Super Study God

Chapter 1868: Di Zun original sin!

Entering that stone gate, it was still a gloomy passageway, but it was much wider than the outside. Su Hang could obviously feel that the earth's energy in it exploded, almost to the point of solidification.


The left and right are dark stone walls, but at the foot, it is covered with thick mud!

The rich energy of the earth's attributes exuded from the soil, and the vitality of all things, so that Su Hang can be convinced that the soil scattered on the ground like garbage is the ancestor of the earth that is regarded as the treasure outside.

"Xiyang is at your feet, take it yourself!" At this time, the voice came again from the depths of the dark channel.

"World Magic Heart?"

Su Hang paused for a while and tried his best to see where the real world is, but it is a pity that what he saw was dark!

Driven by curiosity, Su Hang stepped forward and went to Yongdao. "Listen to them, how can the realm of the realm be fierce and cruel, so how can you speak so well? Why don't you see me?"

"You just want to rest, this thing is not worth mentioning to me, right to clean up the garbage for me!" The voice came again.

Su Hang's face twitched slightly, and really regarded herself as a scavenger?

Su Hang has been going deeper and forward, and has not stopped, "I heard from the Nuwa people that the soil is on the ninth floor, why is it now on the eighth floor?"

"How can you believe a woman's words?" the voice said.

Su Hang heard the words and smiled softly. "Listening to your words, it seems that you were hurt by a woman?"

"Ha ha!"

Su Hang's words fell, and the front suddenly lit up. Su Hang looked up and saw that the front was already the end of the passageway. A hundred meters ahead, a huge heart grew on the stone wall at the end.

"Boom, boom..."

The heart beats like a thunder, and the whole space trembles. Su Hang feels that his heart is affected. It is a bit uncomfortable when he beats with the heart, as if he wants to jump from the chest. It seems to come out.

The **** heart is afraid that it is tens of feet tall. Around that heart, there are many monsters with the head of the scorpion that have just been seen, densely packed, just like the worker ants in the ant nest, constantly absorb The energy in the space, transformed into a **** liquid, spit onto the heart.

It seems that the heart is moistened by these liquids before it has been kept alive.

"You are the real world?" Su Hang looked up and looked at the huge **** heart in front of him.

Those monsters felt the intrusion of outsiders, and immediately opened up the defense posture, but they were obviously restrained by the world's demon mind. Otherwise, I am afraid that they would have just rushed to Suhang!

The heart was beating vigorously, "Did you surprise you?"

Su Hang smiled, "The heart of the strong, with the will of the strong, I was not surprised, just curious, who are you? Why is there only one heart left? Why is it in this tower?"

"Is this important?" Real World asked.

Su Hang shook his head, "It doesn't matter, you don't have to say, I will take the rest and I will leave. However, I believe that the Nuwa Fenglixi let me come in to make the chemical tower, definitely not just let me take Breath is so simple..."

"Hehe..." Jie Moxin smiled and was silent for a while, then said, "I don't know if you know how to respect?"

"The Lord of the Earth?" Su Hang asked.

The realm of the realm of the realm said, "Yes, the deity of the realm of the earth, my deity, is the original sin of the deity!"

"Huh?" Su Hang heard a stagnation, his pupils shrunk, "Di Zun original sin?"

"You seem to be scared?" Jie Moxin asked.

Su Hang heard the words and smiled, "If the original sin is here, I will naturally fear, but your Excellency has only one heart, and now I only need one punch to wipe you out!"

"Young man, you are too self-confident!" Jie Mo said lightly. "Not to mention whether you can destroy me, don't you want to go to the ninth floor to see?"

Su Hang frowned lightly, "I entered the chemical tower only for Xiyang. Since Xiyang has already obtained it, it is not necessary to go to the ninth floor. It is no longer necessary!"

"Aren't you just saying that Nuwa's tricking you into a chemical tower is definitely not just about letting you take advantage of the soil!" Jie Mo said.

Su Hang heard a stagnation, indeed, as the realm of the realm said, Xiyang was only on the eighth floor, and he didn't need to enter the tower at all. The Nuwa family could come in by herself, but Feng Lixi lied to say that Xiyang was in On the ninth floor, let yourself pick it up.

There is only one explanation. Feng Lixi wants to put herself on the ninth floor, but why she wants to go on the ninth floor, she does not want to tell herself directly.

"Isn't it said that the ninth layer of chemical beads has been lost?" Su Hang asked.

Since the real world has let itself in alone, there is obviously something to tell himself.

Jie Moxin said, "Who said that without the chemical beads, you can't enter the ninth floor?"

"What do you mean?" Su Hang looked at Jie Moxin in doubt.

Jie Moxin said, "The chemical pearl is just a key, and I am the lock to the ninth floor door!"

"Huh?" Su Hang looked at the world's magic heart You mean, you have the ability to open the ninth floor door? "

"Yes!" The real spirit of the world did not deny it, and said with a somewhat tempting voice, "Are you interested to see it?"

Su Hang heard the words and frowned lightly. "Why do you and Nuwa both flicker me on the ninth floor? What is the ninth floor?"

He is not so stupid. He will do what others say. Although curiosity is a good thing, sometimes curiosity can kill people. Although Su Hang is confident, he is clear and strong, and he is better than him. There are still many, Ao Xue also told him not to do risky things.

After all, the wife must listen!

"You look up, don't you know?" Jie Mo said with a heart, but did not answer Su Hang's question positively.

Su Hang laughed lightly and said, "Do you think I am so stupid? Say, what is waiting for me on the ninth floor, what idea are you and Nuwa playing? If you can touch me, maybe I can make it difficult Go up and see!"

The realm of the realm paused for a long time before saying, "The creatures in this tower all want to go to the ninth floor, including the two guys who came with you, because they are very clear that they are in the ninth of the chemical tower. Layer, there is a great opportunity, if you can get this opportunity, you can step into the sky..."

"Opportunity?" Su Hang heard the words and frowned lightly. Bai Su and Tian Gui slaves were already super-existent in the Heavenly Dao Realm. For them, what else can they describe in one step?

Going to the avenue? It seems that there is only this reason. Bai Su so eagerly guides himself and brings himself up. It is impossible for him to be destined for the Soviet Union and do good things for others.

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