Super Study God

Chapter 1544: The kid is cheating?

Huang Tian nodded slightly, "I can feel the remaining breath, it must have appeared, but this beast is extremely good at hiding. If it hides in its own realm, it will be difficult to detect even when it is my peak."

"So strong?"

Su Hang frowned. When Huang Tian was at the peak, he should have stood at the peak of the realm, wasn't he even aware of it?

"You mean, it is very likely that the carp is still on this Xianxia Mountain, but it is hidden in its own field?" Su Hang looked around with caution, as if there were a pair of eyes peeking at him nearby.

Huang Tiandao, "It may be still, it may have left. It was robbed with me and Xuantian. If it was reborn and practiced now, it will be 20 billion years. I am afraid it will be terrible. Boy, find it. If you can find it, you might be able to find the whereabouts of Xuan Tian."

"I'm so crazy!"

Su Hang rolled his eyes instantaneously, thinking why are you teasing me? Let me go find such a beast, what's the difference with mine trip?

Maybe you suddenly jumped from somewhere, and you still can't help me by then?

Huang Tian immediately said, "Boy, if I can find the carp, I have a way to let it recognize you as the master. Think about it, the beast of the world master, don't you mind?"

"Come on you." Su Hang chuckled a little. "It's been tens of billions of years. Even if it recognized you, it has been stocked for so many years now. It has been wild for a long time. If it caught me as a beast, Who can I justify?"

Huang Tian was said for a while, and indeed, Su Hang was not unreasonable. After all, he was not Xuan Tian, ​​and, even if Xuan Tian, ​​could he guarantee that the carp could recognize him again?

"Boy, even if you don’t think about yourself, should you think about the villagers under this mountain? If the beast is still on this mountain, maybe when will the scourge come out again? And, say 10,000 steps back, If it goes elsewhere, it is also a scourge elsewhere." Huang Tian said again.

This old man, knowing that it was not reasonable to talk to Su Hang, played the Renyi card, saying that it was a true love, but Su Hang just took this one.

Originally, I had to turn around and was going to leave. At this time, I stopped again, and I was a little hesitant. If such a monster really appeared in Dixian Realm, it would really be a time bomb.

If the four males of the Yegen family at the foot of the mountain were really eaten by this beast, then it is enough to prove the danger of this beast.

After a moment of hesitation, Su Hang went into the forest again. Anyway, this matter can't be left unchecked. It must be checked. If it is true, then the time bomb must be dismantled before things get worse.


Soon, the sunset west mountain, the setting sun slipped from behind the Xianxia Mountain, the afterglow was scattered in the mountains, reflecting the sky in the sky, the clouds are all over the sky, and the clouds are Shuyun, which really bears the name of Xianxia.

On the top of the mountain, Su Hang stood on the edge of the cliff, and the consciousness enveloped the entire Xianxia Mountain, searching again and again, but there was only disappointment left over and over.

For most of the day, he not only searched the consciousness countless times, but also personally walked every corner of Xianxia Mountain. After repeated explorations, he almost turned over every leaf and every grain of soil, even a little useful. Nothing was found, and none of the leopard's hairs were found.

"Don't bother the kid." There was Singhe's voice in his mind. "Old Huang is teasing you to play. The domain beast is secretly hiding and trying to hide. How can you find it? Moreover, it is likely that it You left long ago, you are still looking around here, there is a chicken neck."

Su Hang sweated, "Old monster, what do you say?"

Huang Tian accused, "Forget it, it seems that we have no chance, or if you lend me the flesh, if it feels my breath, it may appear..., eh, don't go..."

Before Huang Tian's words were finished, Su Hang had already taken off and went straight to the sky.

I have been busy for a long time, and I still don't know if this old monster deliberately teased myself. What domain beast carp leopard, whether or not this thing is not necessarily.

The sun has set down the mountain, the night has been pulled down, under the dim night, the Xianxia Mountain, like a fierce beast lying in the dark, makes people shudder.


There are too many unknowns and too many mysteries in this world. When will you be able to get rid of these blindfolded darkness and see everything truly?

Thinking too much, let's take a look at it. Su Hang sat at the peak of Tiandu and sighed for a long time. Some missed the days when he was still an ordinary person.

"You two, aren't you tired? Can you not whisper in my head all day and give me a little personal space."

In my mind, Stygian and Huang Tian would occasionally send out a few words or two, which made Su Hang very uncomfortable. There was no private space at all. Pulling a toilet in the toilet seemed to have two people watching.

His skill has not been promoted for a long time, and I have long wanted to improve it well, but in the face of these two old he dare not use the system of learning gods, afraid of being discovered by these two people My own secret, this is really so complicated and entangled for Su Hang.

"We are as mixed as we are now. It's already miserable. Don't you still deprive us of the right to speak, how can you bear it?" Sect.

Su Hang is speechless. If he goes on like this, I am afraid he will be crazy. No, he must find a way to clean up these two old monsters.

"Boy, it's the first day in a few days..."

At this time, Huang Tian reminded Su Hang.

It was this topic again. Su Hang frowned, thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyebrows spread out, "Okay, don’t have to wait for the first day of the junior day. As soon as the hour of the day passes, my flesh will return to you two temporarily. , You can do whatever you want, but don’t let me do evil physically, otherwise I’m welcome to you.”

"What? Did you agree?" Huang Tian heard, stunned.

He just asked casually, but he never thought that Su Hang would actually agree.

Styx was even more stunned, "Boy, are you sure to give us the flesh?"

"Of course, you can choose to refuse." Su Hang said indifferently.

Stygian murmured, "I didn't kill before, but now I promise to be so refreshing, boy, shouldn't you be cheating?"

Not only Styx, Huang Tian was also very skeptical, and even had a lot of precautions. He said that Suhang did not do anything, but now he readily agreed to use the flesh for them. As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. They can’t believe it. Su Hang is so kind.

"I said, you can refuse, just when I haven't said it yet." Su Hang's tone was plain, "However, you should stop blaming me for not giving credit in the future. I gave you the opportunity, but you just don't." "

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