Super Study God

Chapter 1444: Calculate!

"Tell me, what do you think." Su Hang asked.

Hou Tu listened and turned to Xuan Ming to look at each other. Obviously, both of them felt a little weird. In this matter, why did Su Hang ask them two separately.

Both were whispering in their hearts, but when Su Hang asked, he did not dare to answer.

Hou Tu first said, "When I return to Master, the disciples feel that all the people in the universe are suffering from the old and sick. If Master Master can really set up six reincarnations, so that Cang Sheng has the opportunity to be born again and again, that is definitely one of the great blessings of life. All sentient beings will surely commemorate the respect of Master Zun, and then the Pangu family will be in full swing..."

Su Hang smiled bitterly, shook his head, and seemed not very satisfied with Hou Tu's answer.

At this time, Xuan Ming then said, "Master, the disciple does not know why. After the ghost party came back, he was restless, and there seemed to be a robbery to answer. Xu is related to the six reincarnations in Master's mouth..."

Xuan Ming's heart was always anxious. Until this question was asked, her heart was settled a little bit, because she knew that her omnipotent master would definitely puzzle herself.

Su Hang took a long breath and seemed to be calming his mood. "If these six reincarnations really want you to be robbed, how are you going?"

"Should I rob?"

Xuan Ming listened to Su Hang's words, and he was stunned. Although she had already been psychologically prepared, she was said by Su Hang at this time, and she couldn't help but panic.

Su Hangdao, "Not you, but you two."

"The two of us?"

Xuan Ming and Hou Tu looked at each other, especially Hou Tu, and it was quite an accident. How could it pull themselves back again?

"Master?" Both women looked up at Su Hang.

"Ah, it's really a good deal." Su Hang shook his head and smiled bitterly, and didn't know who was talking to him, as if he was talking to himself, "You have the means to rush at me, why bother the younger generation?"

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

The two girls looked at Su Hang. Su Hang suddenly did so, making them feel a bit bad, and some ominous premonition in their hearts.


Su Hang sighed and turned to Xuan Ming and Hou Tu. "Retreat for the teacher last night and sort out two exercises. Choose one for each. In the future, maybe you will..."

Speaking of which, Su Hang didn't say anything, as if there was a lot of frustration, only the right hand waved, and the two books flew to the next stage, and the two women steadily landed in front of them.

The second woman was stunned for a moment, and one of them stepped forward to pick up a copy and gathered around for a look.

The booklet held by Hou Tu is called "Reincarnation Emperor's Heart Recipe", and the booklet given by Xuan Ming is called "Zhuan Lun King Sutra".

Turning it over, it's all obscure practice secrets.

The two looked up at Su Hang, apparently Su Hang had nothing to say.

Su Hang waved his hand, "Go on, these two sets of exercises, you two will have to practice well in the future, and remember not to be deserted."

The two had something to ask, but when they saw that Su Hang had no explanation, they had to bow down and retreat, but they were covered in a cloud.

They can all see why Suhang has a headache and can make his own masters have such a headache. What will it be?



"Brother, how could this be?"

After Hou Tu and Xuan Ming went out, Hong Jun walked in. He had been standing outside for a long time, and apparently also heard Su Hang just had a conversation with Hou Tu.

"You have to blame me." Su Hang shook his head. "Some people just complain about me, but even these juniors are counted. I also want to ask, why is this..."

Yi Hongjun's understanding of Su Hang, even if Su Hang is not clear, he also knows what some people Su Hang said.

Hong Jun shook his head, not the first time. Hasn't Su Hang's disciples been counted before? Don't you forget Wang Wang's nao?

"The consequences are serious?" Hong Jun asked.

Soviet Airways only said, "If you want to have six reincarnations, you will have to sacrifice."

"Six reincarnations, is it necessary?"

Hongjun frowned lightly. He just listened outside. They understood the meaning of Su Hang better than Hou Tu. If the six reincarnations were successful, the two disciples would be robbed. It is impossible to guarantee that they will survive the robbery safely.

Su Hang listened, but turned to look at Hong Jun, "This has to ask you."

"Ask me? Why do you ask me?" Hong Jun didn't quite understand the meaning of Su Hang. How did he get involved with himself again, and the erroneous people did not blame him like that.

"Heaven and Heaven will be born, but the world is not complete. In order to make up for the number of days, even if I don't shoot, he will also shoot. This round of six roads will be completed sooner or later." Su Hangdao.

"So what does this have to do with me?" Hong Jun said innocently.

Su Hangdao, "You are the person he chose to control Heavenly Dao, you said, does this have nothing to do with you?"


Hong Jun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't keep up with Su Hang's thinking, "Brother, what are you talking about, what is in charge of heaven..."

"Don't pretend to be stupid with me. He has looked for you many times, and he must have told you about it." Su Hang shook his head.

Hong Jun conceded, but did not deny it, but confessed, "I have already rejected him. The younger brother can't be a tiger. I don't want to cause any suspicion between you and my brother because of this."

"Some things don't happen if you don't want to." Su Hang shook his head. "This time when I came back from the ghost side, I felt a lot of problems. I closed the night and forced to break the rules, but let me glimpse something... "

"Oh? What?" Hong Jun looked at Su Hang curiously. If six reincarnations succeed, heaven and earth will be perfect, and your way should be on it. You are born for heaven, and your existence, for some people, is to complete the day Tao, six reincarnations will not succeed, you are afraid that you will stay in the realm of the demon forever. "

"No, is it so mysterious?" Hong Jun didn't believe it.

Su Hang shook his head, "I am not worried about you, but I am worried about my apprentices."

Hong Jun's face is covered with black lines. Isn't that how I treat your old man?

"These six reincarnations, if I don't do it, he will do it too." Su Hang said slowly, "My two apprentices must be robbed. I can't stay in this world for long, and I can't provide them with asylum... "

"Then you will first complete the six reincarnations to complete the world, then you don't have to worry about the apprentice being counted. You haven't left now. I believe that the Taihuangshan man will definitely be afraid of you." Hongjun said.

"Where is that simple?" Su Hang shook his head. "Not to mention that this is a very difficult thing. If I set up six reincarnations, it would undoubtedly declare war on him. When I was there, he might be afraid." , But if I leave, I don’t know my fate.”

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