Super Study God

Chapter 1407: Meet the Pangu God!

Beyond heaven and earth, there is such a vast world? Su Hang was a little surprised for a while, and even couldn't accept it.


Heaven Tribulation Road, "The five major worlds are ancient and created by great supernaturalists. This mysterious yellow world was formed the latest. Our Daozong sect is the first super-large faction of the earth. Even if it is placed in the entire five major worlds, it is absolutely top. , Now, do you know how your opponent exists?"


   Su Hang listened, and looked at Sky Tribulation with surprise, "Listen to the meaning in your words, this world, that is, the Xuanhuang Realm in your mouth, isn't it the Taihuangshan pioneer?"


"Ha ha!"


   Heavenly Tribulation was undecided, just responded with a huh, don't know what it meant.


   "Today I underestimated you, you are a rare opponent, I will come to you again, I hope you will not be stepped on my feet by that time!" Tian Jie covered his chest and said to Su Hang Road.


   There was a lot of eagerness between Meiyu, and he could see that this man was a fighting madman.


"Your Mightiness……"


   There are still many words from Su Hang who didn't ask, how can he be left like this, however, just as soon as he opened his mouth, a thunder burst in the sky, and immediately, the Tribulation was gone!


   showed no signs, turned into a thunder and disappeared like this.


   Su Hang's lightly raised hand froze in the air, and finally let it down helplessly. The other party is in the existence of Heavenly Realm, even if it has been seriously injured, but if he wants to go, he can't stop it.


Just after the counterattack, he spent the recharge of the power of the 10 stars of Suhang, and he was not rich in his hand. Such a counterattack can at most be used several times, and then the energy will be exhausted. .


The prestige of just one foot has undoubtedly given Tian Jie a great deterrence, but if Tian Jie found clues, noticed that he was strong outside and worked hard, and then stayed in the first battle, Suhang could not guarantee that he could step on him with a few feet. .


   The top of Qintai Mountain was silent. From the seat on the high platform, there was no one in the circle of 100 meters around. Everyone was far, shocked, and looked at Su Hang with a dumbfounded look.


   It's too strong, but that's Heavenly Realm. Heavenly Realm is just like a chicken.


Especially the evil bees and others, all were shocked. Earlier, I heard that Su Hang had destroyed several demon emperors. They still held a skeptical attitude, but now they have seen with their own eyes that the other party killed not the demon emperor. It is necessary to strengthen the existence of the heaven and earth environment of hundreds of thousands of generations. Such a shock almost subverts their world view.


   They didn't even see how Su Hang had just shot, but the existence of the heavenly realm was indeed stepped on by Su Hang.


Just because they were too far apart, Su Hang and Tianjie were mostly spreading their knowledge, so everyone didn’t know what they said in the end, and even when Tianjie disappeared and escaped, many people thought it was Su Hang. After the killer, Tianlei was recruited to destroy him.


   After all, no one on the scene can perceive how the Sky Tribulation left.


   Heavenly Dao Realm, saying kill to kill, and still waving, everyone looked at the figure standing in front of the wind as if they were looking at a god.


   "The real **** dharma, the gods can pass the sky, meet the Pangu God!"


   At this time, I didn't know who yelled, and then everyone came to wake up and knelt on the ground.


   "Meet the Pangu God!"


   "Meet the Pangu God!"




   The voice of the mountain shouted, especially the disciples of the Pangu clan, who blushed one by one, so they were so excited.


   No matter where they are, the strong will be respected, and the absolute strong will be worshipped like a mortal to God.


   At this moment, including the evil bees and others, it has been completely forgotten. So, what other thoughts are there to think about what the leader, the impact of the Soviet Air just now is really too big.


   And Su Hang, his thoughts at this time were still in the conversation with the man, and he was awakened by the sound of the people's mountain call.


Turning his face, there were tens of thousands of people in the audience, none of them were standing, even Wujun, the demon prince who could not have a half-cent relationship with the human race, and his servants were all polite and prostrate at this time. On the ground.


   The sound of Pangu God was so shocked that the world was shaking and the sound was terrifying.


   It took a long time before the voice subsided!


  Su Hang looked around and left behind the matter for the time being. No matter what, the human race alliance is the most important for now.


   Everyone came together slowly, Su Hangdao, "You, only my proposal, but there are people who want to object?"


  The sound rolled out, and everyone's heart was shaking.


   Su Hang's eyes first fell on the leading evil bee and others.


The evil bee quickly bowed his head and said, "The Pangu Great God is so powerful, I am ashamed of myself. I dare not have any objections. If the human race can be guarded by the great god, why don't worry about my human race. Pangu's respect, respect Pangu's command, Zerg bee, meet the leader!"


   "Meet the leader!"


   "Meet the leader!"




  The heads of the evil bees came together one by one and cried out one by one. They just didn't do it, it didn't work either, but at the moment they were completely unified in caliber, and they wished to push Suhang directly to the throne of the Allied Lord.


   The absolute strong, who dare to oppose it?


  The human race has such a strong man's refuge, can it be afraid of his demon race, you must know that this even the master of heaven can be easily killed.


   This is This is majesty. Sometimes, when you say a hundred words, you don’t have to be as useful as a fist.


   Faced with the attitude of everyone, Su Hang was very satisfied. There were still many voices of opposition just now, and indeed none of them could hear them at all. There were compliments and admiration in his ears.


   "Okay, since everyone has no objections, thank you for seeing me!"


Su Hang sang with a deep voice, "The Human Race Alliance is today, and today is the first day of the rise of the Human Race. From now on, the Human Race will no longer be divided between you and me. I will investigate that people from above and below should work together to open up a new future for the people..."




   "Sovereign Order!"


   After a few words, Su Hang selected a dozen elites from the five races, the Pangu clan, and other races to take the position of elders of the human race, and jointly laid down several regulations to declare the world.


   At this point, after the human race following the demon race, they finally unified. Suhang relied on the absolute strength to make the world return to the heart, which can make the character's history on the right path and have the hope of rising.


However, Su Hang also knows very well that it still has a long way to go and there are still many things to do. The Terran League is only at the stage of building a bridge and paving the road. . 8)


  Qiao_Hot goddess Zhang Xuexin hot Ding_word_pants video exposure! ! Please pay attention to the WeChat public account online to see: meinvgan123 (long press for three seconds to copy)! !

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