Super Study God

Chapter 1530: Stygian hall!

Su Hang said a word, and then he saw the momentum of his body quickly converged, and the blood-red eyes gradually faded, restoring the clarity, revealing a pair of black pupils. Read a book? W? WW·KANSHU·COM




   Su Hang exhaled for a long time, and was just a bit thrilling just now. Just under that situation, Su Hang couldn't resist the confusion of Stygian River, and temporarily gave him his body.


Sure enough, Stygian did not disappoint himself. The domineering side leaked a direct shout, letting those powerful beings in the heavenly sin settle down, and later pulling out the heavenly sin, almost did not disturb the sea of ​​blood. It turned upside down.


   It can be said that Su Hang has just done this and it is extremely adventurous. It would be like lending all of it to someone who has been coveting your property. If you are not careful, you may be ruined and ruined.


   Half of them were confounded by Styx, and the other half also had Su Hang's head fever. However, the threat of killing the sharp gun eventually turned the danger into a barren and made Styx back.


   looked down at the inky stick in his hand. Su Hang was just like being electrocuted. He subconsciously wanted to throw it away.


"Relax, Heaven's Sin has been conquered, and I have reached an agreement with them, they will not embarrass you." At this time, the voice of Styx sounded in Su Hang's mind, "Come on, and Mo is not exposed to outsiders, Otherwise, once you are noticed by Daozongzong people, your end will be miserable."


Su Hang was speechless for a while. This thing is really a hot potato. This is the root cause of burying all the realms. Holding the sin of heaven in hand, it is undoubtedly holding the life gate of many avenues and realms in the world. If it leaks The sound of wind must be the only dead end. ?? Su Hang has been unable to imagine what kind of scene it would be if he was chased and killed by countless avenue powerhouses.


   That should be spectacular?


   Now that Su Hang has basically understood that Styx itself is the body of original sin, and it is still the rumored super existence. The original sin body of Dao Patriarch Sect Master, its own strength, must be beyond imagination.


   Probably because of this, Styx can escape from the shackles of heavenly sin, and the strong sins of those strong among the heavenly sins will only sell his face and allow Su Hang to successfully achieve heavenly sin.


   "What do you want me to take this thing for?" Su Hang asked at Styx.


Styx Road, "I don't believe you will understand the value of this thing, boy, we are sitting in the same boat now, God of Sin can strengthen our strength, if you can release the gods of Heaven's Sin, you can't even calm down. Daozongzong?"


  Yeah, Styx is very reasonable. There are countless avenues of powerhouses hidden in the heavenly sins. If you can get the help of these existences, do you still use them in this Xuanhuang Realm?


  However, I never thought of being an enemy with Dao Daozong.


   I am just a few Lin Xuan, there are some contradictions, and Su Hang still feels confused about how this contradiction came. Even when he went to Hangzhou, he felt that there should be room for recovery.


   The so-called Qiu is completely the Qiuhe and Huang Tian and Daozongzong. If you want to fight with Daozongzong, why do you want to draw me?


   Thinking of the routine of the law, do I have any hatred with you?


   "Forget it, your kid is an elm head, it doesn't make sense to tell you so many reasons!" Styx was very helpless, and finally just talked.


At this time, Huang Tian said, "Boy, you must not listen to the confusion of Stygian Boys. Heavenly sins are no different. You must not use them unless they are absolutely necessary. Otherwise, if there is a chance for them to escape, it will be difficult to end! "


"Old man Huang, why are you always dismantling my platform?" Styx was not angry, "why am I doing this? Isn't it for us to revenge as soon as possible? Otherwise, it's up to you and me now? Can't get on!"


   "Hum, what do you have in mind, you and I know it well, and hide from the tiger, you will be killed sooner or later!" Huang Tian snorted.


The two quarreled again. Su Hang shook his head helplessly and looked at the dark stick in his hand. The object was unknown. I knew he had taken this thing before, and I am afraid he would not kill him. Here.


   At this time, the blood sea swelled, slowly separated to the two sides, a figure slowly flew up from the blood sea.


   King Shura.


   At this time, King Shura's face was pale and ugly, and his face was extremely ugly. It seemed that he was recovering from a serious illness. He stood empty and empty, and the whole person seemed to fall down at any time.


   Standing in front of Su Hang, King Shura was speechless for a moment, and seemed a bit embarrassed.


   He had already paid a heavy price for his recklessness. His eyes fell on the sky sin in the hands of Su Hang, and the whole person's heart was trembling.


   After so many years, King Shura has never known what it means to be afraid, but, just now, he really realized that it is not only fear but fear.


   What a sea of ​​blood is not dry, and Shura is not dead, it is all nonsense. Just now he felt the advent of death. If Suhang did not rescue him, he can conclude that he is absolutely dead now.


But in spite of this, King Shura also paid an extremely heavy price. It had almost reached the peak of Tiandao Realm and fell all the way. At this moment, it can only be stabilized at about the fifth grade of Tiandao Realm, and it is possible to continue to fall at any time. The power has fallen sharply, as if the body was hollowed out, a deep sense of powerlessness, which makes King Shura feel very weak.


   "You just said that you are a disciple of Hou Tu?" Su Hang asked.


   King Shura looked at Su Hang, and his expression was very complicated. It took him a long time to open his mouth and bowed to Su Hang. "Disciple Luo Xiu, see Shizu."


  'S voice is a bit weak. Although it is said to be a visit, it doesn't mean a bit of respect. Su Hang listened to his ears, but he didn't care much. After all, what kind of disciples, true or false, is still unknown.


  Su Hang was about to open his mouth and ask again, but he saw King Asura, "This is not a place to speak. Come back to the palace with me and talk."


  Just say, King Shura turned directly and escaped far away, Su Hang put away the heavenly sins, and also stood up and quickly chased King Shura.


   In the depths of the blood sea, there is a magnificent palace floating in midair, blood red and blood red, it looks very magical, in this blood sea, a unique landscape is formed.


   The Stygian Hall, which was the dojo of the Stygian Sea that was dominated by the blood sea at that time, but now it is occupied by the Asura King Dove in the magpie's nest.


   This King Shura is really lazy enough, too lazy to change even a signboard.


   But think about it too, there is no one in this **** sea, even if the signboard is changed, then the signboard will be louder again, and who will show it? There is nothing more than self-appreciation and no meaning! ) Download the free reader!!

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