Super Study God

Chapter 1523: Shura World!

"Big talk, who doesn't know, don't be dumb again then." Su Hang mocked.


"Huh, what do you know, Lord of the Blood Sea?" Styx chuckled softly. "It's really no tiger in the mountains, monkeys dominate the king, let's go boy, I have to see which little'hair' cub can be in the blood sea How big is the'wave' coming up!"


   "What are you going to take?" Su Hang asked cautiously.


   "Boy, can you not be so suspicious?" Styx said a little speechlessly, "I am helping you, can you give each other a little trust?"




  Su Hang couldn't help but smile, as for you two old monsters, I doubt the character, and give you trust?


  If you sincerely help me, do I still need to doubt you so much? Don't blame yourself for being suspicious. It's really not too friendly in this world.




   Sea of ​​blood!


Since the War of the Ancients, the mainland has collapsed, and many famous mountains and rivers have been destroyed. Some have been destroyed by war, and some have survived. For example, the emperor, the middle emperor, and the young emperor have all escaped into the void, and the blood sea has become self-contained. One side world.


   In the deepest part of the Western star field, the Amitabha star field is 1.8 billion light years west, and there is a lush green'color' galaxy.


  Life is very prosperous here. Three small stars orbiting a huge green ‘color’ planet can really be regarded as a wonder in the universe!


   On the planet, countless huge monsters, walking through the mountains and forests, like walking mountains, in the sky, droves of giant birds roaring past, everything is so huge, just like an ancient spectacle!


   is really unimaginable. Such a lively place would actually be where the sea of ​​blood is. This is completely different from the ghost area that Suhang had seen.


  The sea of ​​blood has existed for countless years. Although it is an extinct area, it actually implies endless vitality. After all, that monstrous blood gas can both hurt and support people.


  Although it’s just a little bit of ‘lu’, but for these creatures, the exhaustion is the addition of endless nutrients.


   Can’t grow up, it is really strange, but the giant beasts on this planet are very tyrannical.


  Everywhere you can see monsters fighting and devouring each other, the scene was once very bloody.


Fortunately, there are no intelligent creatures on this planet, otherwise, I don’t know how many strong people will be born.


  In the east of the mainland, there is a vast ocean. Here, Suhang finally saw a bit of the shadow of the weak water.


Above the weak water, everything does not float. The sea in front of it is quiet, and there are few'waves'. Although it is not as exaggerated as the weak water of the year, this water is still very light, and even the root wood can not float, flying birds Not dare to skim across the sea, for fear of accidentally falling into the abyss.


   "Weak water has become like this?"


   Looking at the sea in front of him, it was obviously caused by the degradation of weak water in those years. For Su Hang, although it was just over a few months, there was a feeling of vicissitudes and emotions.


  Under the weak water, there was the Stygian River. This was the time, but it is not the case now. Su Hang is not clear yet. However, as detected by the consciousness, under the weak water, it is indeed connected to a space.


   "Styx, you, this place, also ruined a little bit!" Huang Tian said in Su Hang's mind.


   "Hum, at least stronger than your immortal temple of Laozizi!" Styx said unkindly.


   These two old monsters, all along the way, as if they hadn't spoken in tens of thousands of years, they just became words, which made Su Hang's headache and annoying.


   "Two people, can you shut up?" Su Hang said lightly.


   The two finally became quiet, Styx Road, "Unexpectedly, the thing I left behind was actually "making" such a monster!"


   paused, Stygian Road, "Boy, that stuff inside is a bit tricky, do you dare to go in?"


   Obviously, Styx has discovered the existence in the blood sea, even if he said it is tricky, it must be really tricky.


   "What do I dare not?" Su Hang said indifferently.


   "You now have a powerful "flesh" body, but no ability to control the "flesh" body, that thing is almost reaching the heaven and earth level eight grades, really dry, you are afraid of losing money!" Huang Tiandao.


  Eight levels of heaven and earth?


   Su Hang frowned, he knew the existence of this sea of ​​blood, the strength of Heavenly Dao Realm, but never thought that there would be Eight Grades of Heaven Dao Realm.


Although Su Hang now has a "flesh" body in a false avenue, but as Huang Tian said, he can't fully control such a powerful "flesh" body. He really has to deal with such a powerful existence. He is not quite sure. After all, never tried.


   "Aren't you still there?" Su Hang smiled a little, but with a bit of sarcasm in his words.


   Stygian is unhappy, "This'flesh' is yours. If you let me dominate, I will teach him to be a man in minutes."


   "Dream." Su Hang gave a sentence back, "It seems that I forgot to remind you, how did you come out that year, don't forget, this time you enter, can you come out again?"


At first, Stygian was held in the sea of ​​blood. In order to be able to leave the sea of ​​blood, it attempted to **** the "flesh" body of Suhang, and was eventually sealed. Afterwards, it was still relying on Suhang to use the Taikoo exit ticket before leaving the blood. Marine.


   This time back to the sea of ​​blood, maybe there is a "yin" shadow in the heart of Stygian.


   "Don't talk nonsense, go if you want to go." Sing He said angrily.


  Su Hang chuckled, rose directly into the air, flew above the sea, volleyed a finger to point down.




   slammed down, hitting the sea with a bang, and in an instant, the sea ‘waves” were rough, forming a huge bottomless vortex.




  The huge ‘wave’ is turbulent, the whirlpool is rotating, dark and bottomless, and I don’t know where it is going. Suhang didn’t say plunged into it.




  The endless deep sea, wandering behemoths, Su Hang's finger directly broke two spaces, and after reaching 10,000 meters, he entered the'door' of the space.


   stepped out in one step. Before and after the passage, the blood ‘wave’ was surging, and the oncoming blood gas almost suffocated Su Hang.


Everything has changed, just this sea of ​​blood has not changed, the harsh red'color', it makes people feel a kind of collapse, blood is surging everywhere, the air is completely a disgusting breath, if you change As an ordinary person, I am afraid that I have no courage to step here.


  When Su Hang entered this space, the'door' of the space that was violently torn apart by Su Hang was quickly closed.


  Blood Sea World, to be exact, it should be called Shura Realm. After the Six Dao Reincarnation, the Blood Sea World has become one of the Six Dao.


   This Shura realm is one of the upper three realms in the Six Dao world, second only to Heavenly Dao and even above humanity. In fact, in Xiu Dao Realm, Shura’s status is second only to Immortal Dao Shinto. )!!

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