Super Study God

Chapter 1507: Swap the flesh!

Once a master of the world, and still a veteran world-class figure, an existence that should have disappeared now appears here, which makes Su Hang temporarily unbelievable.

"How is it possible? How are you still alive? Legend has it that you were not destroyed by the Sect Master Dadao?" Su Hang asked.


The old man snorted coldly, "If it wasn't for my carelessness at that time, how would he succeed? At this moment, if we fight again, it is not yet known who the deer is!"

"But I heard that you were one of the two enemies, and you were killed by the Daoist Master..." Su Hang didn't give a face, and directly raised his doubts. Looking at this Huang Tian's appearance, it is clearly a guy who likes to say hi. .

"Shut up!" The old man shouted sharply. "How can the legends believe that history has always been written by the victors. If we were the winners in that year, it was him who was killed in seconds..."

It can be seen that the old man is very angry and full of hatred towards the patriarch of the Dadao.

Su Hang didn't shut up, "Although I don't know how you were reborn, but as far as I know, Lin Xuan is the owner of the Xuanhuang Realm, the Daozongzong person, you help him do things, and you are not afraid that the Dazezong Sect Master will find you ?"

"Humph!" The old man snorted again. "And what you don't know, the little cub is not only the Daozong Zong person, but also the grandson of that person!"


Su Hang froze for a moment and was shocked by the old man's words. The grandson of that man? Whose grandson? Grandson of Daoist Sect?

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Su Hang's earthy face, the old man smiled, "You should know now, what powerful opponents are we facing? Now that you know my origin, then I should be qualified to be yours Master? And, I dare say, of all the realms, only me can help you!"

The grandson of the grand patriarch? It turned out that Lin Xuan also had such a deep background, that is to say, the entire Daozong Zong belonged to Lin Xuan's family, and he had to face it, not Lin Xuan's opponent, but the whole Daoxuan Zong!

What does Daozong Zong represent? Countless roadside powerhouses, just thinking about it, Suhang feels powerless, it is like a beggar who has eaten up and down, and the difference between a super giant.

"Jin'er said, you once asked him to worship you as a teacher, why do you find me now?" Su Hang asked.

Huang Tiandao, "One, the boy asked the old man, let the old man take you in and tell you something, second, you have more potential than your son!"

"Oh? Why do you see it?" Su Hang asked.

Huang Tiandao, "Are you doubting my eyesight?"

Su Hang shook his head, "I don't doubt your eyesight, but I just have some hearsay about your affairs, although, you have shaped you like a decent person, like a victim, but you and that Sect Master Dadao, who is right and who is wrong, who can make it clear? Maybe he is a bad guy, maybe you are a bad guy, or you are all bad guys, the guardianship is indispensable, I have to doubt what other purpose you have !"

After a pause, Su Hang said, "And, if Lin Xuan hates me so much, how can you be so kind to let you help me? Did you say it?"

"Oh, it's really nerve-racking!"

Huang Tian hammered his head and looked at Su Hang with disappointment. "Boy, give you a chance you don't want, then it's no wonder I, in fact, tell you the truth..."

Hearing Huang Tian saying this, Su Hang had a vague feeling. He seemed to have a voice in his heart telling him that the old man in front of him was very dangerous, and Su Hang subconsciously took some precautions.

But listen to Huang Tiandao, "I have waited for 20 billion years in Xianwang Mountain, I don’t know how many epochs. I waited a few days before your son and saw that his roots are good. I thought about a way to take up his physical repair. It’s a pity. Was disturbed by the kid named Lin, who promised to help me to be reborn, and kept his promise to give me this flesh, but, I was afraid that the kid would do anything with this flesh, so I changed it. !"

Speaking of which, Huang Tian paused and said, "Originally, I think you have a wonderful root and sympathize with your encounters. It is considered to be sympathetic to each other, so I thought of accepting you as an apprentice and helping you get revenge. Help me, now, since you are so indifferent, it’s no wonder I..."

Huang Tian grinned, "However, you don't have to worry, I won't kill you, just exchange a flesh with you..."

Su Hang heard this, and his heart sank for a moment. The old guy finally leaked the fox's tail.

Lin Xuan gave the old man a chance to rebirth. However, the old fox was afraid that Lin Xuan would make hands and feet on his pair of meat, so he thought of finding a new body, and at this time, Su Hang naturally entered his Law eye.

Su Hang thought that the reason why this old man appeared here was probably Lin Xuan's deliberate intention. After all, in the time of Taikoo, it was already done once in the blood sea of ​​500 million years ago.

At that time, Lin Xuan sent the plan to let Su Hang go to the six reincarnations of the Blood Sea, and he was almost seized by Styx to take advantage of his flesh. Now he wants to reapply.

The same routine, except that the last time Suhang asked for trouble, but this time it was trouble to find the door.

Last time, I helped you resolve the crisis, but this time, who else can help yourself?

However, Just when Su Hang was thinking, he saw Huang Tian slapping his chair, the soul came out of the body, and he caught Su Hang directly from the air.

Su Hang only felt a huge suction coming, he did not give him any room to resist, the soul was separated from the flesh and blood, and he was pulled out.


The strength of this old man was so horrible that he was completely crushed. Su Hang, who was away from the soul, had not recovered, and he saw that the old man was shooting with his backhand. Su Hang was once again out of control, only feeling that his body was in Falling somewhere.

The soul was photographed directly into the body of Huang Tian's body. Su Hang opened his eyes and looked at his withered hands, all covered.

In an instant, he actually changed his body to himself, and it was still such a violent means that even Su Hang did not have time to react. At this moment, Su Hang finally felt a long-lost panic.

"you dare!"

Su Hangburo drank aloud, however, before he could adapt to this flesh, Huang Tian's spirit had already laughed three times and rushed directly to Suhang's empty shell flesh.

Su Hangmeng grabbed, but grabbed an empty space, and watched Huang Tian's soul penetrate into his own body.

Su Hang's heart was cold, just in the blink of an eye, his handsome, so magnificent body, was taken over by this bad old man?

Ah, these words seem to have some differences, but it is indeed the case. [.]

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