Super Study God

Chapter 1533: Please revere the master!

Speaking of this, Huang Tian suddenly stopped.

Not only did Huang Tian pause, but Su Hang also paused at this time, only to see a wave of air in front of him, and an oval corrugated light curtain appeared in front of Su Hang.

Suddenly appeared, with no signs, Su Hang froze for a moment, as if feeling, his eyes fell on the light curtain, and there was a purple spell beating in it faintly.

"This is? What?" Styx wondered.

"Time and space fluctuations? Could it be a crack in time and space? Right?" Huang Tian was also surprised.

"Come here?"

Su Hang frowned, the purple spell, he knew nothing about it. During the last upgrade, the Xueshen system sent him a total of three, and in Kunlun, he already used one.

There were two pieces left, one for Hong Jun. Hong Jun didn't want it. Later, he gave it to Di Jiang so that he could summon himself in times of distress. In the end, Su Hang had only one left.

At this time, the comer symbol suddenly appeared, which could only show that someone was calling himself. This comer symbol must be the one he stayed in Tiandu that day.

When the lairen symbol appears, Pangu must suffer a big calamity, otherwise, they will definitely not use the lairen symbol until the crisis.

The coming man symbol appeared, the door of time and space had been opened, and Su Hang did not hesitate to step directly into the rippled door of time and space!



Taikoo, Panguian II, 960,000 years!

In the east of the ancient continent, the sky was dim and dark, and the thunderclouds were rolling, just like the extinction. The clouds roared endlessly. A series of shock waves radiated towards the four sides, the landslides cracked, and the vast earth instantly turned into pieces of ruins.

The sound of shouting, scolding, and shook the sky, just like the end of the world.

"Dijiang, today, you and I can make a decision on this angry mountain!"

Above the top of the cloud, a middle-aged man in a jinyihuafu costume, with an extravagant price, held a long sword and roared to the opposite side.

Beside him, there is also a middle-aged man with the same luxurious makeup, and another old man with long hair and white beards, and then there are nearly a hundred different appearances, or lions or tigers.

Fighting one after another, the shouting and shouting sounds below have already made them a little impatient.

On the opposite side of this camp, there are also a large number of people, male and female, old and young, the first is Dijiang, the Pangu contemporary Panhuang, and the common human race!

After hundreds of thousands of years, in the Pangu clan, apart from Dijiang, Jumang, Zhurong, Gong Gong, four people have successfully advanced to Heavenly Dao Realm recently, the worst of the more than 30 disciples of Suhang already have Tianzun Realm seven products.

Coupled with the five-clan monks, the human clan monks listed here today have reached the heavenly realm. I am afraid that there are hundreds of them. They are not counted as the clan in the battle below. It can be said that they are awe-inspiring.

Di Jiang held his sword and pointed the sword far in front of him. "Di Jun, you and I had the same friendship. Why was this? When the Master was there, I had made the two families and my friends good. To disobey the order of the teacher and make the world's souls charcoal?"

The sound rolled out, full of majesty.

"Humph!" The man opposite snorted coldly, "Let's take Master to press me, Master's heart will always be towards you Pangu, why did you care about my demon life and death? I am sincere, sincerely you Pangu again and again In the end, I have a **** feud with me. Even today, even if the Master is here, I have to be fair!"

"Fair and comfortable people!" Dijiang immediately said, "I have been fighting for more than 100,000 years with the second clan. Do I have to fight for you to die before I die? The sword in my hand is a blessing from the master, I can hold it The sword kills you, but remembers the friendship of the same door, and repeatedly withdraws, hoping that you and my family will be able to rehabilitate, Emperor Jun, truce, and fight, it will not benefit anyone."

"Rehabilitation is good?" The man on the opposite seemed to hear a joke, "Repair, yes, if the Hou Tus can punish their sins, the demon two clan, they can be restored to good!"

"Great tone!"

"Emperor Jun, in terms of seniority, Hou Tu is your sister. You really don't care about the friendship of the same door, must you kill them all?"


The Emperor Jiang's side immediately boiled, especially Zhu Rong and others, who pointed at their noses and scolded them, meaning that they would immediately roll up their sleeves to dry up.

At this time, Dijiang stopped everyone and looked at Di Jun with a gleaming gaze, "Hou Tu's door, Kuafu is dead, and Yi is also guilty of death. Is this not enough?"

"Not enough!" Di Jun snorted coldly.

Next to Emperor Jun, the old man even added fuel to the fire, "Pangu's family really counts, how can the two die so badly, and they are so desperate, how can they be compared with the demon prince?"


When all the human races heard this, they burst into thunder.

"Dijiang, war, you and my family, always want to separate a superior!" Di Jun said coldly.

"I didn't want to disturb the Master, but for more than 100,000 years, you and my family have been fighting for this, and I have been persuaded to do so. I have persuaded you to do everything, but you should let the Master decide. "" Dijiang finally spit out a word Master? "

Everyone was surprised by Dijiang's sentence, as if they had heard it wrong.

"Tell you, let me hold the Master to suppress me, not to mention that the Master has not been out for nearly a million years. Even if the Master is here today, it is reasonable for my Sun Palace!" Di Jun said coldly.

Di Jiang listened and didn't say much. He pulled out a thing and looked at it, but it was a purple spell.

Emperor Jiang held a charm and said, "When the Master left, in addition to leaving a handle of the Excalibur, there was also a piece of the Divine. He told his brother to call him when he was in distress. Brother has not dared to use it, but today it is necessary to use the relationship between the demon and the human race..."

After all, Emperor Jiang gritted his teeth and threw the spell directly into the air. "Disciple Emperor Jiang, please ask Master to show the saint!"

The sound rolled and spread to all directions, and Dijiang immediately knelt down on the clouds.

All the human races saw this scene, and they were all very stunned. They looked at each other for a while, and did not know whether they should kneel down.

But when the elder emperor Jiang knelt down, the people hesitated for a while and bowed their heads.

"Please revere the saint!"

Everyone shouted loudly, the sound rolled, and thunder cloud was tumbling.

"Haha, these human race children are really interesting. Your Majesty, you see, they are bowing down to you!" At this time, the old man beside Di Jun was whisking and he laughed.

Di Jun frowned, at this moment, he was not happy, watching the human race these people kneel so neatly, one by one so pious, could not help feeling a little nervous.

His eyes fell on the purple rune. Emperor Jun's eyes were gleaming, what to expect, but at the same time he seemed to be afraid of something!

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