Super Study God

Chapter 1634: Through time and space!

After a pause, he looked at the ten ghost emperors next to him at the beginning, "Master has words, these ten ghost kings have their own belongings, and they are closely related to the enlightenment of Sister Xuanming. With the power of the uncle, it must be clear to me. "

I'm a fart!

Su Hang rolled a white eye in his heart. Although he is strong enough now, he can use his avenue flesh to be able to handle the existence of the Heavenly Dao Realm. The technique of derivation of heaven is not bad, but after all, it is only a Heavenly Realm. It's better to break the rules of the heavenly path than to break the mind and hurt the brain, maybe you can peep one or two.

But if he did that, it would be extremely costly for him. Moreover, he has never liked to deduce anything, nor to spy on anything. Only the unknown will be full of variables in the future. Step by step, what is the significance of the future?

However, after the Taichu said this, Su Hang also murmured in her heart. If Xuanming succeeded in the realm of heaven and earth, if she could be relieved as the Tai said, it would be a good thing, and she had no reason to take her away. .

After all, Xuanming can prove heavenly path, come and go freely, and dominate this world of the netherworld, which is the best of both worlds.

Although breaking the road consumes a lot, but for the future of his apprentice, Su Hang will not be stingy.

At the moment, Su Hang looked directly at the ten ghost emperors who were kneeling on the ground, and if they dared to look up at Su Hang, they could see that Su Hang's eyes turned a layer of colorful light.

The light spins, and it looks like two vortexes, which looks very strange.

Beside, when I saw this scene at the beginning, I couldn't help but look pale and palpitated, because, with his ability, I could feel that in this space, something seemed to be torn apart by Su Hang's eyes.

The rules exist in time and space, and the inextricable rules link the past and the future like a cobweb, and are twisted and destroyed by violence.

This teacher, really terrified, was trembling in the beginning.

Su Hang's glance directly penetrated time and space and looked into the future.


A moment later, Su Hang regained his gaze, his face was slightly pale, and then he regained his blood, and his heart became clear.

At this time, at the beginning of the beginning, anxiously came forward, holding a thing with both hands, and respectfully delivered it to Su Hang, "Master, this is a gift from Master, let the disciples be handed over to Sister Xuanming......"

It was a stone book. After Su Hang had just broken the road, he already understood the cause and effect, and he was not polite at the moment.

"Go back and tell you Master, I'm assuming his love." Su Hang said.

I thought in my heart that this Hongjun was really slippery. He had just come down from Chaos Mountain, but he did not give it to him, and only when he came to the underworld, he asked his disciples to send him. If he didn't come to this underworld, wouldn't he? Have you pinched this thing for a lifetime?

"Yes, if the uncle had no other instructions, the disciple retreated." At the beginning of the answer, he bowed and retreated.

Su Hang waved his hands and stepped back a few steps at the beginning. The auspicious cloud suddenly rose at his feet. A beam of light spattered from the sky, and the whole person quickly disappeared into the gray cloud of the underworld like an immortal.

The show is not small, will it die low-key? Su Hang couldn't help but vomit, and later generation Haotian did that. I'm afraid it was inherited from this time.

As soon as he left in the early days, Su Hang turned to look at the top ten ghost emperors. "You waited for ten people and committed chaos. It was a death sentence. Since Daozu was interfering with him, he let go of it and disbanded ghosts outside the city. Bing, report to Hades Palace again."


The ten emperors heard that, such as Meng Meng, one after another quickly got up and rushed away, dismissing their ghosts, and dared not be neglected for a moment. How dare you have any rebellious thoughts?

The stone book in his hand passed to Xuan Ming, and Xuan Ming froze for a moment.

Su Hangdao, "Hold it, the ancestor gave you, and when you understand it, it is when you become enlightened."

Xuan Ming stretched his hand to take it, and held it in his palm. The stone book was so heavy, just like a book, it could not be opened at all, and there was no half a word, not even a symbol similar to the word.

"Please ask Master to give pointers."

Teachers, preaching and teaching to solve doubts also. At this time, Xuan Ming had doubts in his mind, and naturally it was like Su Hang asking for advice.

"Let's go into the palace and tell you in detail for the teacher." Su Hang waved his hand, turned directly, and entered the Hades Palace.



In the Pluto Palace, twelve towering pillars are magnificent, engraved with the face of the evil ghost Shura, which makes this large and broad hall gloomy.

The ten ghost emperors have not yet returned, and at this time, Su Hang instructed Xuan Ming on her path to practice.

Su Hang does not have so many taboos, and no matter what leaks the heavens or the heavens, or whether it will be condemned for it, no matter the size, everything, it is called a detailed.

Over the years, I haven’t given a lecture to these disciples. Speaking, this is what Su Hang owes, and it is also his If I can come here in Taikoo, freely, mysterious How can Neng be trapped in Tianzun Realm for a million years?

"...This stone book is a meditation book, but it was the rule of this dynasty when it first came into being. It contains your way, but unfortunately it was taken by Hong Jun, and it was only then handed over..."

Su Hang smiled bitterly, but presumably Hong Jun's move also had his deep meaning, he could not blame himself arbitrarily. Now it is no longer important to say this.

"Hou Tu's Tao is a reincarnation and a avenue. Although it is bitter in this way, it can come as hard as possible after thousands of tribulations. Your Tao is to help your sister accomplish her unfinished things..."

"Sister Sister has unfinished business?" Xuan Ming looked suspiciously at Su Hang.

Su Hang nodded, "At that time, Dadao calculated all kinds of things and wanted to lead your sister and sister into a robbery. Although you fought for the division, you still couldn't let you escape, but now you think about it. Good thing, thousands of avenues share the same road, one road can't be reached, another road can be walked, maybe there is a bright road ahead."

After a pause, Su Hangdao said, "Although the reincarnation is completed, the heavenly path is complete, but there are still many times when the underworld is not completed. Over the years, you have focused on the practice, but you have not been bound by the destiny. Hongjun is now in charge of the heavenly path, you Whether he can achieve Tian Dao Realm, and when he will achieve Tian Dao Realm, it is up to him. He cannot throw you here for no reason. Therefore, it is only when you complete his mission to you that it is when you become enlightened. "

Xuan Ming heard this and suddenly realized that it was so.

If the monk achieves the heavenly realm, that means surpassing the shackles of the heavenly road, which is almost a ten-death situation, like a final assessment, and Hongjun is the only examiner, the examiner, even if he intends to give you water , Then you have to submit a qualified answer sheet.

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