Super Study God

Chapter 1509: Refine yourself!

Huang Tian wants to occupy his own flesh, but he doesn't want to hide a time bomb in his flesh. The so-called first-come-first-served, Styx originally came first. Where can Huang Tianbai pick a cheap one?

Su Tian is unclear about Huang Tian’s strength. However, Styx is a real avenue powerhouse, and the two tigers will have a wound if they fight.

At the moment, Su Hang's feelings were difficult, and she was a bit lucky. She thought that if Huang Tian could fight both Stygian and defeated, and then he could take the opportunity to pick up a cheap one, that would be perfect.

But the premise is that these two people fight, don't collapse your own body!

The two strong men fought in their bodies, but Su Hang was only a bystander, unable to do anything at all, only to watch with a dry eye.

Su Hang didn't know what was happening in his body at this moment, but after watching his body's skin cracked and blood bleed out, he was on the verge of collapse. Su Hang felt that he had to do something.

The skin of the body, the parents of this body, this physical body, it is impossible for him to give up like this, even if there is a hint of hope to get back, in other words, the first hand is better than the second hand.

However, at this moment, what can you do? The battle of the masters of Dadao Realm regards his body as a battlefield. His body will collapse after a while.

Sweat soaked on Suhang's forehead, thinking quickly about the countermeasures in his mind.

Suddenly, Su Hang seemed to think of something. He quickly hurried to the back of his original body and directly touched the back of the blood hula **** with one hand.


Fortunately, the system is still there. This is the only luck for Su Hang. With the system in place, everything is easy to handle. Isn't this flesh unbearable? Then I will refine it.

The most important thing now is the energy point. Su Hang quickly removed the storage ring from the original meat. This is the storage ring of high-end gods. It is bound to the soul. Su Hang easily opens it. Several stellar crystals inside were taken out.

Right now, without a word, refine your body directly.


Item: A fake eleventh level flesh!

Normal refining: 1000000000 points, can strengthen the body twice.

Special refining: 10000000 points, refining success rate 0.0001.


The number presented by the system shocked Su Hang. If it is just ordinary refining, it needs a full 1 billion energy points. What kind of number is this?

There is also that special refining, which even costs 100 million at a time, and the success rate is only 1 in 10,000. With such a low probability, the Soviet Union is afraid to try it, and it is now at a critical moment, where is the time, where is the How much energy does it cost you?

Who can be sure about probability? Even if it is successful, it may not be able to refine something.

Therefore, Su Hang does not have time to hesitate. At this juncture, it can only choose ordinary refining, because it is a 100% success rate. Although it is only doubled, it can be refined many times.

The most urgent thing is to keep your own body, and don't be destroyed by these two existences.

Ordinary refining!

One billion energy points were thrown in directly, and Su Hang didn’t even frown. It wasn’t that he was rich, but there was really no choice.

A white light immediately covered Su Hang's **** body.

Refining begins!

This is how to refine the flesh, and still refine yourself. Suhang had never even thought about it before, nor even tried it. It was the first of its kind.

If it wasn't for this incident, Su Hang wouldn't think about it. Why hadn't he thought about it before, using the Xueshen system to refine himself?

What it feels like to be refined by the system. Although Su Hang wants to give it a try, he can't feel it now, because his soul has already left the body, and he dare not rush into the flesh at this time.

The physical body of the pseudo eleventh level, eleventh level is the Heavenly Dao Realm, that is to say, the physical strength of the Su Hang is now stronger than the Tianzun Realm, but compared with the Heavenly Dao Realm, I am afraid there is still a gap.


"Successful refining, consumes 1000,000,000 energy points!"

"Energy points are insufficient, please recharge in time!"


After a while, the system's prompt finally sounded. One billion energy points were exhausted.

Before the light covering the whole body dissipated, Su Hang quickly pulled out the system to scan.


Item: Eleventh-grade one-piece flesh!

Ordinary refining: 2000000000 points, can strengthen the flesh twice.

Special refining: 20000000 points, refining success rate 0.00001.


The pseudo eleventh level flesh was refined into the eleventh level flesh. That is to say, after spending a billion dollars on Suhang's current flesh, it can finally be compared with the flesh of the first-class power of Heaven Daojing!

However, when the light was gone and the flesh was revealed, what Su Hang saw was that the flesh was still collapsing, and the blood flow continued, and he could not stop the injury at all.

At the moment, Su Air does not dare to neglect, quickly recharge the system, and quickly choose to continue refining.

This time, the demand for ordinary refining energy points has been greater, from one billion to two billion. Of course, for Suhang, this number can temporarily be affordable.

Refining begins again!


"Successful refining!"


Item: Eleventh-grade second-grade flesh!

Common refining: 4000000000 points, can strengthen the body twice.

Special refining: 40000000 points, refining success rate 0.000001.



"Successful refining!"



Item: One eleventh-grade third-grade flesh!

Ordinary refining: 8000000000 points, can strengthen the flesh twice.

Special refining: 80000000 points ~ ~ refining success rate 0.000001.



In order to save himself, a flesh that is on the verge of collapse at any time, Su Hang has no slight energy points at all. The energy point that he just got back from Kunlun Mountain soon came to an end.

The flesh is indeed constantly refining and strengthening, but Su Hang found that each time it is refined, the energy points it consumes are increasing by a geometric multiple.

Su Hang did not know what happened to the battle between Stygian and Huang Tian, ​​but he only knew that although he kept refining the flesh, this flesh still didn't stop the trend of collapse.

This will not work. Once the energy points are exhausted, I will have nothing to do. At that time, not only will the energy points be wasted, but this flesh will also turn into powder, and will disappear.

At the moment, Su Hang took a bite, and rolled up the flesh directly, broke open the door of the room, swept out of the Dragon Palace, and went straight to Kunlun Mountain.



Just when Su Hang left the Dragon Palace, the two lights and shadows flew out of the palace and went straight to Su Hang.

This night, everyone in the Dragon Palace was very nervous. Among them, Su Jin and Liu Ruxu were constantly monitoring the movement of Su Hang's palace, and they were afraid of what would happen.

When I saw that "Huang Tian" broke out of the palace wrapped in "Su Hang", where could I still sit and quickly caught up.


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