Super Study God

Chapter 1850: Hit 1 rake backwards!

The feeling of panic is getting stronger and stronger. When he comes to this level, the hunch is quite effective. The fat man quickly put away his face and prepared to slip away.

However, when he was about to turn around, suddenly, a figure appeared behind him.


The fat man heard a slap, but had no time to turn his head. He saw a man crouching behind his back, clenching his hands with both hands, facing the sky with two fingers, and poked directly towards his back door.

"My grass!" The fat man's face changed greatly, and he yelled, and before that sentence was screamed, an indescribable pain came from his back door, and immediately hit his head, and then spread all over his body.


The earth-shattering screams, the entire Penglai peace that broke instantly, the space was shaking.

Among the hot springs, the maids who were playing in the water were also alarmed at that moment, and when they looked up, a black figure screamed and flew, thumped into the hot spring pool with a thud, and set off a large splash of water.


The women exclaimed in a hurry, and flew out quickly with their chests covered, put on their clothes and fled to the mountain, like a swan in a lotus pond, shocked by a wild boar that broke into it suddenly.

Not far away, the young apprentice Lang heard his master's screaming like a pig, looked up and saw the girls flying away, and suddenly his neck shrank. "Well, Master will not be found? Hurry up and withdraw! "

To himself, the young man did not dare to stay, and hurriedly ran up the mountain quietly. If he was caught, he would still get it. Master shouldn’t let the apprentice come back to take the trouble? He knows his master very well. If he gets together at this moment, his master's 80% will let him back.

By the hot spring pool, Su Hang stood up and looked around. It was a blessed land of immortal mountains. This is Penglai!

In the hot spring pool, there was a cry like a pig killing.

Seeing the women in irregular clothing escaped from the pool, Suhang's forehead was covered with black lines, "What are you doing?

The clean hot spring was stained with blood, and the fat man got up from the hot spring pool, soaking wet, embarrassed, a face wrinkled and deformed due to pain, distorted facial features, and ugly.

A hand trembles and points to the Suhang, "You, you, you, what plane are you doing?"

"Let's meet old friends and just say hello!"

Originally, Su Hang poked at the Wang to explode, and he felt a little bit sad in his heart, but when he saw the scene just now, Su Hang didn't know what the cargo was doing, but he was a little bit happy.

"Greeting your sister! Did you greet you that way?" Wang Zui cried directly. The pain was beyond description.

Su Hang heard the words, just smiled softly, turned around and looked around, "Hurry up, but here is the Nuwa Penglai? Take me to see Nuwa's mother!"

His trick of killing for thousands of years, it has been practiced to the point of being fascinated. Not only can he kill in the air, but he can also pull the other party to be killed, and he can use the power of the rules to come directly to the other party to kill, regardless No matter how far apart they are, no matter how much space there is, one finger out will surely win a chrysanthemum.

Of course, this move has been strengthened, but Tai Xia has made some things, which does not meet the status of the Soviet Airways.

Moreover, there is a limitation of this trick, that is, it is only effective for men, so the level of application is small.

"When I see a fart, Laozi's chrysanthemums are all on, bleeding so much, and it hurts me!" Wang exploded.

I haven’t seen it for so many years. It should have been a good greeting when I met, but I don’t want to be Su Hang.

Su Hang was helpless, "That trip, you stay in the water, I will go up the mountain by myself!"

Now that I have arrived in Penglai, why should I find someone to lead the way? Su Hang, the foolish guy, only wants to abandon it. Maybe Su Hang’s trick, and only to deal with this guy, can he feel no guilt. A little bit popular.

"Who is harassing here?" Just then, a voice exploded from the sky.

Su Hang looked up and saw a cold-faced woman in white, with the few maids who had just fled!

Obviously, what happened just now has alarmed the Nuwa clan, and Su Hang looked back at Wang Biao. This guy is so good!

Wang Zong saw this posture and quickly buried his head in the water, looking like he was going to find a ground seam.

After finally seeing the Nuwa clan, Su Hang quickly greeted him.


Su Hang was about to bow his hand to salute. Unexpectedly, the first woman said nothing, and directly attracted a thunder and slashed towards Su Hang.

Su Hang was ignorant, but fortunately he was so advanced, he grabbed the thunder directly to his mobile phone, and then threw it into the hot spring pool beside him.


Tanzhong, the electric light Poor King Wang fried, because his buttocks hurt, he couldn't escape, he was shocked by the electricity, he was shaking, black and black, almost collapsed.

The woman didn't expect Su Hang to hide. She was startled and immediately shouted, "Who? Dare to break into my Penglai!"

Su Hang was about to answer. At this time, Wang Zong jumped out of the hot spring pool. A black face was facing the woman in the sky. "Elder Mingyu, hurry to grab this servant, this trespasser Penglai Realm, peeping into the maid’s bathing in the palace, was discovered by me, and there was an actual outbreak of murder. This man has extraordinary strength, but I am not his opponent, and I was hurt by it!"

What this said is really clanging and powerful, Su Yi was awe-inspiring, and the whole person was stunned. This guy was just upside-down, nonsense, and wanted to let him bear the pot!

Wang Fang was stabbed at the back door by Su Hang, and he was furious. With his slippery head, of course, he had to bite Su Hang at this time, and by the way, he could maintain his own image.

When Elder Mingyu heard this, his face immediately changed, and his eyes fell on Wang Biao. "Who is your Excellency?"

This guy, with his hair covered and his face covered with black ink, is a very non-existent person in Penglai. Where can I tell clearly?

"Me!" Wang Zha quickly turned his hair aside and washed his face with hot water in the pool!

Mingyu's face twitched slightly, "It turns out to be Elder Wang!"

Wang Zuo is an elder who protects the mountain. Although there is no sense of existence, he is also a strong man of heaven and earth. His duty is to protect the mountain gate.

However, this elder Wang’s reputation in Penglai is not good, not only insignificant, but also very insignificant. Once once deliberately pursued her, Ming Yuben didn’t like this person very much.

However, in front of the intruder, it is still good to the outside world!

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