Super Study God

Chapter 1826: Unsolved endgame!

In the face of such an existence, ordinary people may be difficult to calm down?

At this time, Su Hang felt the same uneasy in his heart, because he didn't know what he thought was the strong man and asked him to come here.

At this time, the man looked up at Su Hang, with a different meaning in his eyes, but Su Hang also couldn't tell what it meant.

"Young people, they aren't very young, but their temper is not small." The man spoke, his voice very thick, giving a feeling of directing his heart.

In the discourse, it seems to be saying that Su Hang has just let off gas.

"Seniors forgive sins." Su Hang bowed his bow and smiled.

The man waved his hand. "Youth is naturally full of vigour. Seeing you this time seems to have made a lot of progress. I am very relieved."

Su Hang paused and looked at the man in doubt. "But I don't know what happened to the real person calling me here."

I don’t want to talk about the redundant words, but it’s better to go straight to the topic.

When the sky waved his hand, Su Hang saw that there was no sudden change in the surrounding environment, and the house was gone. Everyone was on the platform beside a waterfall beside a waterfall.

Above the platform, there was a round stone with a chess set on it, and the sky sat behind the stone as if it had never moved.

The instant space conversion, this alone, made Su Hang wonder, he didn't feel the slightest trace of space conversion, this real person in the sky, but I don't know what state he has reached.

"Come here and accompany me to finish the game." Cang Tian beckoned to Su Hang.

"Uh..." Su Hang stagnate, and the boss called himself to play chess just to play?

"Seniors have this interest, and the juniors should comply with it, but the juniors are not good at learning, and they are afraid to sweep the seniors Yaxing." Su Hangdao.

The pale sky gave Su Hang a glance, "Let you come and you come, what is that nonsense?"

Su Hang paused, quickly answered, and then stepped forward.

Looking at the chessboard, Su Hang's face twitched instantly, and then looked up at the sky, "Senior, is this a bit too bullying?"

Cangtian Wenyan smiled and said, "This is an endgame. Before you, there was a person who played with me for 30 million years. After this endgame, I finally lost and..."

After Suhang heard this, the whole person felt a little bit bad. Only one game of chess and 30 million years of chess. How free is Nima?

Moreover, looking at the chess face, even if you do not admit defeat, Su Hang is more curious as to who can play this real person for 30 million years, and it has become like this.

Cang Tian smiled softly, "It's a pity that the man confessed his defeat, it is a pity, you come and continue to see if there is a solution?"

"I'll continue next? Then this endgame?" Su Hang heard that the whole was awkward, uncle, did you make a mistake, right, there is a solution to the situation of this endgame?

Cang Tian nodded for granted.

Su Hang said that he was embarrassed and immediately said, "Seniors thought that in this game, Red Chess might even make a comeback?"

"No." Cang Tian shook his head and answered very simply.

Su Hang felt a terrible cold in his heart. No, he was so straightforward.

"Then you still let me go next?" Su Hang is a little confused about these high-ranking strong men. What kind of quirks are there, and are they teasing themselves? It's like teasing an ant in the sand.

Cang Tian smiled, "I said no, but it doesn't mean that others don't. In this world, nothing is absolute. You can see that on the chessboard, although the red chess side has been almost killed, the coach is still there, Nirvana is reborn, Not impossible."

Su Hang’s gaze fell on the chessboard. The sky side held black chess, only one horse and one shot and two pawns were damaged. A pair of soldiers were still intact, while the other red chess side, except for an old coach and Outside of a widowed man, there are only two veterans who have not crossed the river. The black army is under pressure, and the red chess is shaking.

This is already the case. Unless Changtian deliberately commits suicide by deliberately discharging water, there is no possibility that Red Chess will be born out of nowhere.

"How? Dare to accompany me to finish this round?" Cang Tian looked at Su Hang.

dare? What are you afraid of? Even if you lose, there is no loss to yourself.

"Then ask seniors to give pointers." Su Hang arched his hands to the sky, and then sat down opposite the sky.

Yin Yuer looked at the side and pinched sweat for Su Hang. She couldn't figure out why her ancestor gave Su Hang such a question.

What is so special about this guy, Su Hang, and why is it attracting the interest of such big figures?

When Yin Yu'er had doubts in his mind, Su Hang had already thought about the chess on the table seriously.

On his own side, there is only one widow and two soldiers who have not crossed the river. The other horses and horses have entered their own hinterland, and only one of the remaining cars is required to get down to death. .

But the two soldiers of his own had not crossed the river, and they had to be killed by the little pawns on the opposite side. There were only four pieces left in Red Chess. No matter which one was moved, it was a dead chess. is it, how bad is it to play chess?

Looking up at the real people in the sky, Su Hangdao, "Can I hold black chess?"

Su Hang held a trace of fluke, but unexpectedly the real person shook his head, "Of course not."


Su Hang was speechless for a while. He was only allowed to play red chess. Red chess is still in a step-by-step period.

"Is that my first move, or your predecessor you first?" Su Hang asked again. It's all in this situation. If he's not allowed to play first, then it doesn't make sense at all. As long as Black Chess takes one step, he can move Put yourself to death.

The endgame can endure this, but it is really endless.

Heaven said, "Of course it is you first."

What this said really touched Suhang a little, and he was willing to let himself go first. What kind of kindness is this.

However, even if you let yourself play first, this game is not likely to survive at least. At least, Su Hang used conscious modeling to infer countless times at a speed comparable to supercomputers, tried every method of playing, at most. Can only go to the third step.

If you want to win, unless you have a black hand on the opposite side, you will be mentally handicapped, but unfortunately, the opponent is not only mentally handicapped, but also the pinnacle of the world.

"Think carefully, I can wait for thousands of years, I can wait." Cang Tianzheng said lightly, and did not mean to urge Su Hang.

For thousands of years, you can wait, how can I wait? I still have more than ten days before I have to leave this ancient world.

"How to break the game?"

Su Hang was deep in thought. Yin Yuer and others waited quietly beside him. Yin Yuer looked at the endgame and was thinking about how to solve the problem. Unfortunately, she gave up soon. ) Download the free reader!!

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