Super Study God

Chapter 1815: Run away?

Both of them were blushing at this time. Originally, they wanted to use the two instruments to slowly kill the power of those demon heads, and finally gave a fatal blow, but they never thought that this Lin Qiu was still hiding. With such a horrible method.

Didn't expect it beforehand?

The two of them, who were in the array of eyes, looked at the black hole in Lin Qiu's palm that engulfed everything in the array of terrors, and only felt that their eyes had to be sucked in.

In the black hole, it seemed as if there were some ancient beasts lying in prey, which made the first and middle juniors feel a little bit chill.

With the vigorous urging of the formation, the two now only want to stabilize the two ritual formations. The reason why they can now press Lin Qiu and the two to fight is because of these two platoon formations. If the big formation breaks, what will be the consequences? , Neither of them dare to imagine.


Lin Yu looked at the scene in front of her, and while horrified, she couldn't help shouting at Lin Qiu.


Lin Qiu had already blushed, his forehead had blue bruises on his forehead, and his eyes were bloody, as if he was suffering endless pain, and the right hand holding his left hand was shaking violently. Because of something.

As the sky roared loudly, Lin Qiu pointed his left palm in the air, and the terrifying black hole was pointed at the sky above his head.


Under the terrifying suction, the space quickly collapsed into pieces of space and was sucked into the black hole in the palm of Lin Qiu.

The two instruments burst, and they were sucked out of a hole. The demon clan saw this and couldn't help but rejoice in the past. They didn't think that Mozu had such horrible means.


Lin Qiu roared again, almost as hard as he could. He slowly grasped it with his left hand, and squeezed his left wrist tightly with his right hand, just like holding a wind pocket, his index finger bent, and the horrible suction gradually changed. Small, his left hand gradually became a fist.


Lin Qiu was breathing heavily, obviously, in order to contain this trick, he was a lot of energy.


Lin Yu snorted next to him, went straight forward, grabbed Lin Qiu, turned into a streamer, and brought the demon clan sages into the space gap that had just been sucked out by Lin Qiusheng.

There was a gap in the two instruments, and the formation has been broken. However, this formation has the ability to heal itself, and the gap is healing quickly.

"Want to go?"

Seeing the anxiety at the beginning, he quickly sacrificed the magic sword and transformed countless sword shadows, killing the past to the place where the demons escaped.

Lin Qiu was almost collapsed, and Lin Yu only wanted to escape. If the gap was sealed and he wanted to escape, it would not be so easy.

Now the speed is not reduced, fly directly to the cave, "all generals, guard."

The demon saints under his hands, after hearing this, all clenched their teeth, turned around directly, fisted with bare hands, and greeted them towards the thousands of magic swords.

"Oh, uh..."

Wan Jian pierced the heart, several demon sages relied on the flesh to resist the magic sword, where could they be carried, countless swords pierced, and brought up the **** shadow of the sky.

That scene is really majestic and old.

Several demon sages used their bodies to fight for time for Lin Yu and the two. In a flash, Lin Yu led Lin Qiu through the gap in space and disappeared from the two instruments.

"Run away?"

Taichu and Junior Middle School looked at each other for a long time, but they haven't been able to recover for a long time, but they let them run away?

Looking at the demon corpses falling from the sky, both of them couldn't believe it. How could they make a comeback in such a great situation?

"Can't let them escape."

At the beginning of the middle stage, they exclaimed, and the two quickly put away the two instruments. However, besides the ruins of Zhangshou Mountain, there were half of them.


The two couldn’t help but stay in place, their expressions on their faces were a little pale. This time they were ordered to dispel the Nether, and this time they let the two run away, how to explain to the Master?

At the beginning of the middle age, "I'm afraid I fled back to the Demon Realm, why should we go to the Demon Race? Master said that in addition to doing all the evil, they can't let them escape."

At the beginning, they shook their heads and said, "No, the two are far more capable than you and me. This is what they care about before they are dragged into battle by you and me. Therefore, if the technique is reapplied, I am afraid that it will be dangerous. Moreover, the devil Lin Qiu's means..."

"What is that means? Since it is so terrifying, even the two ceremonial arrays given by the Master can be broken." Zhongchu said.

At the beginning, he shook his head. "I only need to ask Master to know. I didn't expect this demon to have such skills. It was really unexpected."

I gritted my teeth at the beginning of the middle, "So what should you and I do now? I haven't destroyed these two demon heads, but it's not good to go back to life."

At the beginning, it was embarrassing.

It was already a missed opportunity to let those two demon heads run. Now that the two demon heads are protected, it is almost impossible to look for such an opportunity.

Both of them are extremely annoyed, especially in the middle and early years, they were already anxious, and at this time, they were in a hurry.

This time the two demons could not be wiped out in one fell consequences are really unpredictable.

If I had just killed it, it would have been a hundred. Although the two demon heads were the gatekeepers of Taihuang Mountain, then my master only needed to insert a reason, for example, the competition between the younger disciples, probably would be able to obscure the past, so As soon as he came, he could clear two trolls around Unai.

The one at Taihuangshan, wouldn’t he turn his face against his own master for two disciples?

However, now only half of them are killed, and people are run away, which is embarrassing. Those two are not irritating things, and they will definitely be mad about revenge afterwards.

Although they are not afraid of retaliation, if Lin Qiu went to Taihuangshan to sue, Taihuangshan’s only fear was that he could not live well with his master. After all, it was a big question about face.

At this moment, neither is going in, nor is it retreating, that is a dilemma.

"Go back to the palace."

At this time, a voice came from the air.

The two of them were busy looking up. There was a blue sky in the sky.

However, both of them could hear that it was the voice of their master Zun Hongjun.

"Master?" The two quickly knelt on the ground.

"Talk back to the palace."

The sound rang again.

The two were very upset in their hearts, but Hong Jun had orders and immediately took orders, and the two brothers went to Zixiao Palace.


Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun sat cross-legged on the gimbal, lowering his eyebrows and lowering his eyes, like an old monk.

"The disciple was under the command of the teacher, so that the two escaped, and asked the master to respect conviction." When the junior middle school junior saw Hong Jun, he quickly kneeled and asked for sin.

Hong Jun opened his eyes, but waved his hand and said, "Get up, it's none of your business, it's a missed trick for the teacher, and the two should not die."

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