Super Study God

Chapter 1392: 8 girls!

This little guy, the reaction is really big. It can be seen that this little guy must know what the extraterrestrial creature that Su Hang said is.

Su Hang nodded, "Yes, brother, you should know how serious I am talking about it?"

Now that he knows what the extraterrestrial creatures are, he can save the Soviet airlines more trouble to explain.

"It doesn't make sense, the lord said, there can be no extraterrestrial creatures in the Xuanhuang Realm." Liuyun seemed to be talking to herself, and his voice was very low.

"Little brother, what are you talking about?" Su Hang looked at Liuyun in surprise.

Liuyun recovered, and quickly shook his head, "Uh, nothing said, VIP, where have you seen extraterrestrial creatures."

Su Hang hesitated, "If I say, not now, but the future, do you believe it?"


Liuyun is obviously a bit dumbfounded.

Su Hangdao, "This is a long story, but indeed, there is a place that is under threat from extraterritorial creatures. Someone told me that only Kunlun's yin and yang mills can solve this difficulty, so it will only..."

The flow cloud interrupted Su Hang’s words, saying, “Actually, I heard from the master that the so-called extraterrestrial creatures are the lives of extraterrestrial space. They are not necessarily all evil, and there are many good people among them. Can the extraterrestrial creatures be good or evil?"

Liu Yun asked Su Hang, but the extraterrestrial creatures under the Kunlun Mountains have been sealed. How can Su Hang confirm their good and evil?

But since being sealed, and still being suppressed by the current emperor of the current cloud, Su Hang thought, it must not be a good generation.

"It must be a fierce generation." Su Hang was decisive. No matter what, he had to borrow the Yin and Yang mills first.

Liu Yun paused for a while, as if speculating on Su Hang's words.

It took a while for Liuyun to say, "It's a matter of life outside the territory. I'm afraid it's no longer a magic weapon that can be solved. Guests are still waiting patiently for my grandfather to come back to deal with it. In this world, I am afraid that only my grandfather has the ability to deal with the extraterritorial. life."

Liu Yun's remarks are very serious and earnest, and it can be seen that it is not a resignation.

Having said that, where does Su Hang have time to wait?

"Except for your lord, there is no master on this Kunlun Mountain? The huge Kunlun God Realm, won't you just be a few of you?"

Su Hang felt at this time that he still had to find someone with a little voice to come out and talk. "Doesn't your lord have a sister?"

"Our old man has seven younger sisters, I don't know which one are you talking about?" Liu Yun sweated.

Su Hang was more sweaty, "Whoever is on the mountain, who should come out, Yin Yuer? She can be there?"

Liu Yun confessed, "Several aunts are not on the mountain, only grandmother eight is here. The second aunt's milk industry has left Kunlun for many years. The girl's rising fairy order is her second aunt's personal belonging."


Hongyun looked down at Shengxianling in his hand, and his eyes suddenly became abrupt, "Oh, it turns out that your grandma, the second aunt, is the ancestor of the Snow Rabbit family?"

Liu Yun listened, but shook her head. "The girl said badly. It was a **** pet of Grandpa Er's grandfather. At that time, the snow rabbit fell into the dust. It is said that he fell in love with a little demon in Fanjie. Grandma Er'gu will rise with him Xian Ling left it to her..."

This little guy knows quite a lot.

"It turns out so." Hongyun realized, "The ancestor of the Snow Rabbit family is the favorite of your second-aunt grandmother. So, your grandfather and your second-aunt grandma are all amazing characters?" Can there be a realm of heaven?"

Hongyun is full of curiosity. In her cognition, the realm of Heavenly Dao is already the strongest. The most powerful thing under the sky is her master Lin Xuan, who is here, she also wants to grow the majesty of the master.

"My lord, in the last epoch, has achieved the avenue." Liu Yun said lightly, with a little pride.

But this faint sentence made Hongyun and Xue Qi both startled.

Avenue Realm? Did you hear it wrong?

Did you reach the avenue in the last century? This little guy, isn't he bragging? How does it feel so unreal? Is this cowhide blowing too ridiculous?

Only Su Hang, who was prepared in advance, was not surprised.

But this calmness fell in the eyes of Liu Yun, that is unpredictable.

At this time, Su Hangdao said, "Since the eight girls are here, please ask her to come out."

Su Xiao still knows a little bit about this family. At this time, Xiao Jiu has not yet been born. The eighth one should be the smallest one, but even the smallest one is stronger than this flow cloud.

Although Liuyun will be the Lord of Kunlun in the future, a generation of Liuyun Divine Emperor, but at this moment, it is just a door to see. Su Hang wants to count on him, which is basically not expected.

"This..." Liu Yun listened, hesitating and embarrassed.

"Come on, Brother Liuyun, our time is precious..." Xue Qi urged beside him.

Su Hang glanced back at him. This little guy was really rude. The so-called third-ranking officer in front of the prime minister's door, even if people only watched the door, could not easily offend.

"Okay, three of you will wait."

Liu Yun responded with a cry, then got up and left.



After the cup of tea, in the hall.

The air was almost still, and the atmosphere was awkward. All three of Su Hang were sitting in their seats, looking at the presence on the chair opposite.

"This is the Eight Girls?" For a long time, Su Hang looked up at Liuyun with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

There was a little girl sitting on the chair, looking like she was only three or two years old, wearing a floral dress, wearing a ponytail, big eyes and a round face, she was a little cute, holding a candy cane-like thing in her hand, Licking from time to time, all over the face.

The little girl only looked at the food and completely treated the three people in front of her as an The scene was very embarrassing.

Liu Yun nodded, "Yes, this is Granny Bagu."

Su Hang was speechless for a while, "How old is it?"

There is a chessboard in my heart. Some tall people are small outside, but the actual age is very big. Su Hang still thinks, maybe this is a good person.

"Grandpa Bagu has been born so far, but it is only 32,000 years old. However, the family of the grandfather, 30,000 years, is equivalent to two or three years old. It has not been enlightened yet.

Don't say early, it hurts us so much time!

Su Hang couldn't help but say, "If it is convenient, let's stay here for two days, and wait for your master."

"Fortunately, there are many empty palaces in the palace. The three of them look at the favorite one, even if they live there." Liu Yun is also generous.

Suzhou Airlines is also welcome, "Also, can there be an altar in the palace? If so, please help me prepare one." To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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