Super Study God

Chapter 1538: Control sin?

With his current physical strength, it is not difficult to obtain energy points. If it is not possible, compress the stars and grind them with Yin and Yang.

A few days ago, when he was in the blood sea, he could use Yin and Yang to refine the water of the blood sea. However, Su Hang considered a problem, not to mention that the water of the blood sea was condensed by countless souls, and refining has wounds. Tianhe, you need to know that he still has two monsters in his brain. He can't explain where so many energy points went.

What's more, that magnificent absorption of energy is simply to show the system of Xueshen to Huang Tian and the two of them. Once they are caught, Su Hang can almost conclude that the two of them will be crazy.


Now, Su Hang has begun to doubt that they may have seen the clues, and they are even less daring to use the **** of learning system.

Before getting these two people together, it's better to keep a low profile.

Houshan, a cliff, a sea of ​​clouds, tumbling, and occasionally a few fairy birds flew over, startled a wave of clouds.

The scenery here is very beautiful. If Su Hang is free, I like to come here for a quiet time, take a look at the sea of ​​clouds, and think about life.

A dark column floated in front of Su Hang. Su Hang stared at him, his mood was particularly complicated.

Heavenly sin!

Representing the bottomless sins, Su Hang wondered. Is the so-called original sin so difficult to eliminate? You have to find a place to seal it. I really don’t know what the masters of these avenues think.

"Boy, why did you take it out again?" Huang Tian's voice sounded.

There was obviously a bit of concern in the voice, as if I saw someone holding a lead-bomb in the hand and playing the ball.

Su Hang said indifferently, "I'm thinking, how to deal with this thing."

These two old monsters, finally willing to give up, do you think you are dead? Su Hang was vomiting.

"Hey, I said kid." At this time, Styx also said, "You shouldn't want to take Heaven Sin, send it to Chuangjie Mountain, and hand it to Daozong Zong's people to let them send you a good person medal. Right?"

"What's wrong?" Su Hangdao.

Stygian Qi doesn't hit one place, "If you want to die early, then go ahead and try, I have to warn you that the human heart is the most unfathomable thing. If you can’t get to the gate, you have to be killed."

"I'm not that stupid." Su Hang shook his head, returned the original thing from the heavenly sins to the original owner, and showed his favor to Daozongzong. This idea is good, but Su Hang didn't dare to think, as Styx said , That is completely death.

"It's better not to be stupid." Styx sneered. "This hot potato has already fallen into your hands. If you don't pick it up, now, there are only two paths before you."

"Huh?" Su Hang frowned softly. "Let's listen."

Styx, "The first one, I will preach you the law, so that the sins of heaven can be confessed to you, and then all the original sins in the sins of heaven can be provided for you to drive, let you send..."

Su Hang's eyes lighted up, arbitrarily urged? You know, among those sins of this day, there are many people who do not know the original sins of the landlords and masters. If they can drive themselves, not to mention all, even if they are only one or two, it is also an extremely terrifying force.

"What about the second one?"

Su Hang asked again, Styx's words were indeed very tempting, but Su Hang was not so stupid as to rush to agree.

Styx Road, "Second, you just put it as waste material, but it is a pity that this treasure is a pity, and this step is a chance to become stronger and stronger."

Su Hang frowned, this Styx, would be so kind, I am afraid there is a hidden way.

"Boy, no."

Sure enough, at this time, Huang Tian jumped out and sang back, "What kind of kindness do you think the Stygian boy is, if it is so easy to make God sin confess the Lord and drive all the saints, you think Heaven sin will be sealed in the blood sea Can't Zhong Baishi escape?"

"The Styxian kid is fooling you. With your power, if you want to control the sin of heaven, it is simply saying that your dreams are foolish. At that time, you will be repulsed by the sin of heaven. When the saints live in you, you will become the second sin of heaven."

After Huang Tian finished speaking, Su Hang already felt a little hairy on the back. This old Styx monster really had such an intention?

He didn't know much about heavenly sins. If Huang Tian said, Singhe made himself a second heavenly sin by letting heaven sins confess to the Lord. All living beings rely on their own flesh for suicide. With a sharp gun in hand, I'm afraid it's hard to escape.

In the same way, Huang Tian may not be able to escape. After all, Huang Tian’s original sin is also among the sins of heaven. This old man is so embarrassed now that it is absolutely impossible to escape from death, and only the Styx will benefit.

Being reminded by Huang Tianyi, Su Hang felt cold and sweating, but he almost promised just After all, the confusing words of Stygian are too tempting.

"Old Huang, what do you mean by that? Doubt my character?" Styx was very unhappy, and he scolded Huang Tian first, and then directed Su Sudao, "Boy, the conscience of heaven and earth, there is a shortcut to become stronger in front of me. You don’t need to pay anything, why not do it?”

"Conscience? Character?" Huang Tian smiled. "It seems that you have neither of these two things."

Huang Tian said what Su Hang said, but Styx heard it, but some of it was going to explode, "I am the original sin of heaven, and my knowledge is definitely not under the sky, but every day is a sin, since I can come out of it, there is The way to cure it, boy, I am not afraid, you are afraid of something, since ancient times, it has been brave and timid, starving and timid, how can you be a big deal if you are so scary?"

"He is afraid, you even healed him." Huang Tian sneered. "If the sky has a rule to cure this thing, how will it be suppressed? And, to be honest, Scythe, although you are his He is my original sin, but compared with him, you are too far away."


Su Hang paused. The sky they said should be a person's name, right? Could it be that legendary superpower, Dao Sect Master?

"Humph!" Sing He snorted coldly, "Yellow surname Huang, you don't need to help, just add chaos to me, sincerely mislead this kid, could you still have a better way?"

"Who misled, who knows clearly." Huang Tian sneered, then said, "However, you say a better way, unfortunately, I really have."

"Oh, joke." Styx smiled, as if he heard the most funny joke in the world, "Just you? When I saw heaven sin almost scared me, there was a better way to deal with it? Simply ridiculous?"

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