Super Study God

Chapter 1390: Yufeng's youth!

The electro-optical winding took a long time to disperse. The stone gate was tall and majestic. It was three to five feet long. The two blue stone gates were painted with dragons and dragons. The beasts were infinite, and the majesty looked very immense. Stands on top of the mountain.

Su Hang and others watched this scene and hadn't recovered for a long time.

This is the door to the legendary fairy realm?

For a while, Su Hang recovered first, his figure flashed, and he came to the front of the stone gate and looked up and down, revealing his excitement and surprise.

"Hurry up and take the Shengxianling." Su Hang shouted back to Hongyun.

Then Hongyun recovered, hurrying to hold the Shengxian Order, and rushed to Suhang. He looked at the stone gate next to him, and didn't wait for Suhang to say anything. He directly inserted Shengxianling to the gate.

The stone door was tightly closed, with only a groove in the middle, similar in size to Shengxianling, just like a keyhole.

After Shengxianling was put in, Hongyun and Suhang both retreated slightly, staring at the stone gate with little excitement.

The Shimen gleamed at first glance, and quickly opened to both sides, and the clouds and mist covered the inside, but there was nowhere.

After the cloud had dispersed for a while, Su Hang took a look, and what he saw turned out to be a green mountain and green water in the door.

Obviously, the scene inside the door was not the scene on the grassland. Xue Qi spared Shimen and looked at the door. He shrugged back to Su Hang. "Hang Brother, this stone door is afraid that it is really connected to another world. "

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Go, go in and see."

I was a little excited in my heart. Su Hang was a little convinced that he should have been confused to find Kunlun God Realm.

Soon after, Kunlun God Realm, which will be named in Pangu's Celestial Realm, should be here?

Sure enough, the protagonist is the protagonist, Su Hang is more convinced that he is the protagonist, only the protagonist can have such luck.

"Brother Hang, just go in like this?" Xue Qi hesitated a little, and didn't figure out what was inside, so he swaggered in. What if there was a danger?

Up to this moment, he still remembers the situation when he entered Panwangzuo. At that time, it was because of simplicity, and he followed Su Hang into Panwangzuo, and as a result, he could not go out again. He came to this ghost place inexplicably. , A stay is more than 30,000 years.

It was tears to think about it, so now he did not dare to follow Su Hang in a hurry, and he might be pitted again.

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "If you are afraid, stay here and wait."

Having said that, Su Hang walked directly into the Shimen, and Hongyun followed.

Xue Qi stood still and froze for a moment. What Su Hang said really made him feel distant and familiar. I remember that he was in Panwangzuo because Su Hang dropped the three of them, so they would be confused. To Swire.

"Father, this..." Mo Han leaned up.


Xue Qi waved his big sleeves, which made the technique of Qiankun in his sleeves, and took both Mo Han and the dog king, and then followed meteor stride.

Since it is not the same to follow, nor to stay, it is better to follow, at least next to the Su Hang, you can feel a little more secure.



Entering the stone gate and looking back, the stone gate closed quickly, quickly shrank and disappeared, turned into a light group, and flew towards the three people.

Hongyun stretched out his hand and grabbed the light group in his hand, but it was Shengxianling.

"A broken token, I can't think of it as a sight-seeking thing, no temperament, no bottom line." Looking at the token in Hongyun's hand, Xue Qi was somewhat disdainful.

"You guy, why is your mouth so stinky? It's spiritual. If you scold it like this, if it's angry, how can we get out?" Red cloud gave Xue Qi a glance, how could this guy be so annoying?

Xue Qi's face shook, and it seemed that it was indeed the case. I dare not say more at the moment. I can only vomit in my heart. You say a broken token. Is there such a big face?

Hongyun turned around, preparing to return Shengxianling to Su Hang, but at this time, he found Su Hang was looking up at something.

Looking forward, following Suhang's gaze, Hongyun was also taken aback by the sight in front of him.

In front of it, there is a huge mountain range with no end in sight. It does not reach the top and goes straight into the Xiaohan. It stretches endlessly, like a magnificent city wall, lying between heaven and earth.

Green hills, green trees, spirit beasts, fairy birds.

The cries of birds and beasts are like fairy music coming from the underworld. The air is filled with thick and strange energy. This energy is neither demon power nor elemental force. It is quite comfortable to be in it. Like in a hot spring, every pore in the body seems to be opened, breathing greedily.

"It's so beautiful." Hongyun couldn't help but sigh. In the past, she was too great for Huanghuangshan, and there was no such place outside the world.

Xue Qi walked over without looking away from the mountain. "Brother Hang, is this not Kunlun? Isn't Kunlun so big?"

Su Hang was about to speak. At this time, there was a whisper of fairy birds above the clouds, and a phoenix **** bird swarming out of the clouds, flying directly towards them.

Fire Phoenix!

The **** birds listed in the sky demon list can't find a few in the entire ancient continent. I didn't expect to see one casually here.

There was someone on the back of Fire Phoenix.

All three had excellent eyesight, and they saw a young man in blue kimono standing on the back of the phoenix.

"Who are you waiting to enter Kunlun?"

The young man came to Fenghuang, his eyes swept over the three Su Hang, and he asked lightly.

From the top, it is like a fairy in the nine heavens, overlooking all living beings.

"Huh? It's you?" When Su Hang saw the young man standing on the phoenix, he was stunned.


The young man looked at Su Hang with a little doubt between his eyebrows, "Do you know me?"

Su Hang said with a smile Forgot? A few days ago, in the snow valley, I, Hong Jun, and your master, three people were drinking in the snow. "

Su Hang recognized it at a glance. This young man was no one else. Was he the white-robed guy in the snow valley?

However, when the young man listened to Su Hang’s words, he frowned slightly, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, and Liuyun has never left Kunlun, how could he ever go to Xuegu, I think you are the wrong person ?"

"Huh?" The smile on Su Hang's face froze.

At this time, Xue Qi came together, "Brother Hang, do people seem to not know you?"

This is a bit embarrassing.

Su Hang paused. Was that day really just a dream?

If it’s just a dream, how could this young man appear in his dream? Hongyun Jumang is okay to say, after all, he is a familiar person, and the young man in front of him, who doesn’t say in his dream, still exists. Somewhat bizarre. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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