Super Study God

Chapter 1656: 4 Haizuihui!

What a pity, I finally found you. At this time, Su Hang really wanted to break the time and space with one punch, and then return to the ancient world.


   But it is a pity that although he now physically reaches the realm of the avenue, it is easy to break open the space, but if he wants to break the higher level of time and space, I am afraid that he must also reach the spiritual realm.


   After all, the rules of time and space are the supreme rules of a world and cannot be destroyed casually.


   Now, I have to wait for a while, and then wait for a while, and then go too old.


   It's just that when I go to Taikoo next time, I don't know how many years it is.


  Why did she go to Taikoo?


  Since she is too ancient, can you see her in this future life after you return to this future life?


   If she is here, should she come to see her early? There are hundreds of millions of years in between, will there be any accidents?


   Thinking of this, Su Hang's heart tightened again at that moment.




   In the mountain forest next to it, a screaming night owl came and brought Suhang back to reality.


   Only then did Su Hang find himself in a hot spring. The hot spring was bubbling and the cloud was steaming.


   Suddenly woke up, Su Hang shuddered for a moment, remembering that it should be on Huoyun Mountain, and it was here on that day. After being counted by the two old monsters, he almost died.


   Fortunately, he was witty enough to successfully get rid of the two old monsters with the Taikoo admission ticket given to him by the Xueshen system.


   Back here, or in this place, will the two old monsters still be here?


   There was a kind of shudder in his heart. Although he was in the hot spring, Su Hang was still covered with some hair and shivered.


  Under the night sky, the surroundings were terribly quiet. Only the night owls from time to time screamed, leaving the bones and hair cold.


  The souls of the two Dadao realms are not something that Su Hang can handle. Su Hang quickly grabbed two hot waters, washed his face, and then vacated from the hot spring.


   works hard, the steam is steaming, and the clothes on the body instantly dry.


God’s consciousness included a few tens of miles in the radius, and did not find anything the same. The two were wrapped in synthetic beads. If they were nearby, Su Hang would definitely feel the synthetic beads. After all, he recognized The treasure of the Lord.


   must have left.


Su Hang’s mind was a little stable, but he didn’t dare to stay here. Based on his previous experience of traveling through time and space, he would come and go in two or more times, and it would not be too long in this future generation, sometimes even only in minutes and seconds. In the meantime, the two might just have just left. If they feel a sense and turn around, they can't parry themselves.


After leaving Huoyun Mountain, Su Hang went straight to the Dragon Palace. Stygian River and Huang Tian were neither good culprits. This time he was given a counter-yin by himself. He might have something to do. He had to go back and see. Is everyone safe?






  Donggong in the East China Sea.


  The Four Seas Aquarium Meeting, held every 100 years, gathering the strong people of the aquariums in the four seas is a super event in the four seas.


   In the final analysis, this is an opportunity for the Sifang Seas to compete with each other. In every tribe meeting, in addition to the ancestor sacrifice, another highlight is the competition.


  The Quartet Sea Area will select some young masters to compete with each other, on the length of one.


   In these years, under the restraint of the Dragon Palace, the four seas in the southeast and northwest have risen, but there is also competition between them.


  Especially this clan meeting was presided over by His Majesty the Dragon Emperor. The Quartet waters are naturally going to work hard and strive for the upper reaches.


Among the four seas, the East China Sea was the strongest in the past. After all, the sea is vast, and the masters come out in large numbers. Then the North Sea and the South Sea are half a catty. The weakest should be the West Sea. Basically, each race meeting is ranked in the top. end.


   This unprecedented grand meeting, which lasted more than half a month, is almost over.


  Su Jin was sitting on the high level in front of the Dragon Palace Hall. The four sea dragon kings were on the side, and there were a group of ministers on both sides, with great majesty.


Above the ring in the distance, two young masters are fighting, a lobster monster on the left, dressed in golden armor, holding a spear, majestic; a octopus on the right, eight arms, each holding a weapon, attacking Like a violent wind and rain, the lobster monster danced violently, rushing from left to right, dazzling and dazzling.


   Shui fighting, do not like to use any magical magic method, it is like fighting physical strength, fist to the flesh can only be regarded as true temperament.


   killed a hundred and ten rounds, the lobster monster went off in one shot, but was shot by the octopus, the backhand was a hammer, and the lobster monster's side armor was in the middle, and the lobster monster was hammered off the stage.


   At this point, the outcome has been divided, the octopus harvester stands up, eight arms merge into the body, only a gun is left in both arms, handing over to the lobster monster under the stage.


   The lobster monster got up and returned with a salute. Although it was a pity, he also lost his persuasion.




   "This young man can use eight weapons like an arm, with one heart and eight functions, which is really good." Su Jin praised.


   That octopus essence is only in the third grade of Dadao Realm, but the lobster monster is already in the fifth grade of the Dao Realm, so that it can be counterattacked by the octopus essence, enough to see the octopus's ability.


  Eight-armed ambassador, although it is an octopus talent, but it is not easy to achieve one heart and eight uses, and this octopus essence, by virtue of this method, one enemy is no longer a matter of course. Long Wang Aoke heard Su Jin's words and immediately fell back, "Your Majesty, this son is Zhang Gan, the youngest son of our prime minister in Xihai Zhang, 25 years old. The dragons and grandchildren in my palace are not as good.




Several other dragon kings heard that they couldn’t help but glance down at the octopus. In the monastery world, fighting for strength and seniority is actually fighting for the age. Today, above this conference, you can board the contest. Yes, that is not hundreds of years old.


   In the aquarium, hundreds of thousands of years old, already considered young, the lobster monster that he just played against is also a young person of two or three hundred years old.


   The twenty-five-year-old union world, this talent is no longer mortal.


   Even if it is a talented detached dragon family, if it is not the true dragons and dragons who are powerful, ordinary ordinary dragons want to cultivate to the realm of integration, that is not something that can be done in these twenty years.


   An octopus has such a skill?


  The three sea dragon kings were all surprised. Looking at the Xihai dragon king's self-feeling very good expression, I thought that this time, Xihai deliberately wanted to show his face under the dragon emperor.


  Su Jin listened, and was very surprised. Because the Shui people generally live longer, their practice is generally slower than the human race, and much slower.


After all, they still have a long metamorphosis stage, many demon clan like to start counting years after the metamorphosis, but they are all seniors on the scene, you can see at a glance, even if the octopus is counted as demon age, it is only twenty Just a few years old. )!!

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