Super Study God

Chapter 1567: Giant Yamanaka!

And Yao Meng’s life soul and fearful cow, although they are on the spirit demon list, are actually useless, but they have a brute force, and the spiritual deterrence talent that can almost be regarded as tasteless, in the eyes of Su Hang not worth. . The fastest update


Yao Meng knew that Su Hang's vision was high, and he could also feel that Su Hang was right. In such a small mountain village, it was already commendable to be able to get the life of the spirit demon list. He has always felt very good. Excellent, from the achievement of life and soul to reaching the realm of Yaodan, it can be said that it is a smooth journey and one go, which is why it can reach the realm of Yaodan before the age of 20, but since he entered the realm of Yaodan Can clearly feel the obstruction.


   "However, now that the soul of life is completed, it is impossible to change it anymore!" Yao Meng said a bit lonely.


   Su Hang heard the words, but smiled, "There is nothing impossible in this matter, just look at whether you are intentional or unintentional!"


  Yao raised his head and looked at Su Hang, a glimmer of light in his eyes, "Master, do you mean?"


Su Hang nodded slightly, "Now, give you two choices. One, teach your skills for the teacher, you can advance the life soul in your body. One day, it may not be possible to advance for the soul of the sky monster list, but the shortcomings Yes, it may take you a long time!"


"Second, the teacher can wash away the life souls of your two people, and find a better pair of life souls for you, but the disadvantage is that the life souls have already merged with your two souls. , You have to suffer a lot of pain!"




  Can there be such an operation? Both of them are stupid, and these two methods that Su Hang said are unheard of.


  Life soul can also be advanced? Can the fused soul be stripped and washed?


   "How? Do you want to think about it?" Su Hang looked at them with a smile.


   These methods, in the eyes of others, are all fantasies, but for Su Hang, that is simply handy.


   After hearing the words, they swallowed hard and looked at each other for a while. Yaoyue said, "Master, if the second method, will it hurt?"


   "It hurts, it hurts!" Su Hang said directly.


   "How long will that other method take?" Yao Meng asked.


"It depends on your talents and perseverance. Good talents and perseverance are enough, maybe thirty or fifty years, maybe three or fifty thousand years, or maybe three or five hundred thousand years, but if the talents are not good, then you can’t tell for sure. It may not be achieved in a lifetime!" Su Hangdao.


"Ah? It's going to take so long?" Yaoyue suddenly grimaced, not to mention 500,000 to 500,000 years. Even in 30,000 to 50 years, it's too long for her. After all, we are less than two Ten years old.


  Yaoyue looked at Yaomeng next to him and gritted his teeth, facing Suhangdao, "Master, I still choose the second method!"


   This made Su Hang a little surprised, thinking that girls are all afraid of pain, Yaoyue would choose to change his life directly.


"Nice, your parrot flower life soul is not suitable for you. Your physique should not be plant repair. Later, you will change your life soul for a teacher!" Su Hang said, turning to Yao Meng, "What about you?" ? Think about it?"


   "Me?" Yao Meng hesitated a moment, then looked up at Su Hang, "Master, I chose the first method, I don't want to change my life soul!"




   Su Hang looked at Yao Meng surprisedly. In his view, Yao Meng was the most likely to choose to change his life soul, but I didn't expect the two men to reverse.


   Yao smiled fiercely, "Returning to Master, the disciple is not afraid of pain, and because my fear of life is my mother's search for me while I was alive, I don't want to..."




   Su Hang heard a stagnation. It turned out that it was because of this, just to keep a thought, it was also sentimental.


"Well, let's do it!" The topic became a little heavy. Su Hang shook his head and diverted the topic. "Although this fearful cow is not a superb beast, but there is a teacher, even if you are just a sparrow. , Can also become Jiutian Shenpeng!"


   The words are bloody, and they fit Yao Meng's appetite. Yao Meng nodded quickly, "Thank you Master, the disciples will never disappoint Master Master!"


"Jiutian Shenpeng?" Yaoyue crooked her head beside her, "I heard the elders in the tribe say that in the far east, there is a great angel who is the super strong of Jiutian Shenpeng, very powerful. Kind of!"


   Fu Yao Da Xian?


   Su Hang froze for a moment, could it be that Fu Yaozi? More than two million years ago, if the kid is really Fuyao, I'm afraid that he can already achieve Shen Peng's body.


   "Gossip Huti!" Su Hang waved his hand, tossing the matter aside, looking at Yaoyue, "Let's start with you first, and give you a better life soul for the teacher."


   said, Su Hang looked at the mountain, "There is a beast in this mountain, do you know anything?"


   Beast? Yaoyue shook his head, Yaoyong said, "I heard something about it. One time my father said drunk that there was a fierce beast in this Canglang Mountain. It is said that when there was a faraway place, there was a fierce beast in our place. , Destroyed a lot of houses and fields, and the monster ate a lot of people, and everyone was very afraid of it. Later, a great **** named Hong What appeared and pressed the beast under the Canglang Mountain, but that was just A legend, I don’t know the truth."


   Yaoyue apparently heard it for the first time, and turned to look at Su Hang, "Master, are you going to catch that beast and give me life and soul?"


  Suhang does not shy nodded directly and smiled, "Yes, but it still depends on whether it is enough!"


  Finally, Su Hang reached out his hand and grabbed the volley of the abdomen. The divine power surged, and the space was like a rag, and a tortured mouth was instantly torn.


  What kind of operation is this? Yaoyue and Yaomeng are both dumbfounded. The scary space crack makes them feel infinite fear.


  What kind of power is this?


  When the two were stunned, they saw Su Hang as if he had opened a pocket, and he casually reached into the crack and pulled out something.




   The thing grew rapidly in the air, with a bang, it fell heavily on the ground.




   The two looked at the thing clearly, their faces changed suddenly, they exclaimed, their faces looked like earth, they hid straight back, and ran quickly behind Su Hang


   When people encounter danger, they often subconsciously look for things that can bring them a sense of security, and at this moment, it is undoubtedly the only one that can bring them a sense of security.


   It is a giant beast, a human body with a leopard tail, a tiger-toothed dragon-scale four-legged beast, whose upper body is like a human, like a woman, its white hair is fluffy, and it is terrible.


   has a height of three or five feet, like a hill. The terrible coercion of his body has never been experienced before. Yao Nu and Yao Yue are hiding behind Su Hang, and they are all trembling. )!!

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