Super Study God

Chapter 1373: Daozongzong!

This scene made everyone backdoor tight and shuddered. The scene was more than spectacular.

Swarms of bees returned to their nests, and the shadows of swords shot into the air's buttocks, and the blood spattered. I saw those feet struggling in the air, but there wasn't even a scream, everyone on the scene was probably immortal.

Too cruel!

A huge white rabbit fell down from the air and fell heavily on the ground. Obviously he was seriously injured, and the fur on his lower body was completely red with blood.

However, flesh wounds are not fatal to real masters, not to mention the masters at the peak of Tianzun Realm. Even if the flesh is destroyed, as long as the soul is not destroyed, it is not difficult to reshape the flesh.

"how are you feeling?"

Su Hang sat above the throne, pestering the big knife with one hand, looking at the seemingly dying rabbit in front of him with cold eyes.

Shame, why has there been such a shame?

It’s not just because of defeat, losing in the hands of the strong, it’s nothing, but what makes him feel ashamed is that he was just injured by his own move. The posture just now, just thinking about it, is extreme. shame!

Bai Rumo showed the original shape, lying on the ground, the lower body came from physical pain, so that he could not move for a while, and did not want to move.

Hearing Su Hang’s question, the huge rabbit’s head lifted up, and a pair of blood-red eyes looked at Su Hang. The three-petal mouth opened, and he said, "You are strong, we are so clumsy, we don’t see it, but , Do you know who we are?"

"I just want to ask the last question, and I also ask you to solve my doubts!" ​​Su Hang said indifferently.

These two guys are indeed very strong. If it wasn't for him that he had just broken the road a few days ago, I am afraid that he has to deal with it and can only borrow counter-attack skills.

Just after the achievement of Tianzun Realm, Su Hang was thinking about trying his hand. Unexpectedly, there were two such melons delivered to the door. With the current strength of Suhang, although it is only a product of Tianzun Realm, it is because of breaking the power and detaching. The rules are already different from ordinary Tianzun realm.

Now, although he cannot be compared with Heavenly Dao Realm, in Heaven Realm Realm, I am afraid that it is already difficult to find opponents, one has surpassed the rules, and the other is still borrowing the rules. The difference is obvious.

The rules of these two people are invalid for the Soviet Airways, but the rules of the Soviet Airways can restrict them. Just revealed the rules of time and space, they easily killed two seventh eighties, one dead and one injured, but they did not know the seventh. There is no moisture in the eighth!

Just now, Su Hang actually only needs to break the space to make this rabbit refined into powder, and the soul does not stay. The reason why he kept his breath is actually because the two men only mentioned that they were assigned by someone. Here comes chaos.

The person behind this is what Su Hang is really interested in. He can instruct the seventh and eighth. The identity is definitely not simple. A person has already emerged in his mind, but he still needs to let the person speak clearly to be sure.

When he was about to die, he could still look at himself with such fierce eyes. Obviously, behind this white rumo, there was a trust that made him confident enough.

Bai Rumo hummed and said, "I am a disciple of Daozongzong. If you dare to kill me, you will face revenge from Daozongzong. There will be no place for you in the sky!"

"Dao Daozong? What's the way?" Su Hang paused and looked at the rabbit in front with some doubt, "Are you from Taihuang Mountain?"


Bai Rumo snorted coldly, "Taihuangshan is nothing. In front of my Daozongzong, even the shoes are not worthy!"

"Oh? Really?"

Su Hang froze for a moment,

Not even Taihuangshan? This is a bit too much, right?

You know, the Taihuangshan man, but the master of this world, the master of a world is not even worthy of lifting shoes? It's ridiculous, this rabbit is so capable, the only thing that can prove is that this guy is bluffing.

But he said so, it is inevitable that the man behind this rabbit is not Lin Xuan?

Su Hang has always guessed that these two people were instructed by Lin Xuan. In his impression, he can instruct these two masters. I am afraid that only Lin Xuan is the only one. But now this situation has caused him doubts.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that within Zongmen, people stronger than me are everywhere. If you dare to kill me, naturally someone will come to kill you!" Rabbit said.

Su Hang heard it, and laughed lightly, "You say that, you just want me to let you go, but I hate the mouth most, so I can only be sorry!"

After that, Suhang took the knife out of his hand and went straight to the rabbit to kill it.

The rabbit couldn't resist at all, was instantly penetrated by a long knife, and the whole rabbit was swept into the air by a strong inertia, followed by a pop, and firmly inserted on the ground.

Under one blow, the spirits were destroyed, the rabbit was unwilling to lie on the ground, and his **** eyes stared at the sky weakly, as if complaining to God, why am I dying?

"A big man, what is bad, be a rabbit!"

Su Hang defamated a sentence, and turned to look at the people around him, one by one, already shocked and confused.

The two super masters, the legendary existence of the top ranking in the Demon Emperor List, was actually slaughtered so casually?

At this moment, everyone is in the clouds and can't believe that what they just saw is reality.

"Well don't leave yet, would you like to stay here, will I invite you to dinner?" Su Hang said.

Hearing Su Hang's voice, everyone woke up and looked at Su Hang one by one in shock. Then he kneeled on the ground again.

"Senior demon's magic is prosperous, and the juniors have no eyes..."

Everyone shivered. If they said that they had some doubts about the identity of Suhang before, at this moment, they had already witnessed Su Hang killing the two masters of the demon emperor's pinnacles with their own hands. It was already convinced.

"Let's go, let's not forget the date after seven days!" Su Hang waved his hands impatiently. These people's faces, he really saw enough!

Everyone knows that Su Hang has just been Hearing Su Hang's words, this is like an amnesty, and he has quickly left.

It's no wonder that this ancient Clan family has risen so fast, that there is such a great **** behind it!

This is really troublesome. With such a strength, I am afraid that among the five races, there will be no rivals?

The hearts of the people really regretted it. They really shouldn't have such a five-family alliance. Otherwise, what would make Pangu catch the handle and make it difficult for him to ride a tiger.

That's good, the fox didn't catch it, he made a mess!

"Real people, if you have time, please go to my Mu Cangwu City!"

The crowd left, but Muying took a few people from the Mu tribe to stay for a while, facing Su Hang's courteous invitation.

Relatively speaking, Muying's courage is still quite big, and he is not afraid of Su Hang except awe, because his son, daughter-in-law and son-in-law all follow Su Hang, and it seems that the relationship is not bad, not to mention his son-in-law or Su The apprentice of Hang, this relationship is much closer.

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