Super Study God

Chapter 1843: Outrageous!

Su Hang was not interested anymore. He directly let the red squid take the magical power. He also put the Sima cylinder away. In the past five days, Sima cylinder did not know how many extraterrestrial monsters it had stored.

"What's the matter, that's the end?" Yin Yuer sat on the cloud, waiting for five days, and finally stopped.

Su Hang nodded, "The territory of mainland China is too vast, and extraterrestrial creatures are everywhere in every corner. How can it be cleaned within these three or five days?"

More than three or five days, I am afraid that in the next thirty or fifty years, it is estimated that they will not be collected cleanly.

Time is too precious for Su Hang!

"What should I do?" Yin Yu'er looked at Su Hang suspiciously. "Change place to continue?"

Su Hang shook his head, "No need, five days, a little more powerful, it should have arrived, there are some miscellaneous fish left, not to worry, leave it to the younger generations to take care of it!"

I have pinched off the big head, and left some small characters. I believe that these juniors in the Xuanhuang Realm should be able to deal with it. Moreover, the extraterrestrial creatures have occupied the Xuanhuang Realm for thousands of years. It means that there may be hybrids between extraterrestrial and intraregional organisms, leaving many heterogeneous offspring, these things, Su Hang can not deal with that time.

At this time, Yin Yu'er said, "Well, I'll save you from running around with you everywhere!"

Speaking of which, Yin Yuer stretched out a lazy waist, a relaxed look, "Where are you going now, Kunlun?"

Su Hang thought for a while, "Go to the Sun Palace first, I have some things, I have to deal with it first!"

"Huh?" Yin Yuer heard the words and gave Su Hang a strange look. When he was about to ask him what he was doing in the Sun Palace, he saw a black shadow flying and fell on Su Hang's shoulder.

It was the red squid beast, looking at this situation, I was afraid that Su Hang was invited to come for help. Yin Yuer despised it for a while, and the beast venerable at the pinnacle of heaven and earth, made this comparison, which refreshed the three views of people.

You know, even Hongjun is only the pinnacle of heaven and earth.

Of course, the peak of Hongjun’s heaven and earth is quite special, and it seems that there is not much comparability.

The red squirrel screamed at the Su Hang for a while, very pleased.

Su Hang looked at Yin Yu'er and Yin Yuer said, "It lets you keep your promise and let it go."

Let it go?

Su Hang looked at the red squid. The little squid monster looked at him with a pitiful look, but he was a little bit cute.

Suddenly, Su Sudao said, "It's not the right time to wait for you to finish what you should do."

The red squid froze at once, as if petrified in place.

In fact, how could Su Hang release it? Don’t look at the little things and pretend to be good. If it shows a real body, there are a few people in the entire Xuanhuang domain that can hold it. I’m afraid I can’t find one except Hongjun.

At this time, if it was released, it would be fine if it returned to the eroded world. If it stayed in this world, it would be a huge hidden danger. Therefore, in the face of such a big right and wrong, there is no possibility of suicide.

"Hey, hello, I can't stand it anymore." Yin Yu'er couldn't help but speak next to her, "Are you so arrogant, is it interesting? Bullying others won't talk, right?"

Su Hang heard that, frowning, and gave Yin Yuer a hard look. What time is it, do you still dismantle the platform with me?

Yin Yu'er is not polite, but he has taken his own account. You clearly promised to let others go, but now you are self-satisfied. Some people are not men, they are not authentic, then anyone can do anything after letting them do it and let it be heard. , Clearly is an excuse.

Su Hang also seems to know that he is responsible for the loss, but the loss will be lost, it is absolutely impossible to put this little thing.

Turning to looking at the red squid, Su Hang did not simply avoid taboos and twists and turns. He said directly, "You and your fellows have harmed the souls in my domain. This is already a death penalty. Today, you will be condemned. I will not worry about it. Your past sins, but, if you want me to set you free, at least now it is impossible. I will give you two options now..."

Speaking of which, Su Hang paused and pulled the red squid off his shoulder. The red squid looked at him with some fear.

Su Hangdao, "The first choice, from now on, you follow me, be my spiritual pet, drive me, as long as you treat me sincerely, I will treat you as well; as for the second choice, I will give you half In quarter minutes, if you want to leave, I won’t stop you, but after half a quarter of an hour, if you are caught back by me, the corpses will be broken, and the spirits will be destroyed."

When Su Hang finished saying this, the red squid shivered a whole body, because of fear, the skin on his body had changed color.

Next to Yin Yu'er heard this, she didn't dare to say more. Although she felt a sense of justice and wanted to show justice, she could also see that Su Hang was very serious at the moment. .

The red squid and Su Hang looked at each other. Obviously, what was thinking in its head, should weigh the pros and cons.

Although this thing looks can't even say anything, but can the existence of the pinnacle of Heavenly Dao Realm be so simple? IQ is definitely not low.

Not to mention the first choice, just to talk about this second choice. In Chi Sui's opinion, since Su Hang said he would never let it go, but throws out this second choice, there must be a lot. Grasp, after it escapes, grab it back again.

Half a quarter of an hour is already very long. Can you escape? Should it? Or can't it?

Red Squid didn't dare to guarantee it himself. After all, when Suhang showed its strength in Tiandu Mountain that day, it really scared it. The reason why the ghost mother was able to escape was because of their restraint. , And now it has nothing.

Escape may be successful, but once unsuccessful, there is only one word, death.

Moreover, this man turned his back on it, and had already cheated it once before. It was hard to guarantee that he was cheating himself this time. He said that he was giving himself half an hour. He was afraid that he would cut himself off immediately as soon as he fled.

So, it seems to give you two choices, but in fact, there is only one real choice.

Helpless, bitter, in the face of power, you simply have no choice.

After a long time, the red squid lowered the noble head and crawled in the footsteps of Suhang, gurgling for a while.

Yin Yuer said rather weakly, "It said, it was willing to submit."

Yin Yu'er also knew that the situation was pressing, and Su Hang had never thought of letting the red squid beast leave, and letting it live a life was already extremely kind.

She even knew very well that if the red squid dared to flee, the Soviet airline would definitely kill it in the first place. After all, although she didn’t know how strong the Su sang was, but, in half a quarter of an hour, the red squid’s Strength is absolutely possible to escape.

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