Super Study God

Chapter 1573: Temple of Tenkuso!

"At the time of the Lich War, His Majesty Panhuang appeared to suppress, and the Demon II clan had a million years of tranquillity. Three thousand years ago, the Demon II clan had a tendency to move. On that day, it was dim and dark, and a **** mountain came from heaven and landed on it. On the mainland of Shenzhou, the mountain did not reach the top and the side, and the side ancestors did not appear. The Taoist ancestors appeared, allowing the demon two clan to use the **** mountain as the boundary, not to commit each other...


After a pause, the Nuwa clan said, "However, after the plague of the two demons, the demon world and the human world have long been centrifuged. For the past 3,000 years, although the face has not been torn, there has been constant friction. Although I am in Huangshan It has been mediated many times, but it still has little effect!"


"In the past few years, I don’t know where it came from. I said that there are treasures hidden in the mountain, which can be used as the master of all living beings, and the two demon races are fighting for the blood, and Zhonghuang Mountain is powerless. ????一 Su Hang heard Nuwa's talk about this, and she had probably cleared her intentions.


The Nuwa family continued, "Not long ago, Hou Tu's punishment day, killed the Sun Palace, to kill the demon emperor Jun, in order to report the revenge of the Tu Niang Niang that year, but was cut off by the Emperor Jun. Contradictions between the races, another lich war, I am afraid that it will be triggered soon, and if it is not stopped, I am afraid that the consequences will be a hundred times more serious than one million years ago."


   said, Nuwa looked up at Su Hang, "In this case, only your majesty Pan Huang can come forward, I am afraid that you can mediate the conflict between the two races!"


   After Su Hang listened to these words, the expression on his face was not very good. After all, it was not a good thing to be called to say that your son was disobedient and let you take good care of it. ?? Su Hang looked at Nuwa, "Your ancestor asked you to come to me, just for this matter?"


The Nuwa hesitated, "The conflict between the two demon clan has lasted for millions of years. The old ancestor said that if your Majesty Panhuang you can do nothing, the chaos of the two clan in the future may only be an unprecedented Holocaust, in addition, the ancestor said that His Majesty Panhuang will encounter some trouble, let me help one or two..."




   Su Hang paused, he was in trouble? What trouble? What does this granddaughter Wa's mean?


   At this time, Su Hang said, "Thank you, the CEO, for your concern, I will definitely deal with this matter. These little guys who don't remember long, should also be beaten."


   "Since His Majesty Pan Huang has said so, Nuwa will be relieved!" Nuwa's breath was obviously relieved, and Su Hang came forward, no matter whether the demon or the human race, they could not fight.


  Know that both the demon emperor Jun and the human emperor Jiang are apprentices of Su Hang. Those who can suppress these two tribes, under the universal, within the universe, I am afraid that there is only this one.


   Su Hang took a deep breath and his nose was heavy. This group of disciples had to beat it hard.




  Wucheng, the depth of the ancestral temple.


  Closed slowly, and came out from inside a tall, strong, gray-haired young man, and outside the stone gate, he was already kneeling in row after row.


   "Disciples wait to visit their ancestors."


   "Welcome to the ancestors to go out."




   All the disciples shouted in unison, kneeling down on the ground one after another, no one dared to look up.


   An old man kneeling at the front of the team was named Mo Chen Tian Wu, but he was the contemporary patriarch of the Tian Wu clan and the eighteenth grandson of the ancestral Wu clan. At this moment, almost all the clan people were very excited.


   Elder ancestors have been closed for a century, and now they are finally out. It coincides with the battle between the demon and the second clan. In his view, the ancestors are going out of customs at this time, it must be to fight against the demon.


At this time, the human race is no longer a human race a million years ago, and the Tianwu clan is not the Tianwu clan a million years ago. Today the Tianwu clan is strong and strong, and there are not many people in the human race that can be compared with the Tianwu clan. It can be said that Mo Chen is ambitious at this moment. In this World War I can not help defeating the demon clan, but also overwhelming other clan. It is even possible to take over the power of the emperor from the emperor Jiang’s and make Tian Wu’s a real Pangu orthodox.


   "Let's get up." Tian Wu looked around and said lightly, although a little careless, but majestic.


"Congratulations to the old ancestor, He Xi's old ancestor." At this time, Mo Chen trembled up, a little overwhelming excitement, facing Tianwu Dao, "Old ancestor, now the war is imminent, the disciple has prepared his soldiers, Just wait for the order of the ancestors, then the army can rise up and show the world my strength."


  Tian Wu turned to look at Mo Chen. His eyes, cold and cold, looked straight at the hair of people's hearts, and I didn't know what it meant.


Mo Chen swallowed hard, buried his head, and said, "Since the hardship three thousand years ago, the Emperor Jiang's family has been hidden. There are rumors in the world that the ancestor of Emperor Jiang has already passed away. There are only two of them, Gong Gong and Zhu Rong, who can not be close to each other, and now they can be the big ones, only Wu Tian, ​​if our ancestors can shake their arms now, There must be a response, and after the annihilation of the demon clan, they will be able to get to the throne of the Panhuang......"


"shut up."


Just when Mo Chen said that the spit was flying, and when he was very excited, Tian Wu suddenly took a cold If Mo Chen was hit hard, his chest seemed to be hammered hard, and the whole person instantly Puffed down and knelt down. From the ancestor's body, Mo Chen felt a rich murderous opportunity.


   "The ancestor spared his life."


   didn't know what mistake he made, but Mo Chen still shivered on his knees, begging for mercy.


   The other people were equally frightened. They just stood up and immediately knelt down again.


  Tianwu's eyes swept indifferently, "If there is such a big disobedience, who will dare to mention it again, death penalty!"




   Everyone was surprised, and Mo Chen looked up at Tianwu violently. His eyes were full of disbelief, as if he wanted to get to know his ancestor again.


  With his knowledge of the ancestors, this man can be ambitious and has great ambitions, and has always wanted to win the position of emperor. If he had not been secretly instructed by this ancestor, he would not have worked so painstakingly.


   originally thought that the ancestor would praise a few words, but he didn't want to be fart on the horse's legs, and Mo Chen was completely ignorant.


  How did the ancestor suddenly turn around, wouldn't he be kidding?


   Mo Chen opened his mouth and was about to say something, but he saw that the old ancestor had swept away and left the ancestral temple.


  Everyone looked at each other, but they were all puzzled. The ancestors would not be closed for a hundred years. )!!

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