Super Study God

Chapter 1379: I am also a wolf family!

The cedar nuts are sweating like rain, where can I thank you, this wolf king Mohan is the dog leg of the dog king, you dry him, I am afraid to bring me the snow rabbit family to bring disaster to the top.

Xue Songzi knew that Xue Qi and Su Hang must have a strong history, but he didn’t dare to hope for the three of them. After all, the three of them were just passing by, maybe they turned around and left, they Now it's the jackals who are provoke.

The Jackal family is huge, and the Snow Rabbit family cannot be an opponent at all. Unless these three people can wipe out the Jackal family cleanly, they are left with only a dead end.

However, this is obviously unrealistic. The three of them have nothing to do with them. Why should they help them?

Thinking of this, Cedarwood hurried over.

Xue Qi was very proud, and thought that Cedarwood was excited to kneel, but he did not want Cedarwood to run next to the wolf king Mohan, and panicked to find several villagers, dragging his feet, Planing the soil, digging the soil, quickly dig out the wolf king Mo Han from the soil.


"Brother Hang, what's going on?"

Xue Qi felt weird. Seeing Su Hang standing in a corner, he quickly hurried over and asked in doubt.

He just had a fight with Hongyun for a while, and he panicked when he shot. In fact, he didn't know what happened.

Su Hang shook his head. "I don't know very well either. You will ask in the past."

Xue Qi nodded slightly, and when he turned around, the wolf king had been dug out of the soil.

The body was covered with soil, and blood was still on his face. Mo Han rolled his eyes, dizzy and turned, and was slowly woke up after being sucked by the cedar nuts.

"Damn it, you, dare you hit me?"

When Mo Han woke up, he saw the cedar nut with his hand ready to draw his ear scraper again. His eyes suddenly glared, his eyes were ruthless, and he grabbed the cedar nut's wrist.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding." Xuesongzi quickly insulted, "Wolf King breathed his anger, how dare the old deceased to do it to the Wolf King?"

Mo Han stood up with a carp, and stood up from the ground with a swift look. He was so full of energy that he wanted to choose someone to eat, "Who is it, who just attacked the king just now?"

That momentum, that fierce look, almost scared the individual to death. All the villagers in Yingxue Village couldn't help but take a few steps back. No one dared to confront the angry Wolf King.

"What's wrong with me?"

At this time, a loud voice came, and Mo Han turned to look, only to see a young man in white standing with his head struggling.

Who is Xue Qi?

Mohan, the wolf king, was originally angry, but seeing this person's popularity was a bit of a jealousy at the moment, so he pressed on the fire and asked, "Where is the evildoer? Get the name."

If it is in the later generations, ask people where the evildoers are, it is a curse, no one can bear it, but now, this word is the same as who you are.

But this attitude is fierce.

Xue Qi was not angry, and said directly, "I? I will pass by, because I don't see you pretending to be forced, so I will teach you a lesson, so that you can remember more, as for my name? You call me'Ba' Just do it."

"Ba?" Mo Han paused and looked at Xue Qi in surprise.

"Eh, good boy!"

While Mo Han was thinking hard about whether he had heard this character, Xue Qi laughed.

Everyone around saw this scene, and it was also a bit of forbearance. This demon **** was also too bad.

"Dare to tease Ben Wang, Ben Wang will kill you."

Mo Han was furious, almost burst into flames in his eyes, and he couldn't care about anything else. He rushed directly towards Xue Qi and held his fist high, trying to smash Xue Qi into a rotten.


The gap between the realms is huge. Xue Qi didn't move that much at all. He just used his body demon spirit to jump Mo Han.

Mo Han's body flew out, rolling three or five times on the ground, until he hit a stone at the entrance of the village, which stopped awkwardly, but the stone had been cracked by his head. open.

"Yo, want to kill your dad? I don't have a son like you." Xue Qi held his arms and looked at Mo Han playfully.

Mo Han was hit again by the halo, stood up, and fought for a while, which was considered a resurgence.


What makes people stunned is that Mo Han at the moment, but his temper is gone, he just kneeled in front of Xue Qi.

"Seniors spare their lives."

Just by that moment, he already knew that he was not Xue Qi’s opponent. This young man seemed to be afraid that it was not an old monster. Only the body protection and devilishness could hurt him. The gap between them is absolutely impossible. Li Ji.


Xue Qi was a little more happy. This man really was, his temper was quicker, and he received it faster.

"Isn't it just very ridiculous? Didn't you want to kill me? Your dad just stood here and tried another kill?" Xue Qi walked over and said very irritably.

Cedarson seemed to look bad in this posture, and hurried past, bowing his body to Xue Qidao, "Master demon god, this is above the green grassland, the wolf king of the wolf tribe Mohan, also invited the demon **** master to look at the old thin face Go, spare the Wolf King."

Cedar nuts can be said to be sweaty, and his abacus is still very good. If the wolf king is dead, his snow rabbit family will definitely not be able to get rid of it. Others are powerful and can go away. If the jackal family When they came to seek revenge, they were the ones who suffered. But instead, if he pleaded with the wolf king at this time, he might be grateful to him, and today's things have passed.

It can be said that this old man imagined really beautiful, but he may have forgotten that there is a creature in the world called the white-eyed wolf.

"Wolf King?"

Xue Qi looked up and down Mo Han, but his face was inexplicably a little more laughter, "Just like you, it is too shameful for our wolf family?"


Mo Han raised his unexpectedly and a little surprised to look at Xue Qi, "Senior, are you also a wolf family?"

"of course!"

Xue Qi's gaze started with a smile on his lips, and said, "I am also a wolf race in this green grassland, but it was a thing many years ago. It is normal for you not to know me. At that time, our wolf race, but the grassland first The great forces can't think of being defeated by your junior today."


The person who exclaimed was not only Mo Han, but the rabbit lord Xuesongzi stood beside him, and he was trembling with a whole body. This demon god's real body turned out to be the predecessor of the wolf clan?

On the other side, both Hongyun and Suhang couldn't stand it anymore. This kid would be too playful.

Mo Han was stunned, and seemed to be immersed in this huge surprise. It took a while before he recovered, and he quickly squinted at Xue Qi. :

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