Super Study God

Chapter 1546: Realm!

Among the synthetic beads, he became the world. As the master of the synthetic beads, Su Hang thought of it and completely isolated the inside and the outside. He could explore the situation outside at any time, but the inside could not be detected outside.

Therefore, after driving Stygian River and Huang Tian out, Su Hang was not afraid of the two of them coming again to harass, and he assuredly exhaled the system of learning God and began to practice.

For Su Hang, cultivation is a very simple and easy task. In particular, he doesn't have to worry about the flesh and only needs to look at the state of the soul.

Compared with the physical ascension, the soul ascension can be much easier, and it will not take too long. It only needs to learn the **** system to select a few Tianzun realm masters, and absorb their realm one by one.

Of course, Su Hang can also consider using the system for refining directly. Before the body can be refined, the soul should be fine.

However, Su Hang did not dare to try it easily, and temporarily did not have the ability to try it.

After all, the movement will be very large, and it will inevitably attract the attention of the Stygian two. Secondly, like the physical refining, it will pay a lot of energy points, which he can't afford now.

Therefore, everything has to be done step by step, and he can't eat a big fat man in one bite. Now he is not the second grade of Tianzunjing. Retreat for two days this time, it is enough for him to reach the peak of Tianzunjing.

After all, there are only two days, and breaking through the Heavenly Dao Realm is certainly not as easy as imagined. When breaking through the Heavens and impacting the Heavenly Realm Realm on that day, it was almost a nine-death life.

What's more, there are two old monsters staring at each other, and if they are destroyed from it, he doesn't know how he died.

Amitabha, Rulai, the five ancient tribes, and now the five tribes...

There are a lot of masters of Tianzun Realm that Su Hang has seen, and there are many records recorded by the Xueshen system.

The unique cultivation method is just like this.



"Old Huang, look at what the kid is doing!"

Above Jiuxiao, Su Hang, er, is not right. The person who now dominates this body should be Stygian River, which is facing Huang Tiandao in his mind.

"That kid closed the chemical beads. If you look at me, he will realize that forget it, without that, guess what he is doing." Huang Tian's voice sounded boring.

There was a smile on the corner of Styx's mouth, which was mysterious and unpredictable, as if it contained infinite meaning.

"I said, in a day, I can remember with you, what to do quickly, it's almost my turn." Huang Tian reminded.

"What anxiety, it's still early." Styx said, looking at the void, a pair of pupils became a pair of spinning Yin-Yang fish, Yin-Yang fish quickly turned into blood red, looks extremely strange , Like a pair of reincarnation blood eyes.

"What are you looking for?" Huang Tian asked.

There was a cold smile at the corner of Styx, "If I said, I'm looking for the way to heaven, do you believe it?"

"Sky Realm? What are you going to Sky Realm?" Huang Tian's voice was clearly sinking.

Styx laughed, "Of course it was to kill Chuangjie Mountain, and revenge."

"You..." Huang Tianyi was stagnant and his tone became a little angry. "Don't pull me if you want to die. With you and me now, killing Chuangjie Mountain is undoubtedly looking for death."

"Oh, old man Huang, you are too ambitious to kill yourself. It seems that you and Xuan Tian were really scared by my deity." Sing He smiled sarcastically, and then said, "I am now Heavenly sin is at hand. With the power of this physical body, it can be fully exerted, which is comparable to the fifth grade of Dadao Realm. As long as I don’t meet my deity, create a mountain in the world, who can stop me?"

Stygian said a word, it was a pride, as if the heavens and the world, all held in his palm.

"As long as you are strong, as long as you can be patient." Huang Tian sneered back quickly. "The Dadao Avenue is only five grades, and Chuangjie Mountain can't represent the middle of the Dadao. Even if that person is missing, Dadao Zong can rule you. Not that one or two, at least, Di Zun and Hong Jun are enough for you to eat a pot, and the kid named Lin Xuan is not good at all..."

"I'm sinful!" Styx.

"What about heavenly sins, can you control it?" Huang Tiandao said, "Boy, if you're messing around, I can ask Su Hang to come out, let's lay out and chat."

Styx shrugged, "Old Man Huang, what are you doing so nervous? I just said it for fun. Besides, did Di Zun and Hong Jun have a good relationship with you and Xuan Tian?"

"Fart is good. When I was robbed, I didn't see him help each other. Besides, how many years old Huang Li have been?" Huang Tian snorted and seemed quite disdainful.

The corner of Styx mouth bends a little arc, "rest assured, don't go to heaven, we will go to the earth, we will meet old friends."

After speaking, Styx directly took out the heavenly sins, and the black stick went a little into the void. A big hole was instantly broken in the void, without saying anything about Stygian, once the stick was closed, it went straight in.




The realm of the earth is one of the five main worlds among the heavens and the realms. The heaven and the earth are mysterious yellow, the universe is flooded, and the earth is ranked second, just below the heaven.

At that time, after the fall of the Second Realm Master Xuanhuang, Daozong Zong was established in Tianjie Chuangjie Mountain, and became the first ancestor of the Heavens and Realms. Hongjun Realm Master Hong Jun and Earth Realm Master Di Zun also became Daozong Elders.

Strictly speaking, this Daozong Sect is actually a club of Dadao Realm Masters, and the five main world owners are the five major shareholders of this club.

The purpose of the establishment of this organization may be to facilitate management at the beginning, but with the passage of time, this organization gradually became inseparable from rights and interests.

A world is a universe. In a sense, the heavens and the universe are equivalent to parallel worlds, parallel time and space.

The initial form of the universe is the same, and the evolution is the same. Unless the realm intervenes, the development of each world will be almost the same.

Of course, as the master of a realm, it is impossible not to intervene in one's own world. In this realm, the past, present, and future are written by the realm.

Dili Mountain.

A **** mountain among the chaos of the earth, the chaos is rolling and surging, and above that half of the mountain, there is a grass cottage, in front of which is a flat dojo.

Above the three or five futons, a few half-sized children were sitting, and a dark-skinned man in front of him was dozing while preaching to the children.

Several children listened intoxicated, some dozed off with shaking their heads, some fell asleep directly on the table.

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