Super Study God

Chapter 1584: Tianzhu Fold!

Su Hang hesitated for a moment, then squatted down, reached out and grabbed Gong Gong's right hand, separated a trace of avenue, and went into Gong Gong's flesh.


   Soon, Tian Wu and others saw that Su Hang's face showed some dignity. At this time, Gong Gong's body could be described as blood turbulence, and the power of the water element turned over the river and the sea, just like a pot.


   In the microscopic view, Su Hang can clearly sense that the black spots, like the ashes left after the burning of the paper, float in the body of the co-worker and eat away everything around them.


These ash-like black spots seem to be alive and conscious. When they felt the power of Suhang, they evaded and evaded automatically at the beginning, but after a while, they even got together. A large number of black spots, directed at the trace of Su Hang's power.


   has a strong momentum, and there is a posture that the power of Suhang will be swallowed up and expelled.


Su Hang immediately took back the power of that avenue, and the expression on his face was quite dignified. Su Hang was almost certain that what he saw just now was a virus. Combined with what Liuyun just said, it should be a kind of from outside the domain. virus.


This virus is somewhat similar to the virus infected by Haotian, but Su Hang can clearly feel that this should not be the same virus. This virus should be more brutal, more pure, and more Offensive.




   Several people looked at Su Hang, and they were very upset when they saw the dignified look on Su Hang's face.


   "Take him back to heaven first!" Su Hang directly commanded.




   Several disciples responded with a rush and stepped forward to help the workers together.


   "Disciples Zhu Rong, visit Master."


   At this time, Zhu Rong covered his chest and stepped forward, kneeling directly in front of Su Hang. He was just punched by Gong Gong, and was obviously injured.


   Su Hang took a long breath and suppressed the fire in his heart. He also checked Zhu Rong forward, but he didn't detect the strange virus in Zhu Rong's body.


   Gong Gong was infected with the virus, and Zhu Rong was not infected. That is to say, the virus should not be too contagious. Su Hang relieved a little.




   And when Suhang was about to leave, there was a sudden violent shaking on the ground.




   Immediately after there was an exclamation from behind, Su Hang turned his head to look, and his face suddenly changed greatly.


  The world was shaken, and the huge mountain between the world and the world collapsed, just like 10,000 nuclear bombs exploded on the mountain and kept falling down.


   God mountain, across?


   The first reaction of everyone, retreat immediately, Xu Yu withdrew thousands of miles, and watched that the divine mountain collapsed continuously from afar, the earth was shaking, the sky was full of dust, and the sky was dim and dark, it was a scene of doom.


   "Not good?"


   Su Hang's face has completely changed. Could it be that he was just hit by the co-worker twice, just hit it?


   Isn't this special Zhoushan, is it made with tofu?




   The deafening sound of explosion, the sky covered by dust on the other side collapsed instantly.


   Yes, it really collapsed. Half of the sky collapsed, revealing a large rocky hole, dark and scary, just floating in the air, like a glass cover was opened out of a huge hole.


   Immediately afterwards, a monstrous flood rushed out of the hole, just like the urine collapsed, and poured into the ground like crazy, but Xu Su, there was already a torrent of water around Mount Zhou.


   The flood filled the ravines of the Gong Gong Zhu Rong's previous battle and torn apart, overflowed, and rushed towards the Quartet, and soon became a vast ocean at the foot of Zhoushan, and it was spreading rapidly towards the Quartet.


   At this moment, everyone including Su Hang was dumbfounded. A good mountain, how could it collapse? How could Nima be too hasty?


   Over the years, the battle surrounding this **** mountain, not one thousand and eight hundred, did not see him collapse, but today, was hit twice by the co-workers, so collapsed?


Does    work together, or did you just use too much force when Su Hang threw him? Everyone was stupid, completely at a loss.


  Space crack?


   Su Hang looked at the huge hole in the sky, it should be a space crack, or, to be precise, it should be no longer a crack, but a crack.


  According to Liuyun and Nuwa's family, this Buzhou Mountain came from the heavenly realm, with no top and no side, it should be connected to the heavenly realm and the Xuanhuang realm.


   Celestial Realm is the head of the five major worlds. The Daojiong Mountain where the Daozong Sect is located is in the Celestial Realm. This is not the Zhoushan Mountain. It should be a Haihe River connecting the Celestial Realm?


   Heaven is like upstairs, Xuanhuang Realm is like downstairs, but Zhoushan is a sewer pipe connecting upstairs and downstairs. Now, this sewer pipe is broken, and the downstairs naturally becomes a vast ocean.


   "Wait, woe, big woe." Liu Yun was anxious and immediately turned to look at Su Hang, hoping that Su Hang could quickly stop the disaster.


Tianwu and others, now they have numb claws and completely lost their mind. Looking far away at the flood from the sky, the loud and scary, with their realm of heaven, they are a bit cold, even not at all Dare to move forward.


   "Originally, the ancestor was worried about this..." Next, Nuwa murmured to herself.


   Su Hang turned to look at The ancestor she said in her mouth must be the granddaughter Wa.


   This time she was ordered to come to Suhang and let Suhang stop the civil war of the human race. It turned out that what the granddaughter Wawa was worried about was something in sight.


   In other words, the granddaughter Wa had long foreseen that the Shenshan Mountain would collapse, hoping that Suhang could stop it, but she never expected that the mountain would collapse, and that the collapse of the mountain seemed to be somewhat related to Suhang.


   "The Nuwa family has the merits of creation, can there be a way to make up for this hole?" Su Hang asked the Nuwa family directly.


Nuwa smiled bitterly after hearing the words, "Your Majesty is too high to see me. This **** mountain connects the two realms and is the heavenly pillar of the two realms. This heavenly pillar is folded, the earth is extinct, and the heavens and the earth will overturn. If you want to fill this hole, I have to withstand the mighty coercion of the two worlds. I am afraid I can crush me into powder with only a few moments. Isn’t His Majesty the boundless power?"


"I have heard my lord say that heaven is the first of the five major worlds, and the world with the strongest power. Seniors, if this continues, the mainland will be submerged by the flood. If the cave expands and continues to collapse, I am afraid, I am afraid that the sky and earth will collapse, and the Xuanhuang Realm and the Heaven Realm will become one, and more importantly, our world will be reduced to nothingness." Liu Yun's voice was trembling slightly, and he could see that he was already a little scared. )!!

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