Super Study God

Chapter 1394: Bloody battle!

However, the incense has burned out, and Yin Wucheng has not appeared. It can only prove that either the other party really has a delay, or the other party does not want to ignore himself. Anyway, staying here and waiting is no longer meaningful, and his time is also very good. It is precious and cannot be consumed here.


"Senior Su, but a place where he hasn't been entertained yet, why did he suddenly leave!" Before leaving, Liuyun chased down the mountain.

Su Hangdao, "Little brother, I'm still in a hurry, and I will come again when things are done. If your grandfather comes back, please keep him on the mountain!"

After that, Su Hang directly called Hongyun, "Hongyun, open the door!"

Hongyun quickly took the Shengxian Order to catch up, "Sir, let's go like this, wouldn't it be impolite? Or are you stimulated?"

There is something impolite, but the stimulus is quite stimulating. He didn't expect Yin Wucheng to lose face.

Su Hang was also too lazy to say that he directly took Shengxianling from Hongyun.

Xue Qi looked aside, and several black lines could not help hanging on his forehead. Our airline brother would not kiss the token. The scene, I couldn't bear to look straight at it.

"Open the door, pit, choose one!"

When Xue Qi and Hongyun both thought that Su Hang was going to do something terrible, they spit out such a sentence from Su Hang's mouth.


When the words fell, a miracle happened, and the Shengxian soon glowed with white light, which was actually started because of Su Hang's words.

Xue Qi and Hong Yun both looked at this scene in amazement.

The door appeared and opened, and Su Hang went straight out.

"Uncle, you are too rude, so treat it like this!"

"Niu Boyi, why didn't I think of it!"


The three figures disappeared in the door, and Liuyun wanted to keep it again, but it was too late. Soon, the stone door disappeared, and Liuyun shook his head helplessly and turned to the mountain.

"Huh, sir, when did you come back?"

As soon as he arrived at the palace gate, Liu Yun was surprised to find that a man in white stood at the gate with a hand on his shoulder, and looked down at the mountain with dignified eyes. His deep eyes seemed to penetrate the void.

Liu Yun quickly greeted him, but this man was none other than his master, the Kunlun master, Yin Wu hurt.

"Just now."

The man said lightly, his eyes never left the mountain.

Liu Yun also looked back at the mountain, and immediately said, "Master, a senior Su just came to the palace to find you. This is just leaving. Do you want the disciples to lead them back."

"No need."

The man waved his hand and stopped the flowing cloud.

Liu Yun said, "Senior Su said that he wanted to borrow your yin and yang mill to deal with extraterrestrial creatures..."

"I have helped him once, there is no reason to help him a second time." The man sighed.

Liu Yun looked at Yin Wuliang with surprise, "Master, listen to what you said, you are really familiar with this senior Su? He is dealing with extraterrestrial creatures, lord, you once said that extraterrestrial creatures are not bound by any rules. , Is the most difficult to deal with, do you really not help him?"

Yin Wu hurt, but instead, if he looked at Liu Yun deeply, "Do you want me to help him?"

Liu Yun listened and scratched his head. "After contacting these two days, the disciple feels that this senior Su from Pangu Zhenren should not be a cunning..."

"Cause of today, fruit of the day, fruit of the day, cause of the day." Yin Wuxing shook his head, "little guy, there are many things you can't imagine. In short, this yin and yang mill can't be borrowed."

"Moreover, there is a business of borrowing and not repaying, I will not do it, lord."

After that, Yin Wu hurt turned and entered the palace.

Liu Yun stood in the same place, and Yin Wu's words made him somewhat inexplicable.

"Master, he said he would come again." Recalling that, Liu Yun quickly chased in.

"If he comes again, he will say that I am not here." There was a thick voice from the palace.

Liu Yun stagnate, "But Master, I will not lie to disciples."



Su Hang didn't know what happened in Kunlun's realm after they left. If you let him know that the righteous leader he was looking for was hiding from him deliberately, I really don't know what it would be like.

After leaving Kunlun God Realm, Su Hang first thought about the dog clan and solved the cat clan's scourge. After all, he promised the cedar nuts to solve the worries for the snow rabbit clan.

However, under the mountain of five mouths, at this time, it was the shouts, the chickens and the dogs jumped, and the dust was billowing. It seemed that there was a confrontation between the two armies, and the battle was very happy.

Looking at this situation, the Jackals were attacked, and the scale was not small, and the enemy did not know what came. They had already attacked the valley. Several elders of the Jackals were fighting with their dogs in blood, the scene was quite the same bloody.

"It's the sheep and cattle."

As soon as he was released, the dog king and the dog laughed and saw the situation. They were immediately shocked, "Shameless clan, attacked my dog ​​clan while I was away."

Watching his dogs and grandchildren fall one by one from afar, the dog king was furious and immediately wanted to pounce on him, killing him with great pleasure. However, he suddenly realized that he was only a prisoner of the order, hurry up Begging to Suhang, "I beg your senior to save my dog ​​family."

Wolf King Mo Han looked at this scene, but there was a bit of gloating, the dog clan had been arrogant enough for a long time. I didn’t think that within two days, the sheep clan and the cow clan got the news, and such a decisive joint shot, beat the group of dogs. The first dog family was caught off guard.

Su Hang is a dog lover. Although jackals and dogs are essentially different, they are still dogs after all.

With a slight swipe of his right hand, Xue Qi automatically loosened the rope that trapped the dog king, and the dog king was overjoyed and thankful, and turned directly to the battlefield of the canyon.

"Yangtai, Niuben, Er, etc. bullied me too much, dare to fight me dead?"

Far from mixed with the endless angry voice of the dog king, the battle in the valley subsided slightly, and then quickly broke out again, intensifying.


When Su Hang and others came to the valley, the corpse was already lying in the valley, it was almost difficult to get feet, and there was blood everywhere. It was completely a slaughterhouse, and the smell was almost difficult to breathe.

The dog king, with a group of red-eyed jackals, stood among the corpses of blood and flesh, his hands became claws, his chest undulated, his mouth was breathing heavily, and he glared at the enemy ahead.

At the foot, there were piles of corpses. Among them, there were many backdoors bursting, and the intestines flowed all over the place. The wailing continued, but for a while and a half, they couldn't stop breathing.

On the other side, there are two leaders. The sheep family is a short and chubby old man with a goatee. The cow family is a strong, dark-skinned man with a nose ring.

Obviously, these two people were also spurred by the sudden appearance of the dog king. Originally, they thought that the ambition must be won, and they would certainly be able to get the dog family. They never thought that the dog king would suddenly be killed and caught them by surprise. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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