth, the climate is mild, it is rare to snow all year round, where is there any snow valley? Hello? Are you still awake in your dreams?" Search this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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