Super Study God

Chapter 1513: Pseudo highway!

Moreover, it seems that the magic weapon of level 12 can no longer be refined, and it has stopped by the twelfth level.

In other words, this killing gun has reached its limit, at least so far.

Su Hang didn't care too. After all, he had just overdrawn so much. Even if he could advance further, he could not afford it.

After overdrafting 10 trillion yuan, I finally succeeded in advancing the sharp gun to the twelfth level. The weapon of the avenue, which can hurt the powerful avenue, Su Hang squeezed the sharp gun, and finally relieved secretly in my heart, but it is a bit Self-protection means.

Poor, he was also in danger of being wiped out by the system, and took on this debt.

A small revolver, it looks very beautiful, and does not match the temperament of the sharp gun. It took so many energy points, not to mention refining it into an aircraft cannon, so as to make a blue fired Gatlin da da da Okay.

Of course, this is no longer the key. The key is whether this thing is as powerful as the system says.

Su Hang couldn't help but give it a try, but soon he discovered that even more pitfalls were still waiting for him.

This is a gun. If the gun has lethality, it must have a bullet. However, the system only gave it a bullet, that is, he can only come on one shot.

The extra bullets need to be purchased by the airline with the energy points, and when Suhang sees the price of the bullets, the dazzling string of words has already given up.

"Harald merchant!"

Su Hang couldn't help but scolded in his heart, one bullet at a time. Now he doesn't have the time and ability to raise energy points to exchange for bullets.

One bullet also has the usage of a bullet, and when the two of them win and lose, and then use their sharp guns to solve it unexpectedly, this is a risky way of doing it, but there is only this method right now.

The time of one minute and one second passed, the refining of the flesh was finally completed, but to Su Hang's disappointment, this refining did not raise the flesh to the avenue.

Rather, the pseudo road!

Su Hang smiled bitterly. Before it was a pseudo-celestial realm. At this time, a pseudo-avenue realm was created. It seems that breaking through the physical realm is not as easy as imagined.

The so-called pseudo-Dadao realm should be weaker than Dadao realm, but stronger than Tian Dao realm.

In any case, the physical body is now stable, which is a blessing for him. Now, all he has to do is to hold the sharp gun and wait for his work. When the two old monsters stop, he is ready to attack and take the physical body in one fell swoop. come back.


Sitting on the ground, waiting quietly, Yin and Yang Mo are still madly refining everything around them. Su Hang couldn't help but smiled bitterly, which is also a way to clear the scourge of this side.

I just don’t know if these extraterrestrial creatures are enough to help him repay the loan. Hopefully, or else they will have to rob the stars all over the world.

Sitting like this, while energizing the Xueshen system, while protecting his own body.

As time passes by one minute and one second, Soviet Airways does not know how long it has passed, and there is no concept of time at all.



Outside the grotto, because it is completely two different worlds, so even if the movement in the grotto is large, it is difficult to affect the world outside the grotto.

Both Su Jin and Liu Ruxu were waiting anxiously. It had been almost a month since Su Hang entered the burrow. This month, both of them were suffering.

"Aunt Xu, why don't we go in again and see, I'm really worried about my father!" Su Jindao said.

Liu Ruxu shook his head, "Young Master, don't worry, I will be one with the master's life. If the master is in trouble, I won't feel better. Master, don't you think the slave-maid is alive and well now? Master, since he let us come out and wait, We are waiting!"

Su Jin listened to this, and then put down the snack a little bit, and immediately said, "Don't you say, father, he really worshipped the man as a teacher? I don't think that person looks like a good person!"

Liu Ruxu groaned for a while, "I can't even see the realm of that person. When facing that person, I feel that he seems to be more inscrutable than Daozu. I think the master will care about it, As for the apprenticeship or not, the slave-servant does not dare to guess, but the slave-servant’s understanding of the master, unless he voluntarily, even if the other party is intimidating, the master will not necessarily follow suit!"

Su Jin listened and didn't say more, but he was still worried, but don't let anything happen. Otherwise, the father and mother would be gone, and the aunt would be gone.



In the cave, it took seven days, with the help of Yin and Yang Mo, and the help of the vast extraterrestrial beasts, Suhang finally paid back the system loan in time, and even paid thousands more for this purpose. Billion.

This may be the most local tyrant in his life, and there may not be such a local tyrant in the future.

Su Hang couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, and turned to look at this space, which was already tossed by Yin and Yang, and was sucked cleanly, even the big dung did not have a few pounds left.

"They should be done!"

Su Hang looked at his flesh, and hesitated and wandered in his heart. It had been a long time. Huang Tian and Styx did not make any more noise.

This flesh is as if it were dead. Su Hang hesitated and wandered, trying to separate the soul and return to the flesh to see the situation, but he was afraid, after all, the two old monsters are extraordinary ~ Compared to them, his soul is too weak.

This situation is very embarrassing.

Su Hang touched his sharp gun and hardened his scalp. It was not a way to wait for it. Just bet on it, maybe you could win a lottery.

Uncertainly, the two old monsters are both injured, and they have already hung up. They are still waiting here, aren't they stupid?


The soul came out of the body instantly, and Su Hang looked back at Huang Tian's pair of old flesh, which was strong to his own.

In the current state of Su Hang, the soul body may be very weak in front of Huang Tian and other existences, but it is also the soul body of the heavenly realm. Monk.

However, after all, the soul is only the soul, and it is always attached to the flesh. Without the flesh, a person cannot be regarded as a complete person.

Su Hang turned his heart and soul into a white light instantly, and drilled directly from his own temple.


This behavior can be said to be extremely risky, but the Soviet airlines had to do so, and lost so much, it was worth the risk.


The sea of ​​consciousness.

Because it is Su Hang's own physical body and soul body, so as soon as he enters the flesh body, Su Hang feels a kind of incomparable affinity, which fits flawlessly.

In response to that sentence, the golden nest and silver nest are inferior to their own doghouse.

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