Super Study God

Chapter 1629: The ghost king is blocking the way!

This underworld is not quite the same as Su Hang's impression. Except for the overcast and hazy sky, the yin gas is scary, it seems to be no different from the world outside.

Looking around, the strange openness, the weeds everywhere, very desolate, looks very discomfort in the heart.

Su Hang's consciousness was shrouded out, and most of the underworld was completely seen by Su Hang. He couldn't help shaking his head in his heart. The underworld was just too desolate just after it became a short time.

There are no trees growing in the rolling mountains, only some shady weeds and shrubs, and the trails are winding and winding directly in the mountains, and countless souls are walking aimlessly along the trail. Some people, beasts, don't know where to go!

The recent floods and natural disasters, combined with the horrible plague, are too many dead creatures. The mountain roads are already full of souls, but they are still in order!

Su Hang was not in a hurry to go to the capital, and wanted to see the situation of the underworld. He immediately entered the team, followed the path, and followed the souls.

There are so many souls, but there is no such thing as a guide. It is completely instinctive, and went back to the six reincarnations. The current underworld is not really a underworld.

The souls around are all crying and crying, the scene is very sad, no one wants to die and become a ghost, and no one wants to be separated from their loved ones.

"Uh, little thief, how can you jump in line?"

A voice came from behind Su Hang. Su Hang looked back and a big man was glaring at him.

This is a naked man. There is no thread on his body. Although it is a soul, it also looks very vigorous. There is a scar on his face, which is obviously the image of his life.

"Oh, sorry!"

Su Hang turned sideways, politely let the naked man go first, the naked man gave Su Hang a glance, then he walked across Su Hang in front of him.

Su Hang did not bother with him. After all, it was wrong to jump in the queue. Su Hang lost money. Moreover, he did not like to be held back by a gun. It was a bit cold for the back door!

Behind him was a short, lean man, who was so weeping at this time. Whenever there was a mood to worry about the Su Hang squad, Su Hang stood in front of him with peace of mind.

The naked man didn't say anything. After all, he didn't infringe on his own interests. Who wants to help others come forward?

"Xiongtai, what do you call it?" Su Hang called the naked man in front.

The naked man turned his head and looked at Su Hang. He instantly felt that Su Hang's eyes were like a terrifying magic, "Puizi clan, black egg!"

The name is very primitive, the primitive people have no culture at all, and the name is just a nickname, which is generally replaced by some onomatopoeic words.

In the vast primitive continent, there are many, many places that are not cultured. A name like the black egg is no more normal.

Su Hang did not laugh at him because of a name, which reminded him of an old friend, Erxianqiao Egg Brother!

His eyes couldn't help but looked under the black egg, it seemed subconscious to check if it was three.

"What do you think?" Although the man was majestic, the man was still shameful. When Su Hang stared at himself, he immediately scolded again.

Su Hang smiled dryly and said, "Xiongtai, there are so many people on the road, why don't you even wear clothes?"

Although it is a soul body, after the soul is separated from the body, it will instinctively transform the image of the body at the moment of the end of life, and the appearance of this big man must be a soul with a story.

"You laughed at me?" The man obviously had a bad temper. When even a word choked, he was quickly frightened by Su Hang's eyes.

The soul is more sensitive to danger, even if Su Hang's pressure is not revealed at all, but the natural threat, the soul body can still be easily felt, and the surrounding big souls and small souls are unconscious Stay away from Soviet Airways.

The man paused for a moment, obviously a little nervous, and now he smiled, "I don't want to be like that either, but it was like this when I died. What can I do?"

"Severe days ago, the village was surrounded by seawater all around. The village wizard did the trick, saying that the sea dragon king begged for a marriage, and a strong man was required to marry the sea dragon king. Then, I was lucky to be selected Now."

"But fortunately, I heard that our generation of King Hailong is a great beauty. I still look forward to the sacrifice."

"That day, the clan people stripped me off and dropped into the sea, let me serve the sea dragon king well, and let the sea dragon king forgive my clan, but, unexpectedly, I didn't see the sea dragon king, and suddenly came here. "

"Ah, I don't know what happened to my people?"

Speaking of the end, Wu Fang sighed for a long time, and his wandering face was a bit worried.

Su Hang listened to these didn't know what to say, it was obviously fooled.

What the King of the Sea Dragon asked for marriage was clearly to take him a living sacrifice. This Nima is also surnamed. I really don't know what his head thinks. At this time, he is still worried about his people, and he is really naive.

Not to mention in this primitive world, even in later generations, the sacrifice of living sacrifices is not without, it is more common in ancient times.

When mankind encounters disaster and cannot face it, the first thing that comes to mind is that most of them are ghosts and spirits. There must be many more things like Xiangwu Egg, which is the product of backward civilization.

And like Wu Egg, who was sold to help the number of people, I am afraid that there will be no fewer. Su Hang wants to laugh, but he can't laugh.

Although the black egg was rough on the outside, it was still very naive in the heart. The two of them walked all the way forward and talked with each other, gradually getting familiar with each other.


Around a mountain, suddenly, the team stopped, the wind in front of him was great, the ground beneath them shook, and the souls around them were like mice meeting cats, both human and beast souls prostrate on their knees on the ground.

"Hurry, kneel down quickly." Wu Dan saw Su Hang still standing, suddenly stunned, quickly yelled at Su Hang.

"Kneel? Why do you kneel?" Su Hang replied indifferently.

Wu Fang said anxiously, "The ghost king is coming, kneel down quickly, even if you want to die, don't bother us."

"Ghost King?"

Su Hang looked up, and a huge, dark head protruded from behind the mountain in front.

The first-born horn, black paint, black, fangs valgus, huge body like a mountain, looks terrible.

These souls on the mountain road have already scared the soul to tremble, lying on the ground shaking.

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