Super Study God

Chapter 1713: Under Phoenix Mountain!

Speaking of this, Duan Lin shed tears and choked, "She must have expected the death to come. She was afraid to leave me alone and no one would take care of me until she was driven away..."

It's really sentimental. I heard that Su Hang felt some sympathy.

Wu Guihua listened, but his face did not change a little bit. After all, after living such a large age, the relationship was warm and cold, life and death were far more common, and his heart had already been refined like an iron stone.

"Emperor Teacher?" Wu Guihua turned to look at Su Hang. What to do next had to be decided by Su Hang.

Su Hang thought about it and got up, "Anyway, let's go to Phoenix Mountain to see it."

Wu Guihua nodded slightly, and saw that Su Hang had used the technique of Qiankun in his sleeve, and put Duan Lin in his sleeve.

After bidding farewell to Su Yu, Su Hang left Longhu Mountain. He originally wanted to go to Taoyuan County to see Min Ruan Min Ru's pair of little sisters, but think about it, don't disturb them calmly Taoyuan's life is originally a place outside the world, there is no need to go to the waves.

On the same day, Suhang left Xijiang Province and returned to Rongcheng, Shuzhong.

After returning to Rongcheng, Su Hang kept going straight to Phoenix Mountain.


Phoenix Mountain is in Shunan, a place called Xinan County. The place is relatively remote. There is a small village under the mountain, which is Phoenix Village.

A sparse dirt road stretched out of the village. There was a light rain last night. The road was muddy and there were many rut marks on motorcycles.

Standing at the entrance of the village, you can already see a continuous green mountain. This Phoenix Village is Chen San's home. This village is close to Phoenix Mountain. It is relatively closed, but the air is good, the environment is beautiful, and the rare original ecology.

A small river ditch flows down from the mountain and passes around the village. The water in the ditch is very clear, and the stones in the ditch are knocked.

Su Hang released Duan Lin, led by him, and the three entered the village together.

There are more than a hundred houses in the village, all of which are brick buildings. Occasionally, one or two small buildings can be seen. They seem to be standing tall. When they walk into the village, they can only hear some chickens and dogs barking, and the whole village looks a bit deserted. It's almost noon and I don't smell any food.

"Why is this village so deserted?" Su Hangdao said.

Duan Lindao, "The life in the village is too hard. Most of the young people have gone out to work, leaving some old and weak. Now that the spring is just spring, it is busy with the farm. It is estimated that they have gone to work."

Most of the current rural areas are like this. Like Suxi’s hometown, Suxi, in the past two years, except for some young people who want to meet the outside world, basically no one wants to go outside, but if Two years ago, it was the same for Suxi. Because spring tea is valuable, after picking spring tea, many people will choose to work in the city, but the situation is not as serious as this Phoenix Village.

Social development is getting faster and faster, relying on mountains to eat mountains and water to eat water. This kind of understanding has become a thing of the past. As long as you go out once and have seen the prosperity outside, many people would rather go out and work hard than stay in the village towards the loess Facing the sky.

Walking on the village road, I can occasionally see one or two villagers passing by, looking at them curiously, obviously obviously strange.

Around the west of the village, Duan Lin stopped in front of an ordinary family. Su Hang looked up and saw a high courtyard wall made of stones. There were four or five tile houses inside the courtyard wall, and Other mountain people are no different.

"This is it?" Su Hang pointed to the ruined courtyard in front of him and asked Duan Lin.

Duan Lin nodded, compared with the high-rise buildings in the city, this small courtyard can only be said to be rundown, extremely rundown.

Xu Shi was uninhabited all the year round, the courtyard wall had collapsed halfway, and the bricks didn't know which one was picked up to build the house. The yard was full of weeds, which was more than half the height.

The dilapidated tile house has a lot less tile on the roof, revealing the decaying edge of the house.

Mottled earth walls, run-down wooden windows, front and side doors are all wooden doors, tightly closed, and a small rusty lock on each.

This house has been abandoned for a long time, and it has long been unable to live.

Duan Lindao, "The nearby villagers build houses. If they lack materials, they will come here to demolish a brick and a half. When I came back a few years ago, I cleaned it up once and let the villagers take good care of it.

Speaking of which, Duan Lin's eyes were wet again. Such a big man, it seemed that the scene in front of him did touch the softest place in his heart.

Duan Lin wiped his eyes, turned around, and pointed to a small building under Tian Kan, about 40 to 50 meters away from the courtyard. "There is Chen Sanjia."

Su Hang looked at it as a small two-story building. In this closed village, it could be regarded as conspicuous. But from this position, you can only see the back of the house but not the front of it.

The house should have been repaired for three to five years, and it seems that Chen San has been doing well outside in those years.

Duan Lindao, "The old house of his family was demolished. This is a new house built a few years When I got it back last time to find relatives, I didn't see him..."

Speaking of which, Duan Linton paused. "I was older than him. When I was young, few people in the village were willing to play with me. I just remember that we often go to the river in the village to fish and catch shrimp."

Some things, it is easy to bring people's thoughts back to the past.

"We are not interested in listening to your memories, open them, let's go in and see." Wu Guihua is always so puzzled, he said to Duan Lin.

Duan Lin withdrew his thoughts, did not dare to disobey, quickly cleared his mood, and walked to the dilapidated building. The lock on the door had been rusted, and even the key could not be opened. Duan Lin's right hand formed a sword with his two fingers, urging innate ingenuity. Turned into a ray of sword gas, directly cut off the lock on the main door.

With a light push, the old wooden door made a crunching and sour sound, so it didn't collapse.

A pungent musty smell and the smell of dust rushed across the three people's faces. After waiting for a while for the dust to settle down, Su Hang raised his legs across the threshold and entered the house.

This is a very old mountain village house, the walls are made of mud and bamboo chopsticks, brick and wood structure, the middle is the main hall, commonly known as the hall, there is a bedroom on each side of the left and right, next to the bedroom on the left is the kitchen, behind the kitchen is WC.

This pattern is very common in mountain village farmhouses at the end of the last century, and the old houses of Su Hangjia are similar.

The room is darker, but because there are fewer tiles on the top of the head, the exposed sky light makes the room a lot brighter.

Empty, nothing but dust and spider webs, just a broken table, I don’t know how it was, but it was still evacuated by the villagers. On the dust-covered table, there were a few dust-covered broken tables Bowl, and a small oil lamp.

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