Super Study God

Chapter 1601: 2 The magic is coming!

"Ah? Is that?"


   Everyone's face changed greatly. The two faces formed by the black smoke became more and more clear, extremely strange and terrifying. Many people even only looked at it, and their legs fell softly on the ground.


   "Where is the evil, dare to make this time?"


   Yao was angry as the patriarch, but he was still able to hold on. He thought that it was some mountain spirits and ghosts who were pretending to be gods and ghosts. When even a scream, all the elders also put on guard.


   "Cough, kid, are you looking for death?"


   didn't know if it was choked by black smoke, one of the black shadows coughed, and then saw a black gas rushing out of the fire, and rushed towards the very angry.


  Yao anger had no time to react, so he was penetrated into the body by the black gas.




The whole person seemed to suffocate in an instant. A suffocated face was flushed, his mouth was grown up, his hands were pinched to his neck, and he seemed to want to breathe. His eyes almost glared out, but within three seconds, he would bleed and puff. He fell to the ground with a bang, and the personnel was unknown.




"little mushroom!"


   screamed, everything came too suddenly, and when the crowd recovered, Yao's anger had fallen to the ground, and Yao Meng and several women rushed up quickly.


   "Yo, cough, I thought it was a child, forgive me, look away."


   said with a shadow, and immediately saw that the thick smoke seemed to be absorbed by the two shadows, and quickly gathered into two figures in the air.


   is two middle-aged men, both with hunched waists, sullen shape, high cheekbones, deep eye sockets, a decayed appearance, as if life is about to die.


   Holding a handkerchief in one hand, coughing over his mouth from time to time, one with a tenth grade tuberculosis, and the other, his nose shrugging and sneezing all day long.


   looks too ugly, and no one wants to stay away from it.


   was talking about the tuberculosis ghost, gazing at everyone, and finally stayed on Yaoyue.


   Yaoyue felt a tightness in his heart instantly, as if he was stared at by a wild ancient beast, and his whole body was numb.


   This feeling is just like when I met the Western Queen Mother in Houshan that day, no, it was even more terrible than that.


   "Cough, I really can't think of it. Brother, in such a small place in the backcountry, you can still meet the juniors with such superior qualifications, and you can even practice the Western Queen Mother Beast." Lung Tuber was obviously a little surprised.


"A sneeze." A person sneezes next, sneezed two noses, and looked at Yaoyue, said, "It's really surprising enough. When you and I worked together, we couldn't control the beast." , I was unexpectedly received by a little girl, strange, strange, ah."


   Both seemed very surprised. The eager look made Yao Yue feel inexplicable fear and could not help but take two steps back.


   "You guys, what do you want to do?" Yao Meng saw it, immediately rushed over, and was anxiously blocked in front of Yao Yue.


  The arm is in the car, and the cricket shakes the tree. I am afraid this is the scene in front of me. The two of them laughed suddenly.


   "Cough, cough..." The tuberculosis man coughed with a smile, and stopped for a long time, saying, "Boy, if you don't want to die, just go away."


  A kid in the enchanted realm has no desire to kill him.


Yao Meng was about to speak. At this time, Yao Yong stood tremblingly and arched his hands at the two of them. "The two seniors, I don’t know where is the sacred. I’m just a group of honest villagers. There is no intention to offend the two seniors. If there is any offense, please forgive the two seniors. The children do not understand the etiquette. Forget the two seniors and don’t worry about them. "


  Although the old man is stubborn, he has his eyesight. He can see at a glance that these two people are extraordinary. They are definitely the kind of irritating existence. Hurry up and come out to admit that they will not intensify the conflict.


The strong in this world is respected, angering the strong and being slaughtered by the other party, which can only be recognized. This is the rule of survival of this barbaric world. In this respect, Yao Yong is obviously better than Yao Meng. The kid knows a lot.


The tuberculosis man turned to look at Yao Biao, and suddenly opened his mouth, showing a big yellow tooth and smiled, "It's still you old man who is sensible, rest assured, seeing that you just called me two gods, my two brothers never It will embarrass you, after all, we have to develop our faith here."


   "Faith? God?"


   Yao-gong gave a chuckle in his heart, and there was a little panic in his eyes, and he looked up sharply at the tuberculosis man, "Dare to ask, dare to ask the two seniors?"


"Cough, I think about it. Thousands of years ago, they seemed to call our brother the Second Plague Devil." The tuberculosis man coughed twice and said softly, "When I am used to the devil, I want to be a god. ."




   Although Yao Yao had been prepared for a long time, when he heard this, he still exclaimed and sat directly on the ground.


   Fear, trembling, and the people around them were terrified.


   These two people, not others, are the two plagues of the plague, Lin Feng and Lin Lei, which plagued the entire ancient Chinese kingdom thousands of years ago.


  Pangu's civil war, these two men were picked up by Su Hang once, and then they were taken back to Taihuang Mountain by their master Lin Xuan to learn an evil skill.


   Ten thousand years ago came down the mountain to get revenge, but within a few thousand years, it became famous in Taikoo Shenzhou. Of course, they are all notorious, notorious and infamous.


   The name of the two demons of the plague is simply fear on the mainland, everyone hates, everyone shouts.


   Until five thousand years ago, these two people spread viruses everywhere in order to practice evil powers, causing countless casualties, causing all ethnic groups to resent, and the gods, demons and ghosts joined forces to kill them.


   But as a result of the slaying, except for those big men who participated in the war at that time, the outside world had no way of knowing that there were rumors that the two demons were dead, but there were also rumors that they were still alive, but they just found a place to hide.


   The fact is exactly the same. Although they survived the war, but they were also seriously injured. All these years, they have been recuperating in a deep sleep and dare not come out of the waves again.


   has not been out for thousands of years, all living beings have almost forgotten them. Unexpectedly, this time, when the mountains fell and the floods flooded, they woke these two demons.


  With the nature of these two demons, if you don’t wake up after you wake up, it’s too bad. You have traveled these days, taking advantage of the flood, the world is in chaos, and the poison of the plague is spreading everywhere.


   These two demons have very special exercises. The soul of life is a horrible extraterritorial virus. Under the sky, the only one that can use viruses as the soul of life is the only one with no semicolon.


   Spread the virus and absorb the life force of all beings. The wider the virus spreads, the more people infected, and the greater the power gained. )!!

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