Super Study God

Chapter 1832: 8 great beasts!

"What's the matter?" Dijiang Heya saw Yao Meng's face changed, and looked at Yao Meng in confusion.

Since Tiandu was besieged by extraterrestrial creatures, Panhuang Palace has been isolated from the outside world, and the only way to contact the outside world is to rely on the interrogator.

I hope it will be good news this time. However, looking at Yao Meng's expression, it doesn't seem like it. Both of them have a bit of anxiety in their hearts.

At this time, Yao Meng handed over the communication symbol in his hand to the two emperors in Dijiang. The whole person closed his eyes, his expression was lonely, and even a bit sad, "Yue'er said, last night Kunlun fell, and the emperor Liuyun was transformed into a suppression ..."

Speaking of this, Yao Meng's voice was trembling and he couldn't speak anymore. The nearby Emperor Jiang and Huai Shou also read the message in the interrogator. At this time, his eyes were full of tears.

Yaoyue said in the communication that yesterday Kunlun was hit by an unprecedented violent attack. Kunlun guarded the large array and was finally overwhelmed. Finally, the Emperor Yunyun had to use the forbidden method to sit in the flesh and seal the mass of extraterrestrial beasts under the Kunlun Mountain.

Yaoyue, who was ordered by the God Emperor three years ago, took it to Baoyinyangyang Mo and went to the Sun Palace to rescue him. Hearing that Kunlun was robbed, he hurried back immediately, but it was too late...

"The eight beast deities, four of them appeared in Kunlun, no wonder..." Dijiang's voice shivered slightly, not because of fear, but because of sadness.

In terms of seniority, Liuyun Divine Emperor is their elder. Now, even Liuyun Divine Emperor has gone, it is difficult to imagine how they are feeling now.

"There are many relics of the demon and second clan in Kunlun Divine Realm. The Divine Emperor puts on his body to protect himself.

After Dijiang finished speaking, the three of them knelt to the west and worshiped with three tears in their eyes.

At this critical moment, there is no longer any human race, **** race, demon race, everyone is facing a common, powerful enemy, the fall of Liuyun Divine Emperor, not only makes people sad, but also gives them A mind booster.

It took a long time for the three to clear up their moods.

Yao Meng said, "Fortunately, Yue'er went back in time to wipe out the remaining extraterrestrial creatures in Kunlun, and the Kunlun crisis temporarily faded!"

Di Jiang worried, "I'm afraid that extraterrestrial creatures will go back and forth. I don't know the reason. In recent days, the offensive of these extraterrestrial creatures has become more and more fierce. The four beast lords have appeared at the same time. This has never happened before. If the same scene appears in Tiandu, I am afraid that I cannot support the Pan Palace..."

Yao Meng nodded, "Yeah, nowadays, most of the territory is occupied and destroyed by these extraterritorial creatures. Those who can temporarily save the fire of civilization, but I don't know how much is left..."

Next to him, he said, "You can't use it anymore. If you go back like this, the big formation will one day be unbearable. The Emperor of Flowing Clouds has already given up and defended the road. I have to do something else!"

After finishing talking, he turned and looked at Yao Meng, "Your Majesty, counterattack, you can't wait any longer!"

After hearing this, Yao couldn’t help but take a deep breath and looked at the monstrous offensive outside the line. “Counterattack? What counterattack do we take? The attacking methods under the heavenly realm are almost ineffective against these monsters. How many heavenly realms can you gather in Panhuang Palace?"

Suddenly stagnate, he is already strong in character, so shrinking is not his nature, but if he really wants to fight, it is really possible that the entire Pangu inheritance will be extinct for this impulse.

Take a look at this beast outside the mountain guards. It is so weak in my heart that I can't beat it, I can't fight it, and I can only sit still. This feeling really drives people crazy.

"If the Master is here, how could it be!" In the end, Wan Shao shook his head.

"Master Zun went to 3,200 years, but I wonder if his old man knew that Pangu was going through this disaster?" Di Jiang shook his head with a bit of pain on his face.

At that time, Su Hang only said that he would leave for a few days and what appointment he had to go to.


At this moment, a loud roar came from outside the field, shaking the earth and shaking, shaking the entire mountain protection array slightly, those outside the realm outside the array immediately stopped the offensive, and quickly backed away.

Almost everyone in the entire Panhuang Palace stopped at this moment, and Yao Meng and others were above the square at this moment, looking up and looking up, unable to help but be overwhelmed.

In front of Tiandu Mountain, the space fluctuates violently, and the fragile space barrier is like a layer of gauze, as if there is something to come out, the space is exaggeratedly twisted, and a horrible roar comes from inside.


With a roar, the space barrier was torn in an instant. A huge black hole in the space hung between the day and the ground. The black terror and a huge head slowly stretched out from the black hole.

Yao Meng and others were shocked. Although there was a large array of guards, they still stepped back a few steps Two black giant claws protruded from the black hole and struck the edge of the black hole Smashing, accompanied by the evacuation of black gas and violent coercion, a huge figure came out of which black hole.

The space barrier quickly recovered, and the black hole quickly closed, and the black shadow also showed its true body.

It was a creature similar in appearance to the Tyrannosaurus Rex. It was covered with black armor and had a horn on its head. The serrated fangs were turned outwards, and the whole body was wrapped in thick black gas. Mountains, wherever the pestle is, it gives a terrible oppression, and the heart and liver can't help shaking.

"It is Venomous Dragon Beast!"

Yao Meng whispered, panic-stricken, one of the eight beast venomous dragon beasts, one of the eight strongest creatures that ruled extraterrestrial creatures.

Di Jiang and Yu Shou also grew their mouths, and the surprise on their faces was beyond words.

Each of the Eight Beast Venerables has strength comparable to the pinnacle of Heavenly Dao Realm, and the strength of these extraterrestrial creatures cannot be measured by the corresponding realm of the cultivation system they are familiar with.

"How come it appears here?" Di Jiang opened his mouth.

These eight known strongest living organisms have not appeared in a long time. Each of their appearances is a disaster for all beings in the world.

Since the Tiandu Mountain was closed, it hasn’t been attacked by creatures outside the Beast Venerable Polar Region for more than ten years. I never thought that it would appear at this time.


The Venomous Dragon Beast was venting his anger, and he roared violently, with a huge mouth and sharp teeth, as if demonstrating the majesty and minions to all beings between heaven and earth.

The flying spit, as if corrosive, landed on the mountain protection array, croaking, and engulfing a cloud of black mist. ) Download the free reader!!

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